When I first moved into our house, I was overwhelmed with the possibilities/responsibilities of owning our own home. There was so much I wanted to do, and I was so excited to have our own place! We bought an older home, nothing fancy, but it was ours. I haven't accomplished a great deal of what I had in mind, because there was just so much else going on in life...that's getting ready to change though!
Anyway, there is one experience I'd like to share about one of my little flower beds. There is a small, semi-circular flower bed that sits right to the side of where my front walk leads up to my front steps. Our first spring here a lovely bright red and yellow tulip bloomed. It was really big.
I loved seeing it bloom each spring. This one, single giant flower. One day a few years ago, my mom mentioned to me that the bulb had probably multiplied quite a bit under ground (since it was so big), and that I should dig it up and divide it in the fall, and have a few more tulips the next year.
That September I carefully dug up my giant tulip. Guess how many bulbs were underneath that one flower? I got over 30! Not counting the little tiny nub ones. Thirty bulbs that I then replanted around in that little flower bed.
A few weeks ago my little flower bed looked like this, and I couldn't wait to see them bloom!
Now it looks like this! I love walking out my front door to this sight, or pulling up in my driveway after being gone somewhere. All of this from one single tulip!
I'll be digging them up and dividing them again this year, and giving the extra bulbs to a couple of friends who would like some of these in their yard.
I think people are kind of like this. We might see someone every day and just take for granted that they are what they are. It's not until we dig a little deeper that we see how much is really under the surface. And if we're willing to get our hands dirty, and really dig in, we can help others reach their true potential. As mothers, friends, neighbors, teachers, we can all put forth the effort to help those around us realize their true beauty. And just like my tulips will now help add more beauty to the yards of my friends, a person who has realized their true worth has more to offer all those around them. And it will continue on and on.
Anyway, there is one experience I'd like to share about one of my little flower beds. There is a small, semi-circular flower bed that sits right to the side of where my front walk leads up to my front steps. Our first spring here a lovely bright red and yellow tulip bloomed. It was really big.
I loved seeing it bloom each spring. This one, single giant flower. One day a few years ago, my mom mentioned to me that the bulb had probably multiplied quite a bit under ground (since it was so big), and that I should dig it up and divide it in the fall, and have a few more tulips the next year.
That September I carefully dug up my giant tulip. Guess how many bulbs were underneath that one flower? I got over 30! Not counting the little tiny nub ones. Thirty bulbs that I then replanted around in that little flower bed.
I'll be digging them up and dividing them again this year, and giving the extra bulbs to a couple of friends who would like some of these in their yard.
I think people are kind of like this. We might see someone every day and just take for granted that they are what they are. It's not until we dig a little deeper that we see how much is really under the surface. And if we're willing to get our hands dirty, and really dig in, we can help others reach their true potential. As mothers, friends, neighbors, teachers, we can all put forth the effort to help those around us realize their true beauty. And just like my tulips will now help add more beauty to the yards of my friends, a person who has realized their true worth has more to offer all those around them. And it will continue on and on.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us today.
And great illustration, too. :)
Hope you're having a great day!
Wow - your tulips are beautiful. I loved that analogy - so true!
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Lovely comparison!
Luckily, hubby always gets me tulips...I got 4 bouquets for Mother's Day :)
xoxo ~Lisa