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Ribbon Craft Challenge!

Each month my good friend Heidi at Blue Eyed Blessings does a fun monthly craft challenge where we all procrastinate 'til the end of the month then cram on the last day create something to share with everyone. Fun, huh? This month the challenge was RIBBON!

Now you'd think that since I'm attempting to build a small business named Ribbon Blossoms, I would be right on the ball! But you all know me better than that. So of course, I finished mine just 5 minutes ago! But that's better than last month when I barely got it posted a few hours before the linky party closed!

My girls' bedroom is a pink, yellow and green delight. I'll share it soon. It was a labor of love that I never could have done myself. Thank you Tanielle....I love you! It has a daisy and butterfly theme. I decided the door was too ribbon to the rescue!

Monkey and Pixie love it! They hovered over me the whole time I was making them.

For the flowers I used ribbon strips about 8" long for the looped petals and 4" long for the spiked ones. (This is approximate, I actually didn't measure, I just eyeballed it).

For the looped petals I stacked 3 or 4 strips on top of each other, then folded in half to find the middle. I then pushed a threaded needle through the center point, but not pulling it all the way through. I then fanned out the ribbons and took each ribbon end one at a time and folded it into the center and secured it on the needle tip. Once all were done I pulled the needle all the way through and stitched a few times to secure it.

For the spikey petals I stacked and folded the same, then put the needle tip through, fanned out the ribbons and pulled the needle through and stitched it securely. Then I cut V's into the ends. I then just layered the different petal sets and used a button for the center.

The stems are 2 pipe cleaners twisted together (dowels would work well, but I didn't have any!), then covered with green ribbon. I just tied ribbon strips around them and cut more V's for the leaves.

I hope this makes sense. I forgot to take pictures while I was making them! For more fun ribbon projects, go over to Heidi's right now!


Tanielle said…
Cute stuff Xaznice!!! You as usual are amazing!! Love em, now make some for me...Thanks!:-)
jennykate77 said…
Awe, you crafty girl you! Those are some CUTE ribbon flowers! Love 'em!
Koko said…
Those are SO cute! Wish I had that idea when my girlies were young! You're hilarious with your crossed out typing -- just my type of humor!
Sturgmom said…
Oh my gosh! Those are the most adorable things I've ever seen!!
Anonymous said…
Those are just precious. I would of never came up with that. TFS
Dawn said…
Those are adorable-so springy and bright. What a great decorating idea!
Oh, Xazmin, those are so adorable!!! You could also "plant" them in some florist foam and put in a polka dot painted pot for a centerpiece. They are beautiful! :)
Heidi Boos said…
So, this is kind of funny, but my mouth dropped open when I saw the first picture and I think I might have actually made a "wow" noise. I do know I'm in awe of these things! And, I've decided that I must have some and I will be looking for them in the mail!! ;) No, seriously...PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can you do a tutorial for those of us (OK, me) who need it!? I want some for my daughter's room (purple). And if this is any indication of what's inside of the door...ooh, boy! I can't wait to see!

Thanks for coming to the party and for not being so late this time! ;) Kidding, of course! Happy Thursday!
onegirliegirl said…
Shut-up...those are toooooo cute!!!

I love finding all the girly stuff that can be that I have a girl :)

Will be doing this from Tanielle and you very soon :)

xoxo ~Lisa
kado! said…
Those are very cute...they would look great on hair-clips/headbands or girly stuff like that! I can see my nieces totally lovin' that!
shortmama said…
alright checks in the mail, send me those flowers!!!
Cheryl Lage said…
Look how pretty your bouquet is, Xazmin! Love how they turned out, and your sense of color. They must be thrilled with them!
Amy said…
Looks wonderful. You can show it off tomorrow for my Round Robin if you would like.
Melissa said…
Oh, so sad. Your flowers look a million times better than mine.

You were so right. The big P. Why can't we just get things done when we find out about them. I felt like a was craming for a final.
These are just precious! Thanks for sharing!

Amy said…
I got mine up.
Mama Nut said…
Okay, so I'm thinkin' I'm gonna make me a little 7 hour road trip and come over so you can teach me in person how to do those. ADORABLE!!! Crafty people amaze me.
Mama King said…
So pretty! I love the mix of ribbons! Really beautiful!
Anonymous said…
I am SO going to do this one! It is fabulous and add just the right amount of fun to the door.
Katie said…
So super cute!! I want a whole vase of those little beauties! Love that you called us all out on procrastinating on the craft challenge;)
Marrdy said…
I love these. I may just steal this idea for our Easter Party next year!
Jan said…
Simply delightful. Love that ribbon idea.
Jenny said…
That is so cute!
Unknown said…
Those are so cute!
Sare said…
OH MY SAKE (full stop)
Rhonda said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rhonda said…
Adorable!!! Just like you!
heidi said…
SERIOUSLY adorable!!!!
Kelli W said…
Those are some of the cutest flowers I have ever seen!! I love the buttons in the middle!
Those are cute! They would be sweet on a card.
Heather said…
I. must. make. these.

Like, right this second!
Heather said…
Oh they are so cute!!
Carly said…
These flowers are darling! Thanks for sharing!
Rachelle said…
That is so stinkin' cute! I love it! Can I steal, I mean borrow that idea for my daughter's room!?!

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