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President Gordon B. Hinckley on motherhood:

“Most of you are mothers, and very many of you are grandmothers and even great-grandmothers. You have walked the sometimes painful, sometimes joyous path of parenthood. You have walked hand in hand with God in the great process of bringing children into the world that they might experience this estate along the road of immortality and eternal life. It has not been easy rearing a family. Most of you have had to sacrifice and skimp and labor night and day. As I think of you and your circumstances, I think of the words of Anne Campbell, who wrote as she looked upon her children:

You are the trip I did not take;
You are the pearls I cannot buy;
You are my blue Italian lake;
You are my piece of foreign sky.

(“To My Child,” quoted in Charles L. Wallis, ed., The Treasure Chest [1965], 54)

You [mothers] are the real builders of the nation wherever you live, for you have created homes of strength and peace and security. These become the very sinew of any nation.”

Gordon B. Hinckley

I'd also like to add that as women, we all are mothers. Regardless of whether we have had the opportunity yet to raise children, we all are mothers, with the responsibility to help care for and create saftey and goodness for all the children in our lives.

Happy Mother's Day!


Anonymous said…
That was beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Happy Mothers Day!
Tanielle said…
Happy Mother's Day!!! You are awesome...hope the kiddos and hubby spoil you tons!
Rachel Holloway said…
I don't always get a chance to comment, but I hope you know how much I LOVE all your bucket filler quotes and thoughts. They always give me something to think about and ponder during the day! So thank you a million times over for posting them!
And happy mother's day!
shortmama said…
Beautiful! Happy Mother's Day!
Unknown said…
Happy Mothers Day to you!
Amy said…
Happy Mother's day. To the number one fan of NKOTB. I know your Partner in crime loves them too. Have a great day.
Anonymous said…
Happy Mother's Day Xazmin.
Happy Mother's Day!! Love the quotes!!

The quotation is fab, but I loved your reminder at the end. Beautiful.
Marrdy said…
Prsident Hinckley is one of the wisest men this world has ever known! Being a mother is hard but has some amazing blessings. Happy Mothers Day.
Beautiful poem! Happy Mother's Day
Sare said…
Happy Mother's day Darlin!! Thank you for that beautiful reminder that This day is for all women...Love your face!!
Small House said…
Hope yo had a wonderful mothers day. I love the thought from Pres. Hinckley.

Have a great day.
kado! said…
I hope you Mother's Day was just Beautiful!!!! I'm sure it was!

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