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So tell the truth - how many of you thought this would be a pregnancy announcement? Well - I'll have to twist my husband's arm a little more to get him to agree to that one! But this is the beginning of something very least I think it is!


Ribbon Blossoms Chic Boutique is now LIVE! And we’re celebrating with an Awesome Giveaway! If you have been following my blog, you know that I have a small business with my friend Tanielle, making and selling hair bows and other girly accessories. Until now we have been selling our items at craft shows and our local boutique mall. We also have had a few of our items listed on Daisy Craft, an online site for handmade items. But now, TODAY…we have our very own WEBSITE!!!

Please celebrate with us by entering our Fabulous Girly Giveaway! Now don’t run away if you are not a mother of girls…this prize will make a wonderful baby gift or birthday gift for someone you love! Are you ready? Are you dying to know what it is?

The winner of this giveaway will have their choice between 2 fabulous gift bundles! Each valued at over $50.00!

Our Girly Girl Bundle includes: 1 pink and brown Bow Holder, personalized with your girly girl’s name (I.e. “Melissa’s Bows), 2 Hair Flowers - 1 white and 1 white with pink polka dots, 1 hot pink Alexys Bow, 1 Chocolate Strawberry Korker Set, and last but definitely not least 1 Raspberries and Cream Fluffy Tutu!

Our Baby Girl Bundle includes: 1 Pink Delight Bitty Baby Bracelet, 1 Pink Leopard Bitty Baby Bow Set, 1 White Bitty Bling Band, 1 Pink and Brown Flower Bitty Bib, 1 Bitty Belchers burp cloth set, and the finishing touch - 1 Chocolate Strawberry Petite Pouf Tutu!

As if that weren't enough - we aren't just looking out for your little girlies in this giveaway - we want to pamper mom! So as a bonus we are also including this fabulous pedicure package. Includes 2 fun nail polish colors, 1 double sided pedicure tool with 4 different foot pampering functions, creamy pumice foot scrub, and 2 pairs of comfy socks to warm those pampered toesies. All bundled in an adorable mini tote! Over a $20.00 value!

Now, I know you’re asking yourselves, “Ooh what must I do to win this fabulous prize?” Well it’s just this simple:

You receive 1 entry for checking out our new website, then coming back to let us know which item you’re just dying to have!

You receive an additional entry for visiting my partner’s blog and making a comment on her post as well. (no need to come back here to comment about that).

You receive 3 additional entries for posting about this giveaway on your blog. Come back and let me know that you did.

You receive 5 more entries if you put our button on your sidebar! Again come back and let me know that you did.

Want to know how to get 7 additional entries on top of these? Sign up to host an online Bow Party that will take place sometime before March 31. Go here to learn about online bow parties.

Email if you are interested and we will send you all the info you need, and place your additional 7 entries.
Giveaway ends Friday, March 13 at 11:59 pm! (MST)
Thank you Channa for all your work in helping us get our site up! We love you!


Mother Hood said…
I love the pink and green pixie wings! I'll be putting your button on my side-bar!
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh! Congratulations!!!!

Your stuff is amazing!

I love the chocolate blueberry korker set.
Heather said…
I love the chocolate strawberry tutu!

Congratulations on your new adventure!
Sassytimes said…
I LOVE the pink princess pixie wings!! So cute!!

I'm going to post a link on my blog for you!!! Congrats!!
Amy Ellen said…
I have three little girls... and I know they would love to spin and twirl in those perfect tutus! I also love the headbands... makes a pretty hair accessory when a mom needs something quick for her little girl.
Jennifer said…
Well done mama!
You guys are going to be crazy busy.
I've gotta have a bow holder - but want it in a lady bug theme (with primary colors)....can that be done?
Excited for ya'll!!
momma said…
YAY!! and WOW!!!! everything looks so great!!! i already commented on your partner's site, this is my comment for you.

congrats on you new website and good luck! :)
momma said…
i've been to your website and i just can't decide! i love the look of anything chocolate (brown) and pink or hot pink and you've got a lot of that! i love the big band baby headbands with those gerber daisies, but since i don't have a baby girl, my princess would look so much better in one of your alexy ponytail singles.
momma said…
okay, i've blogged about this big announcement on both of my blogs


this is entry 1
momma said…
okay, i've blogged about this big announcement on both of my blogs


this is entry 2
momma said…
okay, i've blogged about this big announcement on both of my blogs


this is entry 3
momma said…
i also put your button on both site:


this is entry 1
momma said…
i also put your button on both site:


this is entry 2
momma said…
i also put your button on both site:


this is entry 3
momma said…
i also put your button on both site:


this is entry 4
momma said…
i also put your button on both site:


this is entry 5
amy & lisa said…
I've visited your partner. I've visited the store...will say that it was VERY hard to pick a favorite, but since I'm sorta into the ladybug thing I choose the Ladybug clips. I've added a link to your giveaway on my blog.
Good luck to you. This is so exciting. :)
Unknown said…
Congrats to your launch!! Everything looks great - I love the Chocolate Strawberry Butterfly clippies :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for letting me know about this giveaway and your site! I do have a girl after two boys and I LOVE all of your products. I love the tutus and want one just have to decide which and I love the bitty baby bands. And your button is added to the side, I already had you linked so I am so glad to know about the button.
Lani said…
congrats on your new website!! I love your stuff!
Unknown said…
I blogged about your giveaway and put your button on my sidebar here
Anonymous said…
I put your button on my sidebar. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Ambria Bow - Brown with Yellow. What a fun website! And I love your blog, too....
Katie Lane said…
Congrats on your website!
Sig said…
Must. have. a . tutu. (or 2)
Love your stuff!
Sturgmom said…
How exciting!! Congrats on getting your store up and running. It looks fabulous!
Sara said…
my favorite is the Black Ice Bitty Baby Bracelet, how cute!!!
Congrats and Good Luck to the success of your website!
I tagged you on my post, it's a fun confession tag! I hope you find it fun and amusing:)
Have a great weekend
LunaMoonbeam said…
I have a toddler who would go GAGA for any of your garden bug clippies!!
Grand Pooba said…
So wait.

Does this mean you're not pregnant?
Kally said…
Oh, I love all of the bows. How can I choose just one??!! In my dreams I would get almost every one of the garden bugs (they are oh so adorable) but those clippies & aligator clips slip right out of Miss B's hair. In the Real world I would go with any of the Alexys bows because of the french clip and plus they would look fab in B's hair (especially the hot pink one)!!!!! I'll try to get in a post to promote your site. Congrats!!!
Tiffany said…
The website looks awesome, I love it! I will totally be putting your icon on my sidebar, how exciting, I would love to win something as cute as those baskets! I was totally thinking you were going to say you were pregnant!!!
Tiffany said…
Hey I also blogged about the website also, so go check out my blog!!!
Heidi Boos said…
Congratulations to both you and Tanielle! I'm stopping by from Tanielle website to let you know that I visited your new website and love the tutus and flower clips. So many great things to look at!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the website. Tanielle is my aunt and you two are sooo creative! Have lots of fun and all your creations are Beautiful!!
Dawn said…
Hey there! I wanted to stop by and wish you and Tanielle the best of luck in your new venture!!!

I just stopped by the boutique's website and I LOVE the gerber daisy bands!!! I think I am definately going to have to get one for my neice-to-be!

I'm off to visit Tanielle now! Good luck!

Leah said…
love the ponytail bows on your site.

congrats on the new site and congrats on beings saucy at SITS!
They're beautiful. What a lovely site.
Cathy said…
I love the raspberry & cream pixie wings. Your stuff is adorable!
Cathy said…
Got your button on my blog!
Suzy said…
Love your blog and your giveaways!

I just gave you the Kreativ Blogger Award, come on over to my blog to pick it up!:)
Really Cute stuff! Congrats. I adore the garden bug clippies.
Suzy said…
Love your new site! The garden bug clippies are adorable! And of course so are the tutus and the pixie wings!

p.s. Your button is cute too!
Suzy said…
And I just wrote about your awesome giveaway in my blog!
Just Jules said…
Pretty pink pixie wings! I love it, coming from polka dot daisy's site.... good luck to you guys!
Amanda said…
Love the Dusty Pink and White Polka Dot Daisy Clip! Best of luck with your new business!
I like the hot pink on black headband bow.
jennifersusan said…
Congratulations on your new site!! How exciting! I love all your bows and accessories!!! So cute!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am going to take a few minutes to check out yours!
Dawn said…
I love the pastel korker set-I love korkers and those are so springy.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Heather said…
Congrats on the opening of your own shop! Your products are adorable! Too bad I have 3 boys! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!
dawn said…
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!! I am excited to check out your blog and your business!! I have two girls (5 y.o. & almost 5 mos.) - your stuff is right up our alley!!! I am glad to have a new bloggy friend and one who is as crazy as I -- having FOUR kids!!!
Thanks for stopping by to check out my red yesterday! Your bows are so cute, too bad I don't have a girl or I would go crazy! Kristen
Sarah J. said…
I gotta have the chocolate strawberry korker set! I love the girly girl kit! Yes, I will put the button on my sidebar!
Sarah J. said…
By the way, thanks for the potty training comment! Sounds like you have some exceptionally advanced kids, I am very jealous. :)
Ritch in Love said…
I heart the pixie wings! Oh and the pedicure bonus gift is heavenly! Your button is officially posted on my blog!
Anonymous said…
I love the Girly Girl Bundle. The raspberry butterfly hair bow was beautiful.
Your button is on my blog page now. Congratulations on your web site.
Amy said…
Wow what talent you ladies have. I loved just looking at all of the different bows. I loved the "Pinky Daisy Clip" What can I say gerber daisy are my favorite flowers. I also enjoyed the "Pink Parfait bitty Baby Bracelet" My little on loves it when I wear mine. I also love butterflies so of course I enjoyed the pixie wings and butterfly clips. I have a cute little one who I love so much and would look great in any of your products. Have a wonderful day.
John Deere Mom said…
I LOVE the flower headbands! And so will my 3 year old princess! :)
Amy said…
I now have your button up. I will post about this later on this week. I will let you know when I do it.
I want the pink and brown tutu and pink fairy wings! Can you make them adult sized? LOL... just kidding! ONe question.. how do the fairy wings stay on? It doesn't say on the page, so you might want to add that for those detail challenged people like myself!
Heather S-G said…
Everything is sooooo adorable...loving the ladybug & butterfly clippies!
Melissa said…
I love your pink with white polka dot bitty baby band!!

I would love to win the baby girl bundle for my friend is who is having her first baby- a girl in april!! She would love the set for her baby girl and would love the mommy pedicure set as well!!
Citrus Berry Pixie Wings are my favorite. :o)
Heather said…
I love the pink on black flower headband. So cute!

KatieSaysSo said…
what a great giveaway!!!! my niece would look adorable in your rasberry truffle fluffy tutu!! it is so darn cute!!
shortmama said…
wow I am totally in love with all the butterfly clippies and pixie wings. All of the hair bows are beautiful. I put your button on my blog.
Monica said…
Such cute items. I love the garden bugs and the hair flowers. I don't have kids yet but my best friend has2 precious little girls.
Leslie said…
What a cute idea! I love the Beachclub Butterfly Clippies. Actually I liked LOTS of the things that I saw. But I love the plaid that you used with these clippies!
Mammatalk said…
Congratulations on your new website! It looks fabulous. As for me, I love the buggie clips, either the lady bugs or bumble bees! Adorable!
Sarah said…
Cute, cute thing! I love the Chocolate Buleberry Korker Set!
Michelle said…
Ok for some reason that comment didn't go through :) Congrats on the shop, gorgeous work, love 'em all. Ladybugs are my favorite with bumblebees a close second -- if only we had yellow to wear!
Rachel Ann said…
Definitely the Pink Princess Pixie Wings...way too cute!

Also, I love how you did your homepage pictures in black and white with your product in color...really makes the product stand out!!! Great job.
Rachel Ann said…
Your button is up on my blog!
Molly Anne said…
Congratulations and best of luck in your new(ish) venture!

Well I was totally favoriting the korker bows until I saw the 5th avenue bitty baby bow set. I heart argyle! :)
jmt said…
Hi, I am floating around from SITS and I wanted to say congrats on the start-up of the biz. :) It sounds wonderful, and you sound excited, which is GREAT! Enjoy the adventure!
Screamin' Mama said…
I love the Pink Licorice Bitty Baby Band. It's so cute.
Screamin' Mama said…
I've added your button. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Mommy Mac said…
Hi there! I found you through the Secret is in the Sauce blog as I just signed up. Your blog is adorable.

Congratulations on a website!

I also run a small business making customized hangbags and baby accesories.

Would love to win the contest! I'm the mama to 2 boys, but I have 2 sweet nieces that would love absolutely precious in your bows! Theie mom would also love the pampering kit as well!

So, I would totally gift it away with gladness to see my sweetie pie nieces all dolled up!

Look forward to reading you more often!!!

.mac :)
Mommy Mac said…
Your website rocks! Love the tailored look! We are doing some renovations to my perk it up a bit!

Great work...the black and white photos with the colored bows....MAGNIFICENT!!

.mac :)
Anonymous said…
I love love love the bow holder. Thanks for the chance to win!
Shawn said…
My girls are 14 and 9, a little old for your bows, but I still wanted to tell you "way to go"! I'm thrilled for you and your friend!

I wish you all the best!
auntrene said…
I have your button on my blog. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I really hope to win. I have a little Princess who will love these prizes for her 2nd birthday in a couple of weeks.
Lisa M said…
I would love to get my girls a pair of the pink princess pixie wings :) They are too cute!
Cassie said…
I already entered with the button and looking at your blog. But I wanted to say I put your giveaway on my blog so I really want more entries so I can win!
Rachel Lundy said…
Wonderful stuff! I love the hairbow holder.
Amy said…
Oh my goodness, the Garden Bugs are my favorite! I've never seen anything like that! Very creative. I also love the bitty baby bracelets.
Tina said…
Good luck with your new site. Very cute stuff. I love the pixie wings, all of them. I'm also posting about your giveaway on my blog.
Carebear said…
Congrats on the new website! I'm a bit of a headband junkie for my baby girl, (check out my flickr stream if you need evidence: so I really love the flower headbands on your site, and your prices are amazingly reasonable! Will be stocking up!
Carebear said…
I've got your adorable button on my sidebar!
What beautiful creations, I just came over from your partner's blog:)
Whitney said…
I looked at your website and love all of your stuff! I love the look of anything brown and blue. I just can't decide on one thing.
Amber Filkins said…
Okay, I checked out the website on Saturday and again yesterday, and I would definitely love the Chocolate Raspberry tutu for my little Saylor!!

Entry 1
Ginny said…
Love the
Lovely Pastels Korker Set
Andrea said…
Ooo, I like the flower headbands. Too cute!
Congrats on your new webpage and good luck. Your bows are too cute!! Let me know if you want to trade buttons

I like the Ambria Bow - Brown with Yellow
I posted on my blog entry #1
I posted on my blog entry #2
I posted on my blog entry #3
Kristina said…
HOW AWESOME!! I couldn't find the name of the bow or the item on your website, but I LOVE the big pink bows on the little girl on the top right picture with pig tails on the home page of your site. I am also putting your button on my blog!
Maridith said…
You are so talented!! This is one thing I wish I could make and have a major weakness for buying lots of bows for my daughter. I love the lady bug clippie set, but I am pretty sure my daughters favorite would be Hot Pink 'N Green Korker Set. Love your website.
Love the girly stuff! My favs are the garden bugs, especially the strawberry chocolate butterflies, too cute! And I blogged about your great giveaway at Pick me! :)
Joni said…
I love the Citris Lime wings!!! My girls would LOVE them! I also love your korker sets...they are darling!
Joni said…
Hi! I put your button on my blog! I hope my friends come and check your cute stuff out!
Hannah said…
I love the pink Alexys bow.
Rogers said…
Babes in Hairland sent me. What an amazing giveaway!! I hope your grand opening goes really well.

I really *need* the "Citrus Berry Fluffy Tutu"!! How cute!! My 2 daughters would never take it off :)
Rogers said…
I added your button to my sidebar!!
Rogers said…
AND....I created a post all about your giveaway/website!!
Todd Myler said…
I LOVE the "Bitty Baby Bands"!!! I have seen a lot of the big huge bows and flowers on baby headbands lately, and while they're very cute, I prefer the smaller, more delicate ones. I haven't really seen them too many other places, so I'm excited to see them on your site.


(P.S. The "Vanden Flaus thing is my hubby's blog--I didn't know how to leave a post w/o a blog, and I don't have one.)
GArden Bugs and Korkers are my favs. I love the butterflies and the lady bugs.
Rachelle said…
I love the ladybug clippie set. I just bought some fabric to make dresses for my girls and those would match perfectly!
Sare said…
UMMM!!! First of all...110 comments...I'M JUST SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! EHEHEHEH!!! and two...I want both...I don't have kids yet, but i have friend's with kids and i have neices, and i want both...heheheeh!! Oh my sake!! i'm so excited you are getting this kind of response!!!! YEAH!!!
Katie said…
I totally ♥ the Lovely Pastel Korker Set cause those would match almost everything my little one wears and because I've seen how to make them online and it looks like a pain! I'd love to win some goodies!
Laufa said…
The named package would be awesome for my little girl - her name is Mara and nothing comes with that name.
Laufa said…
I now have your button also - just curious, how did you make your button?
Diana said…
I love the flowers - either on the clip or the headband. And the Beach Club Korker set.
Diana A.
Omaha, NE
Sarah said…
I love the Pink Parfait Bitty Baby Bracelet. You have great products. Nice job going from carft fairs (love them) to a website!!
natalie said…
I love those lady bug clippies, and the tutus are adorable! Thanks for the giveaway :) You have some really cute items!
RootsAndWingsCo said…
I love the chocolate blueberry butterfly clippies. My little girl just loves anything blue!
What's NOT to love? Oh, the bumblebee clippies, hot pink daisy clip, and green pixie wings are probably my three favorites - do I have to pick just one? I can't. My niece (she has a lovely fairy name) would looks so cute in everything!
Anonymous said…
I love the Chocolate Strawberry Butterfly clippies.
Mama Penguin said…
i love the pixie wings and the pink licorice ones!!! i put up a post about this on my blog.
Lisa Perry said…
I love the flowers on a crochet headband...too cute for my very bald baby!
(Hyperventilating) I have to pick just ONE that I love??! I adore the little bumble bee clippie set, but I also love the ambria bow set--brown with yellow. Crossing my fingers! My girls would look adorable in your bows. :)
dawn said…
hey!! i posted on my blog ( about your giveaway today!!
dawn said…
i would choose some sweet matching bows for my girls!! a band for the baby and a big girl bow for the 5 year old!!
Anonymous said…
I found your site through Thrifty Decor Chick. I love the bumble bee clippe set! How ingenious! Do you have a catalog?

Love it!
Lisa Perry said…
I also wrote a post about it on my blog, thanks!
NicKim Family said…
My favorite is the butterfly clips - These would look adorable on my little Lucy this summer!
jori-o said…
I love the all the hair flowers and the ponytail singles!
jori-o said…
And I just added your button!
jennifer57 said…
I think tha's so cute that you have the pics in black & white with the bows in color. It really makes them stand out. :)
I like the red stripe bitty baby band
Mandy said…
I would love to win the first pkge for my twin girls! My favorite item on ribbons and blossoms is any of the korker sets
Mandy said…
I left comment love on your partners site.
Hannah said…
I posted this on my blog:
donnac36 said…
These are gorgeous! I love them all!
April said…
Any of the korker sets are adorable and would be so awesome!
April said…
I just left a comment on your partners site...what a great giveaway...thanks so much!
Unknown said…
i love the flower headbands and tutus! very cute:)
Wow, 139 comments! You rock! Also, how awesome is it that The Thrifty Decor Chick featured your giveaway? Do you know her in real life or something, because I never see her feature stuff! And is this your first blog? Because it freekin rocks! And the amount of followers you have on a blog as young as this is unreal! Have a great weekend, Xazmin :-)
Anonymous said…
I LOVE the 5th Avenue Bitty Baby Bow Set!!! I love argyle! I love your other products too! I might have to talk my husband into letting me get one of the bracelets for my new one that is almost here!! Can't wait to hear the results!!
Anonymous said…
I just went to your partners blog and it wasn't letting me post a comment. But I must say that her little girl (Jibbity) reminds me alot of my little girl who is almost 4!
Anonymous said…
I love the Bitty Bling Band
Amanda said…
Congratulations on the beginning of a new adventure! You'll be very successful - your stuff is ADORABLE!!!

I absolutely NEED the Ladybug clippie set. Need it. Bad.
Anonymous said…
I know my girls would love love to have the Raspberry Truffle tutu!! It's a must have for us!

Congrats on the new site - it's adorable and I absolutely love the black and white pics with the colored bows - noticed them right away!
Lewis Family said…
Garden bugs and pixie wings are so cute!
Maddie said…
They are all so cute, I couldn't possibly pick just one!
Kristin said…
Those are all so cute! I love the chocolate strawberry korker bows. My daughter loves to wear her hair in pig tails, she calls them go-go's.
dctm said…
the pink and brown tutu is my favorite

dctm at bellsouth dot net
Anonymous said…
I loved the korker sets...and the itty bitty baby bands...they're too cute!!!!!!!!!!

Abbey said…
Love the chocolate strawberry butterfly clippies! Just found out I'm having a girl and so excited!

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