So tell the truth - how many of you thought this would be a pregnancy announcement? Well - I'll have to twist my husband's arm a little more to get him to agree to that one! But this is the beginning of something very least I think it is!
Ribbon Blossoms Chic Boutique is now LIVE! And we’re celebrating with an Awesome Giveaway! If you have been following my blog, you know that I have a small business with my friend Tanielle, making and selling hair bows and other girly accessories. Until now we have been selling our items at craft shows and our local boutique mall. We also have had a few of our items listed on Daisy Craft, an online site for handmade items. But now, TODAY…we have our very own WEBSITE!!!
Please celebrate with us by entering our Fabulous Girly Giveaway! Now don’t run away if you are not a mother of girls…this prize will make a wonderful baby gift or birthday gift for someone you love! Are you ready? Are you dying to know what it is?
The winner of this giveaway will have their choice between 2 fabulous gift bundles! Each valued at over $50.00!
Our Girly Girl Bundle includes: 1 pink and brown Bow Holder, personalized with your girly girl’s name (I.e. “Melissa’s Bows), 2 Hair Flowers - 1 white and 1 white with pink polka dots, 1 hot pink Alexys Bow, 1 Chocolate Strawberry Korker Set, and last but definitely not least 1 Raspberries and Cream Fluffy Tutu!

You receive 1 entry for checking out our new website, then coming back to let us know which item you’re just dying to have!
You receive an additional entry for visiting my partner’s blog and making a comment on her post as well. (no need to come back here to comment about that).
You receive 3 additional entries for posting about this giveaway on your blog. Come back and let me know that you did.
You receive 5 more entries if you put our button on your sidebar! Again come back and let me know that you did.
Want to know how to get 7 additional entries on top of these? Sign up to host an online Bow Party that will take place sometime before March 31. Go here to learn about online bow parties.
Ribbon Blossoms Chic Boutique is now LIVE! And we’re celebrating with an Awesome Giveaway! If you have been following my blog, you know that I have a small business with my friend Tanielle, making and selling hair bows and other girly accessories. Until now we have been selling our items at craft shows and our local boutique mall. We also have had a few of our items listed on Daisy Craft, an online site for handmade items. But now, TODAY…we have our very own WEBSITE!!!
Please celebrate with us by entering our Fabulous Girly Giveaway! Now don’t run away if you are not a mother of girls…this prize will make a wonderful baby gift or birthday gift for someone you love! Are you ready? Are you dying to know what it is?
The winner of this giveaway will have their choice between 2 fabulous gift bundles! Each valued at over $50.00!
Our Girly Girl Bundle includes: 1 pink and brown Bow Holder, personalized with your girly girl’s name (I.e. “Melissa’s Bows), 2 Hair Flowers - 1 white and 1 white with pink polka dots, 1 hot pink Alexys Bow, 1 Chocolate Strawberry Korker Set, and last but definitely not least 1 Raspberries and Cream Fluffy Tutu!

Our Baby Girl Bundle includes: 1 Pink Delight Bitty Baby Bracelet, 1 Pink Leopard Bitty Baby Bow Set, 1 White Bitty Bling Band, 1 Pink and Brown Flower Bitty Bib, 1 Bitty Belchers burp cloth set, and the finishing touch - 1 Chocolate Strawberry Petite Pouf Tutu!

As if that weren't enough - we aren't just looking out for your little girlies in this giveaway - we want to pamper mom! So as a bonus we are also including this fabulous pedicure package. Includes 2 fun nail polish colors, 1 double sided pedicure tool with 4 different foot pampering functions, creamy pumice foot scrub, and 2 pairs of comfy socks to warm those pampered toesies. All bundled in an adorable mini tote! Over a $20.00 value!

Now, I know you’re asking yourselves, “Ooh what must I do to win this fabulous prize?” Well it’s just this simple:
You receive 1 entry for checking out our new website, then coming back to let us know which item you’re just dying to have!
You receive an additional entry for visiting my partner’s blog and making a comment on her post as well. (no need to come back here to comment about that).
You receive 3 additional entries for posting about this giveaway on your blog. Come back and let me know that you did.
You receive 5 more entries if you put our button on your sidebar! Again come back and let me know that you did.
Want to know how to get 7 additional entries on top of these? Sign up to host an online Bow Party that will take place sometime before March 31. Go here to learn about online bow parties.
Email if you are interested and we will send you all the info you need, and place your additional 7 entries.
Giveaway ends Friday, March 13 at 11:59 pm! (MST)
Thank you Channa for all your work in helping us get our site up! We love you!
Your stuff is amazing!
I love the chocolate blueberry korker set.
Congratulations on your new adventure!
I'm going to post a link on my blog for you!!! Congrats!!
You guys are going to be crazy busy.
I've gotta have a bow holder - but want it in a lady bug theme (with primary colors)....can that be done?
Excited for ya'll!!
congrats on you new website and good luck! :)
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this is entry 1
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Good luck to you. This is so exciting. :)
Love your stuff!
Congrats and Good Luck to the success of your website!
I tagged you on my post, it's a fun confession tag! I hope you find it fun and amusing:)
Have a great weekend
Does this mean you're not pregnant?
I just stopped by the boutique's website and I LOVE the gerber daisy bands!!! I think I am definately going to have to get one for my neice-to-be!
I'm off to visit Tanielle now! Good luck!
congrats on the new site and congrats on beings saucy at SITS!
I just gave you the Kreativ Blogger Award, come on over to my blog to pick it up!:)
p.s. Your button is cute too!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Your button is on my blog page now. Congratulations on your web site.
I would love to win the baby girl bundle for my friend is who is having her first baby- a girl in april!! She would love the set for her baby girl and would love the mommy pedicure set as well!!
Also, I love how you did your homepage pictures in black and white with your product in color...really makes the product stand out!!! Great job.
Well I was totally favoriting the korker bows until I saw the 5th avenue bitty baby bow set. I heart argyle! :)
Congratulations on a website!
I also run a small business making customized hangbags and baby accesories.
Would love to win the contest! I'm the mama to 2 boys, but I have 2 sweet nieces that would love absolutely precious in your bows! Theie mom would also love the pampering kit as well!
So, I would totally gift it away with gladness to see my sweetie pie nieces all dolled up!
Look forward to reading you more often!!!
.mac :)
Great work...the black and white photos with the colored bows....MAGNIFICENT!!
.mac :)
I wish you all the best!
Entry 1
Lovely Pastels Korker Set
I like the Ambria Bow - Brown with Yellow
I really *need* the "Citrus Berry Fluffy Tutu"!! How cute!! My 2 daughters would never take it off :)
(P.S. The "Vanden Flaus thing is my hubby's blog--I didn't know how to leave a post w/o a blog, and I don't have one.)
Diana A.
Omaha, NE
Love it!
I like the red stripe bitty baby band
I absolutely NEED the Ladybug clippie set. Need it. Bad.
Congrats on the new site - it's adorable and I absolutely love the black and white pics with the colored bows - noticed them right away!
dctm at bellsouth dot net