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Hand Made for Fall - A party and a Giveaway!

I've been a busy girl! I have been wanting to do a giveaway for Fall, and when my fab friend Heidi revealed that her Monthly Craft Challenge for October would be Fall-themed crafts, I thought "YES! I will do a giveaway of Fall items - handmade by me!" So today I'm linking up with Heidi, and introducing my Handmade For Fall Giveaway as I show you what I've made for Heidi's party! Sound good?

First, a while back I showed you some coasters that I made, but it was clear back when I first started blogging, so I'm going to show you again with this new seasonal set! This idea has been floating around blog land, and I've seen several different variations. Here's how I do it.

You will need: paper napkins, 4x4 ceramic tiles, 4x4 cork squares, MOD PODGE (what else?), sponge brushes (not shown), and polyurethane (not shown).

Start by cutting your napkin down to a manageable size, slightly bigger than your tile.
Next spread a layer of mod podg onto the tile. Smooth your napkin in place, and brush some mod podge onto the sides and fold the napkin down. Please excuse my disgusting fingernails...I got brown spray paint from one of my other projects under them!

Spread another few layers of Mod Podge over the top of the napkin (on the sides too). It will wrinkle up...that's okay! Wrinkles add character! When the MP has completely dried, do several coats of the polyurethane over the top and sides. Let dry overnight.

Once your coasters are completely dry, finish them off by attaching the cork squares to the bottom with E6000 or other permanent adhesive.

This Halloween set is actually for my sister in law...but I have a fall one for you too! Just scroll down to see!

The first item in my Handmade For Fall Giveaway is this fun set of Fall Coasters!
Next up is an idea that I totally stole from my crafty friend and business partner Tanielle. She did a cute spring flower set of these clothespin refrigerator magnets back when the weather was warmer! I decided to give them a fall twist.

You need: wooden clothes pins, Mod Podge, sponge brushes, scrapbook paper, magnets and embellishments.
Cut your paper to the size of the clothes pin. Mod Podge the paper to one side of the pin. Add a couple more coats of MP over the top. Let dry.

Next, adhere magnet to the other side of the clothes pin. I used magnet strips that came on a sheet, but I had to cut them down to fit.

Next, attach your embellishments however you like. Here's how mine turned out: The picture doesn't show how cute they actually are...the leaves are sparkly!
These are the next prize in my HFF Giveaway!

The next item I actually already posted about here. Go check it out if you want to see how I made it.
Framed Glitter Leaves.

Last, if you know me at all, you know I LOVE these Mod Podged letter blocks. I showed how I made them at my very first edition of Mod Podge Mania... you can check that out here if you want. For my giveaway I knew I had to do a set for fall! What do you think? Do ya wanna win 'em?
Harvest Letter Blocks.

So lets review everything that is included in this giveaway:

1 Framed Glitter Leaf Picture, set of 6 fall coasters, set of 4 fall refrigerator magnets, and 1 set "Harvest" letter blocks!

So, you know the drill, but lets review:
1 entry for commenting
1 entry for following
1 entry for blogging about my giveaway.

Please leave a separate comment for each thing so I can use! The giveaway will be open until Tuesday, October 6 at 11:59 p.m. MST. Cool?

Okay so back to the party. I also had fun doing these fall on the titles if you want to read about them! Then head over to Heidi's to see what everyone else has done!

Kids' craft - glowing jack-o-lanterns.

Dollar Store Decor (flowered pumkins, wreath, and glitter leaf picture)
Thanks Heidi for the fun party, and I can't wait to see who wins the giveaway!
OH - p.s. Please feel free to keep linking up to Mod Podge Mania...I love your projects!


PLease count me in! I love everything! Ca-UTE! I especially love the coasters! I tried to make some before but the Mod Podge no likey me!:( Lori
I'm a follower, Sweets! Thanks for the great giveaway! Lori
Rachel Holloway said…

.....AND I would looooove to win!

Rachel Holloway said…
And you know I follow you!!!
Kelli said…
This is like a Fall jackpot! Love it.
Kelli said…
I'm a stalker...I mean follower.
These are such wonderful ideas. I love them! Very creative and festive. I am going to make these.
I am already a follower. But I will be posting on my blog about this great giveaway.
Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Michele said…
Oooooo, count me in...what awesome craftiness you have goin there!

Michele said…
And I'm already a follower!
Tamara said…
I love everything! I love anything and everything fall related!
Missy said…
Love it! You're so stinkin' creative. I especially like the Harvest blocks. I know right where I'd put them.Thanks for sharing.
Amy said…
Wow those look so amazing. I really like all that you have done. Now I have some wonderful ideas.
Amy said…
I am a follower of yours..
Heidi said…
You are too crafty. You need to invite me over for craft time!
Emmy said…
So so cute! I love fall decor! I want to win!
Emmy said…
I am a follower, so here is my second entry. You truly are very talented.
Amy said…
I blogged about this amazing giveaway.
Cathy said…
Count me in! These are awesome!!! I am lacking on Fall decor, I loveeeeee Fall it is my favorite season and Halloween is my favorite holiday (well besides Christmas!)

I commented, I follow, and now I'm posting it on my blog! Here -
Sarah said…
What a clever idea, the coasters, so cute and festive! I'm become a follower too! :-)
Wow that stuff is all adorable- your ideas rock!
Macey said…
Here's the first comment to tell you that I WANT TO WIN!!!
Macey said…
And here's the second to say I follow...and I'll be back with the third! : )
You have made some seriously CUTE stuff!! :)
Liz Mays said…
You getting me so excited about fall!
Liz Mays said…
I'm a follower now! :)
Maridith said…
Girl you have been busy!! It has been a long time since I have commented on your blog. Sorry!! I haven't forgotten about you. LOVE All of your projects!! You are an inspiration
Maridith said…
I've been following you for months!
Sheila said…
I am SOO happy to be one of your stalkers....I mean followers! You always have the coolest ideas!
Absolutely ADORE the coaster idea!!! I NEED those!!! Like BAD BAD BAD need them!!!
Sheila said…
Oh yeah - and totally digging the clothespin idea! You know what.....doing those "christmas" style will be really good teacher gifts!
Anonymous said…
I SO want to win!!!
SarahAnne said…
I have ZERO fall decorations, so this is a perfect win for me! Thanks, and what a great job you have done!!!

saffl at hotmail dot com
Anonymous said…
I'm already and will remain a follower. (:

SarahAnne said…
I'm a follower, too! :)
SarahAnne said…
I blogged at housetohomewithsarah.blogspot. It's a measly blog but hopefully one day it will be helpful and my house will be just how I want it. :)
oh!!!! So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Braley Mama said…
Wow what a crafty mama! :)
I love to modge podge too! I am so glad I found your blog!
Amber Filkins said…
SOO cute! They're all so adorable!
Amber Filkins said…
And of course I'm a follower.

I also love those pumpkins with the flowers around the base. I have the same pumpkins. Hmmm...
kado! said…
OH Xazmin!!! I LOVE those coasters and the clothespins!!! I think you gave me the PERFECT idea to make for my Christmas gifts for everyone! I'm gonna make those clothespins and wrap them up in sets! they will still be easy to send in the mail (which is important for me since I do not live near family!!!) I LOVE it!!! Thanks! I hope I WIN too!!
Kelli W said…
That coaster idea is SUPER cute and sounds pretty easy to do too! They would make great holiday gifts!
Unknown said…
Wow, I love all of your stuff, you are so crafty! And I'm already a follower. :)
shortmama said…
Gimme gimme gimme!! I want I want I want!!
Stayathomemommy said…
I love the coasters! What a brilliant idea. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
~I am a follower
~I have posted your giveaway in my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh my goodness, Xazmin, these are all too cute! I love the clothespin magnets, and the Harvest blocks would be really cute on my shelf ;)
Heidi Boos said…
Busy!? Ummm...I'm thinking that's an understatement. Look at you go, girl! So much fun crafty stuff to look at. I think I actually made some of those clothespin magnets for our button craft challenge back in April, but love the take on the Fall theme and as one commenter suggested...Christmas ones would be fun as gifts! I really do love those Harvest blocks and what a great kid craft project with the glowing jack-o-lanterns. I must have missed that post. Which is quite possible since I'm so behind in reading up on my favorite blogs. OK, enough rambling. Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous and thanks for the MANY shout outs to the craft challenge. You're awesome!
Alicia said…
That is such a STEAL! What a cute lot of Autumn Decor! I GATTA HAVE IT! :) Count me in.
Annsterw said…
I love these ideas - you are really amazingly crafty!!!! lOVE THIS!
Annsterw said…
I am now a follower!!!!!
Annsterw said…
I have blogged about this even though that decreases my odds of winning - LOL!!!!
Oh my goodness, Can I say cute! Count me in!
I am a follower! These Ideas are sooo cute and fun!
Sara said…
Very cute Xazmin!
I am crossing my fingers and placing them in my house in my head:)
Have a great day
Sara said…
I am a follower
Crystal said…
I love all of your projects! They are so cute. I really love your harvest blocks.
Rachelle said…
Those are so totally cute! Ooh, I know exactly where I'd put them!
samantha said…
Love all of it. I'm always wanting new fall decor! Count me in~
samantha said…
I'm a follower!!! Pick Me!
I love the fall season! Everything is too cute!
Sarah said…
I love everything fall!
I have been looking for SIMPLE decorations for this fall... and these are just simply darling!

Count me in!
Absolute LOVE.
Tiffany said…
First off totally cute!
Tiffany said…
Second off I'm a total stalker of you blog!
Tiffany said…
And Lastly, I've blogged about it!!!
Jenny said…
How awesome! You are so kind to offer a giveaway! Those Harvest letters are so cute!
Anonymous said…
So Sweet!!!
Maridith said…
I posted about your give-away today!! Have a great day!
Unknown said…
oh my gosh~ i love your little place on the web...happened upon it happily!
Macey said…
76 comments?! Really??? My chances are slimming by the second! I blogged about ya! If I come back and comment every single day do you think that would help my chances or is that unfair? Unethical? Rude?? I don't know, all I know is I WANT TO WIN. : ) Did I tell you how much I LOVE YOU and all that stuff??? Bestie BFF?? Come 'bout the fact that we're cousins and stuff?? Future Mrs. GB and MR....sisters in law.... : ) LOL, I just though of something...more like Stalkers in Law... : )
Krissy said…
You are so freaking crafty!! I love it!! And this being my favorite time of year I'm SO in!!
Barbara Jean said…
Great projects!!
Especially love the harvest blocks.

Please enter me in your drawing, and thanks for coming by to visit.


barbara jean
Barbara Jean said…
I signed up to follow. Can't wait to see what other goodies you share with us later.
barbara jean
What cute things. I love those coasters with the spiders on them. So fun! And the clothespins are adorable!


PS - you know I follow your fabulousness!
Sarah said…
Wow! Neat-O! I need to make some fancy clothes pins as I use them to hang up my daughter's art work on their doors. Fun stuff!
Chare said…
I was totally at a loss for this challenge. I was super excited about it at the beginning, but they couldn't get anything to work like I wanted... Super cute things! I would love to have a chance to win!!!
Chare said…
I follow you now too! Can't wait to peek around the blog and see what other super cute things I can find!!!
Chare said…
Just blogged about it too! Super excited!
Sare said…
LOVE IT!!!! count me thrice!!!
You always have the best ideas!
Ashlee said…
I love all your ideas! And what a generous giveaway!
Macey said…
92 comments?! It took me ten minutes to scroll to the bottom of this window to post something! I'm just thinking that if you use and I comment a few times that maybe it will make my chances of winning better....I'm smart like that. Shh, don't tell.
Just admiring the loot again...did I tell you that my mom loves all this stuff so much that she drug me to the craft store yesterday to buy stuff so she can make something cool? She was inspired by your awesomeness. How cool is that? She's never inspired by my coolness. Dangit. Anyway...I'm gonna try to make one of those heart things...I think you go like this <3. And if it looks like a heart; cool. If not then it looks like a sideways icecream cone. Maybe I can win for the longest most stupid comment....! : )
I love all these fall crafts you have going on,, I want to make some too. But winning them would be even better. Your blog is great!
Brittany said…
My house was 55 degrees this morning! That mean 3 things, turn on my heater, check, make soup for dinner, check, and decorate my house for fall. Wait, I don't have any decorations. I hope I win!!!
Tanielle said…
Gorgeous stuff!!! Just bring 'em over anytime!! Now stop complaining that I have more are going to smoke me with this giveaway!:-)

Love ya anyway!haha
Unknown said…
Just found your blog today and I love it!
Unknown said…
I am subscribed via google reader.
Diane said…
Love your site!
Those coasters are especially wonderful and have made it onto my list of gifts to make this Christmas. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
I love fall decorations & your stuff is so cute! I love the clothespin magnets!

jnanjnw25511 at yahoo dot com
Lee P said…
Those coasters are adorable! I tried making coasters before, but I painting them. It took a long time.This is so much easier and they look so nice. What a cleaver idea. Love those handy little magnets. Thank you for this giveaway and please count me in.

Lee P said…
I follow your blog.

Danielle said…
What a wonderful fall giveaway!

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
The Happy Wife
Homeschool Unit Studies
Anne said…
These look great, the leaf picture is my favorite.
Anne said…
I follow your blog.
super cute! you've gained another follower too. =)
so here's my second comment for the follow
Macey said…
Did you know that they make Sparkle Mod Podge?! Smell the Coffee Lisa did a whole post today about MP and the kinds they have. She showed my picture of the Spooky sign I made and did the history of MP. Cool!
Scouting Mom said…
The Harvest blocks are my favorite, but the coasters are fun too. Very fun ideas. Thanks.
Scouting Mom said…
I love following your blog...alot of creative ideas.
Sandy said…
I'm already a follower!
Sandy said…
I like and would use all of your homemade Fall crafts!
Count me in!
I will post it on my blog and come back to tell you.
Jodi said…
I LOVE THESE! If I dont win, I am going to TRY and make them myself!!!
Jodi said…
I am following you too! YAY!
Amanda said…
Love those tiles, what a great idea with the napkins!
MoxleyH said…
Oh, you have such cute ideas... ideas that I LOVE to use! However I would love to win too!
MoxleyH said…
And I follow!
minishoes1 said…
This is a great giveaway! It would look great in my home! Thanks!
minishoes1 said…
I am a new follower.
Anonymous said…
I absolutely love your blog. Thanks for the opportunity.

1. This is my comment: Those clothes pins are FABULOUS and I adore the coasters...this giveaway is to die for!!
2. Well, duh, of COURSE I follow you!!! :)
Stephanie Grant said…
Awesome giveaway! You are very talented and I really hope I win!
Stephanie Grant said…
I'm a new follower
Stephanie Grant said…
I posted on my blog!!!!
Jen said…
I LOVE EVERYTHING!! So cute! Would LOVE to be a winner!!
Jen said…
I am follower!!
Angela said…
Please sign me up! I love all the items, but especially the blocks. I so need those in my home! They are so cute! :)
Katie said…
I follow!

Where did you get the cork for the bottom of the tiles?

Also, did you notice that I took off the word verification from my comments? Only got one spam comment so far. Hoping it works this time:)
Small House said…
What a cute, cute giveaway. How nice to offer one. So count me in.
Katie said…
Whoops I added both entries in the last comment. My long comment and that I follow. So I guess this is for following.

Great giveaway BTW and I had so much fun going around Mod Podge Mania this month. Glad I got my act together to join in again.
Small House said…
2nd comment, WELL....I already thought I was a follower so I was just going to add, "HEY I'M A FOLLOWER" and then I checked, and I wasn't!! GOOD GRIEF. I am now though.
Ladytink_534 said…
These are SO cute!
Ladytink_534 said…
I'm a follower
Heather said…
ooohh! pick me! pickme! these are adorable.
Natalie said…
Would LOVE to be a winner!!!! What great ideas! thinking these may be a great Christmas gift idea as well!!!

I'm also a follower!
Egater said…
Great ideas! Thanks
egateris at gmail dot com
Egater said…
I'm folllower now
egateris at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
Love the coasters! So cute!!!
Anonymous said…
Following your blog!
bellsandunicorns (at)
Anonymous said…
Following your blog!
bellsandunicorns (at)
sock mama said…
nice stuff! love that you do tutorials! ive commented and joined up. my blog has falled by the wayside after needing a rethink so no luck that side.

Lorna Hogg from sockimals by Lorna
Mariah said…
I love giveaways, and I love your stuff!! Hope I win!!
Mariah said…
I am now following your great blog!
Lizzie said…
What a great giveaway!

smrtmouse at yahoo dot com
Huguette En said…
Awesome giveaway, I would love to be entered if open to Canadians! Thanks :)
Julie said…
Great ideas, I love having things that my granddaughters can make and take home. Thanks
SiSi Sparkles said…
Oo pretty!! Please count me in:)
Thanks for the chance.
SiSi Sparkles said…
I'm following your blog now! Following as Sihui.
SiSi Sparkles said…
Posted your giveaway at:
We will tweet the giveaway as well! Feel free to submit your future handmade giveaways to us:)
Heather said…
What a wonderful Autumn giveaway!!
Heather said…
I'm a follower! :)
Macey said…
My finger is sore from scrolling down to type a comment. Sheesh! It's still going?? Til tomorrow night? Come on....just declare a winner now....and if it happens to be ME, well that ROCKS. :)
Anonymous said…
would love to win--thanks so much!
Mama King said…
Such great projects! So fun! Thanks ;-)
Heather L. said…
Wow, I love it all. I would SO love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

Heather L. said…
I am a new follower as well =)
Suze said…
What an awesome giveaway!!
samantha said…
I made a post about this wonderful giveaway
Bran said…
What an AMAZING giveaway!! I LOVE your Harvest blocks!
katie klein said…
You are a very crafty person and your items are just wonderful.
The coasters are very clever...count me in...
Amy Jacobs said…
Such wonderful fall stuff. I love it all! What a generous giveaway. You are onmy reader and I get so excited when I see a post. I am going to try to make those coasters for family christmas presents!!!!!!
Amy Jacobs said…
I'm a follower so this is entry #2. Thanks again!!!!
Sarahie said…
This is a great giveaway. I'm in!
Sarahie said…
I follow your awesome blog! Thanks!
Macey said…
La dee dee, it's the end of the giveaway tonight.....can't wait to see who wins!
mindy2780 said…
I love the things you have made! These are things I want to do, I just don't make the time.
Shawn said…
Where in the world have I been?!!?

You know I follow!
Shawn said…
HARVEST has a perfect home waiting for it here at the Seriously home! It will look fabulous on top of the mantle above my cooktop!
Shawn said…
I'm not going to post about it because you're picking the winner in just 2 hours and that would totally be a post simply to earn another chance at winning and that would not be very nice of me.

Good luck everyone!
Leishman's said…
Love love love your ideas. Super cute
You are so cute. I love all of your things!!!

Good job!


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