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Mod Podge Mania!!!

Yeah Baby! I've been looking forward to this all month! I had so much fun at last month's Mod Podge Mania. . . So many great ideas I want to try!

If you're new to MPM, here's the deal: Share a mod podge project. It can be one of your own, or one you've seen somewhere else. If you use someone else's idea, please just make sure to give credit where credit is due. Post about the project and link up below with Mister Linky. You can link up as many projects as you'd like.

Please make sure to do the following: a) Include a link to my blog in your post, so others will know where to go to see more great projects! b) Please take time to visit as many of the other participants as possible. The whole idea is to share and GET great new ideas for using Mod Podge!

For my project this month, I forgot to take a before picture! But my last month's project was photographed sitting on top of this month's project! So I cropped that picture to give you a little idea.

I found this trunk at the D.I. for $5.00! I've been looking for a trunk to hold some blankets in my living room. Everything I found (used) was $40 and up. So even though this baby was ORANGE (not the cute kind), I snagged it. I was thinking I would paint it, but then thought if I just painted it all one color, brass and all, it might look dumb. But I was too lazy pressed for time to tape off all the hardware and just paint over the orange.

I then remembered this awesome project from Brassy Apple. Focus on the top of the cabinet. It's mod podged! To see the complete transformation, as well as some other awesome tutorials, go here.
So I got to work. I found this great metallic finish spray paint. The color is oil rubbed bronze. I love it! I figured I could spray paint the trim, then Mod Podge the orange need for taping!

I collected all my gear. Mod Podge, sponge brush, brown paper. I find that although I like the way bristle paint brushes spread the Mod Podge around, the bristles often stick in the glue, come out of the brush and end up stuck in your partially dried project! So I recommend sponge brushes, and of course fingers!

I've had a couple people who aren't familiar with Mod Podge ask how to use it. You first spread your mod podge on the surface you are covering. Be generous.

Then lay the material you are using to cover with (in my case, torn pieces of brown paper) onto the glue and smooth it out, trying to flatten as many bubbles and ripples as you can. Just so you know, I have never been able to get paper to dry perfectly smooth and flat. Ripples are inevitable (maybe some of you are way better than me and don't have this problem!) so don't be discouraged by them...they add character! Slather another layer (or five!) of Mod Podge over the top, smoothing as you go.

Also, my laziness backfired. Mod Podging around all the hardware was WAY more of a pain than I could ever have imagined!

After it all's what I have! I love the more neutral look...after all I'm stuck with pink carpet (ugh), so I can't have an ORANGE trunk sitting in my living room!

I decided this also qualifies me to link up to Kimm's Trash to Treasure Tuesday...even though it's not Tuesday anymore...go check out all the great transformations!
Now it's your turn to link up! I can't wait to see what everyone has come up with!


Heidi Boos said…
I just happened to finish my joke! I came here to make sure I had the right link and bam...Mod Podge Mania is ready to begin! Great makeover...must have been a task, but it looks like a fun new addition to your home!

I also can't wait to see what others come up with!
Heidi Boos said…
I forgot to say how excited I was to be the first one! ;) That NEVER happens!
RaCeNMoMmY said…
awesome, i love how it turned out. now i'm on the hunt to find a trunk!
LOVE that trunk. And sooooo excited to be linking up to your FUN party!!!

Dawn said…
I love that trunk! Great job!
onegirliegirl said…
Oooooo Xazmin that is awesome!! I just saw a few trunks at my local thrift store the other day! I'm going back today!

xoxo ~Lisa
I wish we lived closer--we could have a "SYTYCD" viewing party every week. :) I do have two friends who watch, so we'll probably get together for the 1st episode that the Top 20 dance. :)
Amy said…
That looks wonderful. Have a fun day of at your party. I will be back in four days.
Sherrie said…
Great job on the trunk, it looks totally different!
Tanielle said…
That turned out awesome!!! Way to go, and it looks like a stinkin' hard project, knew you'd make it gorgeous though! Miss amazing!!:-)

love ya!
Rhonda said…
I love it! I love the brown paper. You did a fantastic job! How fun...I have MP, but not project done yet....FUN!!!!
It is beautiful! I am loving it! I heart Mod Podge!
Your trunk looks fantastic- I have never tried Mod Podge, but after this fun post, I may give it a try!!

Anonymous said…
That looks great! I have never used that stuff but I think I might give it a try -- Looks fun! I love decorating stuff. TFS
The How-To Gal said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
The How-To Gal said…
Hey Xazmin! You know I heart Mod Podge! Thanks for hosting Mod Podge Mania :)
Heather said…
It turned out wonderful!! Totally something I would happily spend $40 on. :)
Beverly Jones said…
I also love the trunk. you've got my wheels turning inside my head. Thanks.
heidi said…
You are so creative, xazmin!!! The trunk looks fantastic!
It turned out fabulous! what a difference and a great find for the price! gotta love that!!!
This is such a great party! Sometimes people throw linky parties, and it's like "who would want to come to that?" but this one rocks!
RN and OSHP said…
I love Mod Podge crafts...what a great idea to have this little linky party!
amybluestar said…
Hey Xazmin! LOVE this idea! You'll see that I posted my link. This is so exciting!

Cheers -
shortmama said…
wow love it! looks so "old world". I would never have thought to do something like that.
Anonymous said…
This turned out to be so pretty Xazmin! Very creative!
Anonymous said…
Okay, sure it looks great, but how could not have been in love with the ORANGE! *Gasp!
Brandy said…
Sadly I have never modge podged anything. Can you believe it?! But I love how the trunk came out.
Unknown said…
Wow, that looks like a lot of work, but it turned out fabulous! You must be one PATIENT girl.
Maridith said…
Girl this is awesome. Great work. I will take one for my living room!! What a transformation. I wanted to participate today but ran out of time (go figure). I will be back next month!!

Have a great day!!
ch said…
This trunk looks great!
I posted one of my group grade school projects. We will auction off this piece when it is done, to raise money for the PTA. I have more pieces, but will post them another time.
I can't wait to check out everyone else's wonderful creations!
Jennifer said…
OOOOH, that's really nice (and very creative). A++ mama! I don't have anything new to post - except for the fact that I did Chloe's Easter basket. OH WELL - maybe next time.
Meant to say earlier, VERY cool!!! :)
Sturgmom said…
Your trunk looks awesome!! I think I would have been even lazier than you, though, and just spray painted the entire thing. Your hard work paid off, though. Great job!
Annikke said…
I stumbled on your blog today! LOVE this trunk. I love all the other projects people are submitting too! Fun stuff!
Anonymous said…
I can imagine what a pain that was working around all that hardware. Yikes! The result is stunning though, so wasn't it all worth it?
J.J. said…
I will have to go take pics and come back later!!! :)
Kelly said…
I am new to this....where do you get your blocks?
Katie said…
Wow I had no idea you could mod podge a trunk!
Alicia said…
What a GREAT project! I have to take pictures of mine, then I'll post.
Girly Stuff said…
I finally made it to a mod podge party!

Your trunk looks great!
Helene said…
Wow, that looks amazing!!! You have some serious talent!!
Kasey said…
Wow! That is so awesome! Good job!

I have an award for you on my blog! have a great night!
Mama King said…
Hi - I found out about your awesome Mod Podge Mania from Blue Eyed Blessings and Katie's Nesting Spot. So glad I could join the Mania! I do love Mod Podge!
SjElizabeth said…
Fantastic post! I love all the great ideas I'm finding in the links too :)
Dawn said…
Thanks for doing this-I have gotten so many ideas. It's really helping me to think outside of the box and see the potential in items. You are all so creative!!!
jennykate77 said…
Every since I saw this on your page, I've been telling myself I was going to do a project to post, but I'm such a slacker. I love playing with Mod Podge. Your project turned out AWESOME! You did such a good job!
Sare said…
Oh. My. SAKE!!!! I WANT that!!! you're my HERO!!!!! OOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!! My Parents have some very similar old trunks...hmmmmmmm
What a cute project Xazmin. I guess I didn't realize it was an on-going party or I would have come up with something. I half way wrote a post about my 200th post giveaway projects and my paris room collages, but I was afraid that everyone had already seen them.

But for next month's party I have a really cute idea. So I will make that one up for May. I am glad you had such a great response.

So cool!

Heather said…
fun project. I can't wait to go see what everyone else posted.
Wow that turned out AWESOME!! I get bubbles all the time and it drives me mad!! I have a super cool project I'm going to do with it that I keep putting off just because I know those bubbles are going to mess with me. Do you mod podge over the top immediately, when the layer underneath is still wet?
AndreaLeigh said…
that looks incredible! what a great transformation!
I'm totally joining next time!
I love that trunk you did! It looks great! We used to have bright green shag carpet in a house we rented while living in Rexburg so I think your pink carpet looks great! The trunk looks great. Now I just have to go find one just like it!

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