Remember the day? Ahhh, that big hair, those skinny pants, that colorful make up? I'm not talking about us girls...I'm talkin' about those guys.
You know those guys? The ones that sang all those rockin' ballads? Oh yeah, and some cool fast songs too...but mostly it was the rockin' ballads that got me.
Back when I did my Better Boy Band poll, I had the comment that implied there should be a Best 80's Rock Band poll. You spoke. I listened. I've picked 5 rockin' 80's bands and I want to know who YOU think was the best! Yes I'm well aware that some of these fellas are STILL makin' music...but seriously, who's the best there is/was?

Van Halen
You know those guys? The ones that sang all those rockin' ballads? Oh yeah, and some cool fast songs too...but mostly it was the rockin' ballads that got me.
Back when I did my Better Boy Band poll, I had the comment that implied there should be a Best 80's Rock Band poll. You spoke. I listened. I've picked 5 rockin' 80's bands and I want to know who YOU think was the best! Yes I'm well aware that some of these fellas are STILL makin' music...but seriously, who's the best there is/was?

Van Halen
Take the poll in the upper right corner of my blog...The poll will be open until April 30 - leave me a comment telling me what you think!
For those of you who: a) need a refresher course because they can't remember back that far, b) were a better person than I was and obeyed your parents by not listening to this music, or c) are youngins and missed out on all the fabulousness that was the 80's - I have put together a playlist of 3 popular hits from each of these bands. Check it out then take the poll! I'm anxious to see what everyone thinks!
I sooooo hated the whole hair band thing(*Van Halen = not a hair band)
I'm an early 80s Dork.
To me, 1980s music is electronic and is synthesizer heavy; an over processed Flock Of Seagulls, Depeche Mode, B52s, Stray Cats, Go-Gos, David Bowie, Oingo-Boingo amalgam.
I don't think I'm qualified to vote. In fact, I may not be qualified to do much of anything post-1985...
I was born in 1970 so the 1980's was my teen years and I was in my prime.
However, after much deliberation, I think I'll have to show some love to Poison...for the power ballads and the fact that I still know most of the lyrics to their songs.
My husband is like Vivienne and skipped that stuff. He was into Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, etc. Depeche Mode's new CD just came out today!
That made my day!
Now...go outside it's gprgeous!!:-)
Bon Jovi... how I love his music, but I had to go with Guns-N-Roses in the poll. I remember my mom flipping out when the store sold me a tape (cassette) when the package stated it was not to be purchased by minors. Hooray for hair bands.
I'm off to puncture some tight-fitting jeans.
Bon Jovi was fantastic and I think they've stood the test of time.
Poison - they were my band! In fact, ROb just got me their greatest hits CD. LOL
Van Halen - not a hair band, man.
GnR - awesome in the 80's but when they crashed they burned hard.
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar on me might be the sexiest 80's song ever.
My FAVORITE hair band song EVER is Here I Go Again by Whitesnake.
DId you ever notice all the songs were nasty?? I was listneing to one of those MOnster hair band CDs and I had to turn it off because I didn't want my kids to hear the lyrics! I had no idea they were so bad back in the day! LOL
I was in high school when these bands were at their most popular. So, I lived this!!!
Hugs from Eventually Cottage!
Anyway, I vote for GNR... clearly!
You should have included Motely Crue too!