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Dear to My Heart

I've only been blogging for a few short months, but in that time I have found it to be a wonderful outlet, a place where I have met some wonderful new friends. I have felt inspired and uplifted. I have laughed and even been brought to tears. I've been able to express my thoughts and feelings on things from the frivolous (Best 80's Rock Band, Top 5 Celebrity Crushes!?) to more meaningful topics such as my family and my faith.

But there is a part of me that I have held back. I have briefly mentioned my gratitude for this great nation, and our founding fathers, as well as the wonderful freedoms I am able to enjoy with my family. But I've never written too much on my feelings about government or politics. This has been out of fear. Fear of offending, fear of losing readers, even fear of confrontation from someone I might inadvertantly offend. How silly to hold back a part of who I am from my friends!

I'm not here today to talk political issues, or parties, or policies. But I do want to share with you that I'm not just a grateful American. My love for this country and my feelings on the direction we are heading run deep. I want to share it because it's not just a small part of who I am. It is a very big part of who I am and what shapes me, and the things I teach my family and the decisions I make as a citizen.

I am truly grateful for the Founding Fathers. For their values, the lives they lived, and the sacrifices they made. I want to know them better...their flaws as well as their greatness. I want my children to know them, know what they believed, and be grateful for what they made possible for us.

I want my children to not just learn about our founding documents, but to really know them. To know what they stand for, and what they were intended for.

I am no great historian by any stretch of the imagination. I was a slacker in school and cared more about flirting than learning. But I love learning about the history of our nation, and the people who shaped it, and I want to pass this love on to my children, who belong to the generation that holds the future of this nation in their hands.

I am worried that the intentions of those who founded this country, and the ideals this nation was founded upon are slowly being erroded by the waves of modern politics. I don't know how to change this, but I do know that it is important to always learn, and be involved.

That is why I am so grateful that a dear friend of ours and wonderful, inspiring man (he wouldn't say so...but he is) has started a blog. It is very new, just a few posts in - but oh how I've loved reading his thoughts and feelings regarding the state of our nation. His blog is called Common Sense Liberty and it is such a fitting name. Go check it out and you'll see what I mean.

I believe God's hand was in the founding of this great nation, and that it exists to bring about His purposes. I believe this with every fiber of my being. If you feel this way too, you'll love what my friend Monty has to say. Even if you don't, I think you'll enjoy his insights. So I urge you to all to go here right now and check it out! Make sure and tell him I sent you!


Clapping my hands. Good for you for talking about what you believe in! Anyone who would stop reading your (awesome!) blog just because you took one post to voice your opinions is pretty immature, for what it's worth. It's YOUR blog after all. :) For the record, I lean towards the conservative end of things, but if you'd posted about the glory of Pelosi, Reid, and Obama I'd still come back and read your next post...because I can be open-minded...and disagree with you. ;) Great post, Xazmin! I'll go check out that blog.
Tanielle said…
See why she is my best friend everyone?!!!! She is amazing, and so very smart! I learn more from you everyday, and I am truly grateful!!! I have always admired your love for our country, and for the political views you have. Thanks for sharing today!! Love ya girl!!!
If you could see me now I am standing and applauding your awesome blog post today. I feel the same way about this great country and your post brought me to tears. I loved it Thanks for sharing. I too have met some wonderful people...and you are at the top of my list!
Sare said…
That was beautiful! Thank you for sharing this part of yourself...WOW! Thank you!!
I appreciate what you wrote very much. And I appreciate the link to your friend's blog. I enjoyed reading what he wrote and was glad to get the links to other blogs he posted. Isn't it such a sad day when we have to worry about negative fall out from taking a stand for the same values our fore-fathers espoused. Who would have thought we would ever reach that day? But then who would have thought that saying 'I believe in traditional families' would be something a beauty pageant participant would be persecuted for as well. Good job on your post!! Remember the saying. . . "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing." Thanks for doing something.
Amy said…
Wow that is powerful. I will have to check this out. Happy Friday.
Jenny said…
WooHoo! I'm with you on this! I can't wait to check out the blog.
Mama Nut said…
Love what "Joy For Your Journey" just wrote in her comment. I echo those sentiments! Xazmin, we have never met but I have to say I think you are an incredible person and think Tanielle is one lucky lady to have you for her best friend! (And vice versa, because she's crazy amazing, too!) Thanks for the link. I'm gonna go check it out!
Anonymous said…
Way To Go Xazmin!!
I will definitely check the blog out.

I will pay the new blog a visit for sure!

Don't ever censor yourself because you're worrying about what other people will think of your position on political or social issues. Nothing is more irritating to me than someone who is so certain that their way is the right way, that they are unable to even listen to another point of view.

I can tell from reading the blogs that most are conservative. I am more to the left of the political spectrum.** That does not for one second mean that I don't want to read their blogs or listen to what they have to say.

It is so important to hear opinions that are opposite of yours... it actually helps to inform your own opinions.

** I am a liberal conservative (or a conservative liberal take your pick.) In other words, my opinion is issue based, rather than partisan based.
I just wrote a book here. sorry so long!
Sturgmom said…
I agree and I am saddened that this country seems to be taking such a harmful turn. Can't wait to check out the link.
Helene said…
Good for you on speaking your mind!!! I'm gonna forward that blog to my husband...he's into politics big-time and would probably enjoy reading it!
Small House said…
YEA!! I've been concerned myself for quite some time. I know we've reached a point where I need to be more involved.

Have a good day.
Yay for standing up for what you believe in. I say you should always be yourself, if you lose a reader here or there, they weren't worth having in the first place :) Hugs, Sister!
Anonymous said…
We started the early part of American history this year with the kids and they love it -- so next year we are going to dig deeper. As a homeschool mom I have learn so much teaching the kids. It is amazing. Great Post and Thanks for sharing. I'm going to get to the award you gave as soon as I can. Thank You so much for thinking of me. You are a great lady. Hugs,
Good for you Xazmin! I think it's great that you can be honest and say what you feel. I will check out that blog!

J.J. said…
Great post!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Good for you! If anyone gets mad for you sharing your thoughts and what you believe you don't want them reading anyway :)
Great post. Hugs, Marty BTW, thanks for stopping by and your kind comments. I so appreciate it.
what a lovely post! Thanks for sharing- I feel the same way. I get emotional just visiting Washington D.C. knowing this is where our founding fathers walked!

Thanks for sharing the new blog- I really enjoyed it!

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Anonymous said…
I know what you mean. I try not to bring politics and religion and such into my blog. but there are just times when you have to be true to yourself!

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