So Cadance had this crazy fun idea of creating a Prom picture tag...and who was one of her lucky victims nominees? MOI! So the rules of the tag are this:
❶ Leave me a comment guessing which Year this photo was taken...(yes the wrong guess might hurt our friendship...LOL...totally just kidding!) I will post the correct year in a few days after a few guesses come fun!
❷ If I TAG you...DIG up your old Prom it and lets guess the date too...(if you really are that self-conscience and don't want us to know the date...maybe we can guess the decade?)
~If you are married to your Prom date let us know!
~If you are not...try to post a Prom picture of your Prom & a second picture of your husbands prom too...let us know where each of your Dates are now...and their relationship status!! (and of course YOU are way cuter than his Prom date!)
~If you are Single...let us know where your Prom date is now!
❸ I am gonna TAG some people...and then those taggers need to keep it going by tagging 5 other people! I can't wait to see all of your pictures! Fun huh!?
Note: the jagged line running from the top to bottom of this picture is indeed a rip that I had to tape back together. When my son was little, he decided to "help" mama scrapbook!

What I hate about this picture: a) the deep red nails and lips! b) HELLO! Can you say short? I can't believe my parents let me out of the house in this dress! I wouldn't let my daughters wear it! c) One of the black windows from the castle is right behind us and you can see it in between the 2 of us. The black paper blends with my dress and makes my belly look poochie!
What I like about this picture: No gray hairs!!!
So this was my boyfriend for a while in high school. We'll call him "S". No we did not get married! After we broke up I wasn't very nice to him, and have always felt kinda bad.
A few years ago I did run into him at a church service we were visiting when my nephew was blessed. It was weird! We ended up talking for a few minutes and I learned some really sad news about his family. His little boy later passed away, and Hubby and I sent a card with a small donation to help with medical and funeral expenses that they had accrued. They sent us a thank you note, and a while later they ended up looking us up and inviting us over for a BBQ!
I must say I was REALLY reluctant. It just seemed like it would be so awkward, but we wanted to be gracious, and we went to their home. It was so much fun, and relaxing and not weird at all! Our kids had a blast together, and his wife was as sweet as could be. They have since moved away, and I hope they're doing well.
I'm sorry, but I don't have a Prom picture from Hubby to post!
So now I TAG!
I tag:
Tanielle (I know she really wants to do this one!! heehee)
Heidi! (remember what I said about payback?)
Don't forget to leave me a comment guessing the year this picture was taken!
❶ Leave me a comment guessing which Year this photo was taken...(yes the wrong guess might hurt our friendship...LOL...totally just kidding!) I will post the correct year in a few days after a few guesses come fun!
❷ If I TAG you...DIG up your old Prom it and lets guess the date too...(if you really are that self-conscience and don't want us to know the date...maybe we can guess the decade?)
~If you are married to your Prom date let us know!
~If you are not...try to post a Prom picture of your Prom & a second picture of your husbands prom too...let us know where each of your Dates are now...and their relationship status!! (and of course YOU are way cuter than his Prom date!)
~If you are Single...let us know where your Prom date is now!
❸ I am gonna TAG some people...and then those taggers need to keep it going by tagging 5 other people! I can't wait to see all of your pictures! Fun huh!?
Note: the jagged line running from the top to bottom of this picture is indeed a rip that I had to tape back together. When my son was little, he decided to "help" mama scrapbook!
What I hate about this picture: a) the deep red nails and lips! b) HELLO! Can you say short? I can't believe my parents let me out of the house in this dress! I wouldn't let my daughters wear it! c) One of the black windows from the castle is right behind us and you can see it in between the 2 of us. The black paper blends with my dress and makes my belly look poochie!
What I like about this picture: No gray hairs!!!
So this was my boyfriend for a while in high school. We'll call him "S". No we did not get married! After we broke up I wasn't very nice to him, and have always felt kinda bad.
A few years ago I did run into him at a church service we were visiting when my nephew was blessed. It was weird! We ended up talking for a few minutes and I learned some really sad news about his family. His little boy later passed away, and Hubby and I sent a card with a small donation to help with medical and funeral expenses that they had accrued. They sent us a thank you note, and a while later they ended up looking us up and inviting us over for a BBQ!
I must say I was REALLY reluctant. It just seemed like it would be so awkward, but we wanted to be gracious, and we went to their home. It was so much fun, and relaxing and not weird at all! Our kids had a blast together, and his wife was as sweet as could be. They have since moved away, and I hope they're doing well.
I'm sorry, but I don't have a Prom picture from Hubby to post!
So now I TAG!
I tag:
Tanielle (I know she really wants to do this one!! heehee)
Heidi! (remember what I said about payback?)
Don't forget to leave me a comment guessing the year this picture was taken!
I guess 1995.
You're adorable, thanks for the tag, I'll get to it soon! I'm not going to guess, I know the year!
Skinny tie, black dress with cap sleeves, black hose...Hmmmm. 1992?
I would love to participate, and thanks for tagging me, but I never went to the prom, so I don't have any pictures! Have a great day!
You look HOT! I would have to say 1994? I need to post my answer...i'll get to that today!
You were married in 1996, I'll give you 4 years after high school before you were married so my guess is 1992.
Dang Gina I'm OLD!
Hope you're having a great day!
You look hot!!!!!!
I don't see where your belly looks poochy. At. All.
I have no idea where any of my pictures are. I will try to dig them up. Just to let you know, they are HIDEOUS!!! Maybe too embarrassing to post!
Thanks for sharing looked great!
I'm not going to guess a time. I can't even remember the year I went to prom, lol. I guess it was 1996? I think?
so ya, that's my guess.
I think we're the exact same age, so we may have graduated the same year, so I'm going to guess 1995 - Junior Year Prom.
You look adorable!! ;)