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Mod Podge to the Rescue

Have you noticed that eggs and nests seem to be a common theme in home decor - especially with people making some decor changes for spring? I've seen some pretty cute stuff!

For example - what do you think of these?

If you like this look, you can get it at Williams-Sanoma. You'll pay $36 for the eggs, and $68 for 1 glass hurricane. They don't include the greenery! Sheesh!

Maybe you could go online and find the whole look, already put together, like this:

You'll pay $39 for that teeny one, and if you'd like a larger one - you'll shell out $89!

Good thing I'm the Queen of Mod Podge! Remember this beauty that I found at the DI for $5?

Well, I gathered up my trusty mod podge, the left over scrap book paper from this project, some plastic eggs that I got for 79 cents at Walmart, and a bag of moss that was around $2, also from Walmart.

I mod podged the eggs closed so they wouldn't pop open while I was working with them, then I cut the scrapbook paper into little pieces and mod-podged them to the eggs.

I then put the eggs and moss in my giant vase/hurricane and for around $8, here's what I got:

I don't think she's quite finished. I may get some dried baby's breath, or other small flowers to stick in with the moss. How would you finish it off?

Also, since I'm soooo in love with the miraculous mod podge, I've been thinking of doing a Mod Podge Mania once or twice a month, where people can link up and share all their fabulous mod podge projects and ideas. What do you think? Would you participate? Would you stop by and see what everyone is doing? Let me know!


Amy said…
Wow that is a great turn out. How do you mod podge? I would do this if I had the items laying around. I think you should add a little bit of green to your eggs to bring in some color or cut up strips of colorful paper or tissue paper and that will brighten up the look.
Noel said…
I would have never thought to do that. What a great way to decorate for easter!
Sare said…
own MP. Have used it. It kind of scares me, but i would totally sop by to see...well I will stop by anyway - hehehe I think you're right - I think you need something more...either more eggs, or i loved the greenery in that first one!!! OR TWIGS!!!!!
How cute! I love to mod podge!

Unknown said…
Love the eggs! great job.
Since I am stricken with "mod podge mania", I would love a series, great idea!
E said…
Oh wow! How cool I may have to try that!!!
That Girl said…
how cute! I am new to modge podge....I just tried the notebook covering project and I dont think I applied enough or something because the paper is coming away from the notebook. anyway, I love crafts so a linky would be great!
Unknown said…
wonderful idea!! you go girl..knew you could come up with what to do with the di glass!!
shortmama said…
That is so cute. I am the least crafty person in the world, scrapbooking is about as far as I have gotten. but I love to see other people's ideas and hold onto them for an extra ambitious time when I think I just might be able to accomplish it!
Mama Nut said…
That is adorable...I love crafty people I can get good ideas from. I would absolutely be a follower of this mod podge idea. One question for all you mod podgers...I made blocks one year for Christmas and modpodges scrapbook paper and pictures onto the wooden blocks. They turned out adorable but to my utter dismay they all got wrinkley and gross looking after a while. What did I do wrong?
I'm so impressed with your modge podge eggs! I would love to modge podge...although I think I only have time for the modge...and would be podgeless....

Dear Bebe keeps me busy. So do these blogs! Ahhhhhhh!

Yours is great. Thanks for visiting mine.
I love it. I'd definitely participate. Maybe a little nest in the vase...also maybe a few pink flowers under the nest? You could even add a cute little mushroom bird.
Anonymous said…
I love your eggs!! I can't believe they are just regular old plastic eggs. They look awesome!
Heather said…
They look fantastic! I can't imagine spending almost $100, when yours look that good.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE that!!! I have Mod Podge and some big candle holders..must get eggs and some moss. I will be doing this project really soon!
Brandy said…
What a great idea! And for less than $10?! I love it!

I can see that I must follow you now...
Jen said…
Great idea!! I have no 'Martha' in me but you may have inspired me to do something similar for Easter!!
Unknown said…
What a great idea! I tend to stay away from easter decor because it doesn't match the colors in my home, but this totally solves that problem! Beautiful!
Tanielle said…
Fabulous!!! I love 'em, too bad you stole that big beautiful glass thing out of my hands!!! HEHEHE! I just wish I had seen it first!

love ya!
Michelle said…
Hi. Love what you did with those ugly plastic eggs. Thanks so much for swinging past my blog and leaving the nice's to nicer weather!!
Mammatalk said…
Now, that is adorable and smart!
Michelle said…
Oh....I almost forgot...I tagged you for an award, because you're fabulous!
Very cute! I think tying a pretty ribbon around the base or the neck could also add a nice touch.
Yours is so much cuter than the others! I can't believe how beautiful that turned out. I may have to look into this mod podge thing. Hmm... maybe some projects for me and my boy? Seriously, this is fabulous (and I'm not a decorate-y type person).
momma said…
i have to admit that i've never used mod podge before, but your project looks great!!!
Sturgmom said…
I have been thinking of doing something similar. Your eggs look fabulous. I just got some apothecary jars that need nests in them. :)

Have you seen the world of mod podge blog? Great ideas there, too!
E said…
Yes! I love the results and especially the price!!! I will be trying it here myself!
Shawn said…
Girl...I am so stealing that one!

Very cool!
Melissa Miller said…
Very pretty! :)

That is such a coincidence.
I just bought a nest yesterday for a vignette.
Rachelle said…
Oh, I'm totally jealous that people can be so crafty and creative, and me... well, we won't talk about me. That's way cute!

As for finishing the project, my only ideas (now, you don't have to listen to these cause I don't know what I'm talking about) would be to get ribbon and "weave" it in and out of the moss. Or tie it around the outside.
Regina Moore said…
So cute! Wonderful project!
Maridith said…
Very good idea!! It is so funny you should talk about this because last night I decided to Mod Podge an old flower pot so it would match my kids' bathroom. Now I just need to see where it ranks with my other projects. If you were make a Mod Podge Day I would link up!!Gives me motivation! Have a great day.
Great ideas! Love what you're doing, looking good!!

I'm not sure about how to stain the concrete, I do know it's a 2 step process. Uggg...I've been putting it off. I just need to go to Lowe's and check it out. Kristen
heidi said…
Wow!!! Great job!!! Maybe just some dried twigs?

I have no idea what modge podge is. I'm craft impaired. ;-)
freckleface said…
What an awesome idea! Those are so cool!!
dawn said…
you are so stinkin' crafty....i once was but have lost a little creativity along with some brain cells each time i have birthed a baby!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Those are great! Good job!
I love walking into Pottery Barn and getting ideas and then buying the stuff at the dollar store and creating great centerpieces!
Marrdy said…
We have a family Easter party on the 28th and now I know what we will mak. They are so cute!!
Unknown said…
Holy schneikies batman!! Those look awesome! I bought some Mod Podge just for the heck of it a few weeks ago not knowing what to use it for (oh yeah I'm one of those gotta have it in case I need it kind of girls) and I think you may have inspired me to start some new crafts!!
AndreaLeigh said…
i love it! what a clever idea. i would never have thought to mod podge plastic eggs. genius.
Anonymous said…
Love the idea. I would also participate in a modge podge mania. Thanks for the inspiration.
Anonymous said…
What a great way to dress up boring plastic eggs! Thanks for the inspiration!
Heidi Boos said… wish I would have thought of this! It turned out so cute and I love that all it is are plastic eggs hiding under that paper.

I love me some Modge Podge! I'd be up for some Modge Podge Mania! Speaking of being crafty challenge this months is BUTTONS. Want to join in??
crazigirl80 said…
Just wanted to share my eggs-WOW they are time consuming and messy!! But oh-so pretty!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I love all the ideas you post on yours, and I especially love the eye candy on your Ribbon Blossoms website. I've never tried Modge Podge, but I do have some...this could be the perfect project! :)
This rocks! You have got to enter it into the Plaid Mod Podge Spring contest!
Unknown said…
I gave the paper modge podge eggs a try! I love them. Thanks for the idea!

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