So yesterday I went with my mom, and Tanielle to a couple of DI's. Here's what I scored! Please excuse the boxes of bow-making stuff in the background and the flash - the lighting in my front room is horrible! 

I want to redo my kitchen, and I'd like to incorporate copper into the decor. I'm on the lookout for some cool copper stuff - and found these. 
The jello molds were each 75 cents - I'm going to hang them on the wall. The bucket and basket will decorate the top of my cupboards - paid$1 each for those. I'm really scoutin' for a cool copper tea set - wish me luck with that!
I found this amazing apothacary jar/hurricane vase looking thingy (if you want to tell me the proper term for what this is - feel free!) for $5. I saw something similar looking, but half the size at Walmart for $20! I'm thinking of making some mod podged decorative balls in earth tones and putting them inside, with a nice bow around the narrow part. What do you guys think? If you have any other fabulous ideas - please, do tell! As for the big ivory and burgundy vases ($2 and $3), I wanted to do some sort of fancy decorative stencil on the side like I've seen a couple of other people do. I'd rather do a rub-on transfer instead of paint, but the only ones I've seen are teeny. Does anyone know, can you get them larger (like 4-6 inches), and where? OR do you have any suggestions of something else I could do?
I got this set of 3 candle sticks for $1.50! Aren't they fun? They're for my mantle. They had some ugly Ivy twisted around them, but I ditched it. I think I'll either paint them black, or a really dark brown. Do you think I need to put any sort of embellishment since I chucked the Ivy? I'm going to put these cute, chunky candles on top. The bottoms are little coffee beans! These were each 75 cents.
I got everything in the pictures for a grand total of $19 plus tax! Woo-hoo!
Please - share your ideas of cool stuff I might do with these treasures!
LOVE the candlesticks!
As for the rubons, do a google search for vinyl wall art. Or you can make your own rubons using a transparency! OR find some similar ones and connect them.
And as for the vase, there are a TON of things you could put inside! Is it going in your kitchen? If so you might want to find something copperish! And I think it looks great without the ribbon.
The vases would look cool with a design that mimics that on the candlesticks. I'm not sure where you'd find that, though.