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Why I Should Be Named "Mother of The Year"

Marker Make-up

Actual Make-up

Daddy's important papers - yes the one by her knee is ripped in half.

Toilet Head

Refrigerator Postage

I should be named Mother of the Year because this girl is still alive!

Why she's still alive:


Island Girl said…
How precious!!! Hope those papers were replaceable :)
Crazy Mom of 6 said…
That is adorable!! I know upsetting but oh so cute.
shortmama said…
Oh mommy how could you ever be mad at that cute face??? LOL so cute
That Girl said…
adorable! (yet, quite a curious little girl)
Anonymous said…
LOL!!!! She's adorable!!
Unknown said…
that didn't happen all in 1 day right??
Kasey said…
This is the best. Great shots!!
How funny! Don't they do the craziest things sometimes?

Those pictures are so cute!

Anonymous said…
This little girl is practically perfect and you should give her a break - she was potty trained by the age of two afterall
Xazmin said…
Just so everyone knows, "anonymous" is my mom - she somehow missed signing in and it posted anonymous. I was kinda freaked out at first!
Shawn said…
The cute factor does work to their advantage doesn't it!
Julie said…
One of the best pieces of parenting advice was to "take lots of pictures while they are being cute so you'll remember why you love them." So true :)
Helene said…
This post was SO funny!! She definitely makes up for all the naughty things with her beautiful smile!!! Great post!!!
Unknown said…
What a great post. So funny. I know that every mom can relate for sure!
Amy said…
I enjoyed seeing all of the pictures. I think my little one has taken everything she can off of the shelf. I will wait and see what she will do next. Happy Monday.
Anonymous said…
Oh the joys of a little one!
Sare said…
I'm just laughing so hard right now!!!!
Kally said…
OMG! She is just so stinkin' cute!!!!
Mother Hood said…
She is making you a better person!
Maisy said…
wow...i think all those pics are AWESOME. that little girl has a fun and exciting life.
way to go mom...i bet she thinks you are pretty AWESOME!!
Unknown said…
How funny, you made me laugh at the end of a LONG day!
feather k said…
that is too funny! thanks for stopping by today!
E said…
Just too darn cute!!! What is it about little girls and thinking EVERYTHING is make-up, too funny!
Suzy said…
So funny~~So sweet!
Sturgmom said…
LOVE it!! We always joke that the only reason why our middle child is still alive is b/c he's so dang cute. HAHA!
Molly Anne said…
Too cute! Cuteness makes up for a multitude of offenses. I say that to my cat all the time "it's a good thing you're cute!" :)
Anonymous said…
It's hard to believe that these cute adorable faces can wreak so much havoc, isn't it!
Tanielle said…
She is stinkin' cute, super funny, and wayyyyy too SMART!!!! I love her!
MJW said…
She's so adorable! New to your blog :)
Loved the toliet head! :-) So funny! My daughter does crazy things all the time. Yesterday I had to tell her to stop licking our shopping cart. She's THREE! Shouldn't she know that yet???
RandomWonders said…
Oh these pictures are too stinkin cute!!!
Unknown said…
That is AWESOME!
Anonymous said…
ur pics are just adorable! she reminds me of my little girl ;)...kiddos are great...
Barb said…
What a great post.... this is so cute... I am sure all of us moms have photos of our sweet little angels getting into makeup or markers...LOL...
thanks for stopping by my blog...
Oh how absolutely precious! She is a cutie! I am convinced that God decided He had to make little ones cute so that we wouldn't seriously harm them. KWIM? I pray you guys are having a wonderful Wednesday!
Leslie said…
What a sweetie she is! It's amazing that they can create so much havoc when they are as cute as that!
Sara said…
That was so funny! She is such a sweetie.
sassy stephanie said…
So stinkin' cute, but mom of the year clearly goes to ME! My daughter did that to her BROTHER'S face when he was a baby!!!
Kris said…
OK, that is the CUTEST post ever!!! Thanks for such a good laugh to my day!
Heather said…
I would love to know the story behind the toilet head!
Julie said…
What a great post! Totally brought a smile to my face. I'm glad I'm not the only one. :) What a cute little girl you have.
She needs to come have a playdate with my girls--they'd destroy the house in no time at all! ;)

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