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Mod Podge Mania!

I am so super excited for our first edition of Mod Podge Mania! I love this stuff, and I LOVE getting new ideas for how to use hopefully this will be a great place for "inspiration" where we can all get some fun new ideas!

So here's how it will work. Post about a project on your blog, along with instructions on how you created your mod podge masterpiece! OR you can do a post featuring a project you have seen someone else do, just to pass the idea along. Just make sure you give credit where credit is due! Also, make sure to include a link back to my blog in your post!

Next, link up by entering your name and copying the URL to your post into Mr. Linky - he's waiting at the bottom of this post. It would be helpful if you put the name of your project along with your name so people will know what they are coming to look at! (example: Xazmin - decorative eggs)

Last, go check out everyone's fabulous projects and let the inspiration begin! You can link up as many projects as you'd like today, or space several out over upcoming editions.

I'll go first! I already posted my decorative eggs - so I'm going to post the shower gift I made for my baby brother's fiance last week! This also qualifies me for Kimm's Trash to Treasure Tuesday as well as Kari & Kijsa's Trash to Treasure party...can you say DOUBLE BONUS!? You should go check them both's so fun!

I started with this:
We have tons of 2x4 scraps laying around in our basement, from when we started to finish it! It's all framed in, but we had to take a break so we could save up more money!

I picked out several that looked good and spray painted them Ivory. Then I took some scrapbook paper, cut it to size and mod podged it to the wood!

I got some unpainted wooden letters from Robert's and spray painted them brown.

After the mod podge dried, I glued the letters to the 2x4's.

I sprayed a clear coat protective finish over the entire project and tied some tulle around a couple of the blocks. Here's how the finished project turned out!

My new little SIL loved it and I got some great compliments from the shower guests. I only had glossy finish clear coat, but I'm going to make some more and try the matte finish. I only had to buy the letters, because I already had all the other supplies. But don't worry, I'm not being cheap on the gift - my mom and I gave her a bunch of other stuff too! After all, she IS marrying my mom's baby!

If you make some of these...please link up next time so we can all see how they turn out! I can't wait to see what you all have done!
Also, I've decided to host this once a month on the last day of the month. It will be so fun!


shortmama said…
That is so cute. I am inspired to get into Modge Podge!
shortmama said…
or mod podge or whatever the heck its called
Hi there! Those little boards are adorable! I put my link up on Mr. Linky. Thanks for having the par-tay!

Tanielle said…
Soooo cute!!!! Can't wait to see all the other projects!!!

When are you makin' mine? Just wonderin'!
Cassie said…
that is awesome!
Maridith said…
Girl you have so inspired me and now I am hooked on Mod Podge!!! Thanks for hosting this event. I had fun. Your project looks great!! I am so impressed. I know your SIL loves it!!
Amy said…
I got my photo box up. This was my first time doing this. I love what you did and can't wait to try this again. Thanks for showing me something new.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE mod podge! It has to be one of the best inventions ever!!
Heather said…
I love what you did!! I have never ever mod podged (is that a word?) but am so inspired to do so now!
That is so cute! I have a bottle of modge podge in my cupboard right now that is calling my name!
I totally want to try this!
MayaPapaya said…
Great idea! Love all the inspiration. Thanks for the creativity!
Unknown said…
That is fabulous! I love it, and you've inspired me! There are all kinds of ideas swirling around in my little head, and believe me, there wasn't much room!
Tiffany said…
I followed a random path of other bloggers and found your party! How fun!!! Thanks for hosting.
Cassie said…
Love it. Now if only I could get my husband out and cutting me some wood I would love to do this!
Laurie said…
So cute and frugal idea!! I love it! Gotta try it soon!:)
I've been meaning to try the Mod Podged eggs, but I've never used Mod Podge before and I'm not sure where to put them to dry so they don't stick to something. (?) ;) Can't wait to go through all the links posted here. :)
Molly Anne said…
I love that you were able to take scraps of wood and turn it into art with so little cost!
Les said…
Oh my gosh, that is cute! I adore your blog, you're so dang creative!
Amber Filkins said…
Okay, um, so..I'm a little nervous to admit this, but um.......I've NEVER used Mod Podge. EVER. I've always wanted to, and I even bought a bottle like 2 months ago. But I'm afraid to use it! Yes, I said afraid!! And so hopefully I'll get my questions answered here.

{Because obviously the women at Walmart AND Michael's don't know how to use it either. Either that, or it's just SOOO dang easy that they feel explaining it to me is pointless??}

Tell me this is the case. Do you just pretty much smear it on top of stuff. Or smear it and then put the stuff on top??

Help!!! I have Modpodearexia. Or something.
Amber Filkins said…
I mean Modgepodgearexia. lol
Alicia said…
I LOVE this!!! Love love love it!!!! I am excited about all the great Modge Podge ideas! Thanks so much! (I'll try to come up with one!)
Heidi Boos said…
Oh my goodness I am loving this! I was going to do this with some wooden block and spell Spring (I still might), but I hadn't gathered up all of the supplies yet, so I made something else so I could join your party!!

I can't wait to see what others have created!!
Tiffany said…
Those are adorable! Great use of reclaimed materials and Mod Podge!
Rachel Holloway said…
This is the greatest little invention ever! I just did a project (or a few projects...) with it and I am madly in love. :) hehe...
Anonymous said…
That is the cutest project ever! I'm so excited to try it, I have tons of wood in the garage. It would be great for holidays too. Thanks so much for the fabulous idea!
janet said…
this is fantastic!!!! love it
kari and kijsa said…
This is so fun!! We are going to link a post from kijsa's studio blog- she actually uses a little modge podge in her artwork!! Stop by our party today too if you get a chance! blessings,
kari & kijsa
Omgosh that is so cute!! I love that! What a great idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week! Can't wait to see more of what you do!
I LOVED this!!! So cute. It gave me a great idea for my daughter's room.

Thanks so much for sharing!!!!

Sara said…
What a neat gift! I love it!!! I have never tried mod podge, I am thinking I need to start getting creative!!!

Your sister in law must have been thrilled, what a special gift!

Oh, how's the mascera, is it a winner??
Beverly Jones said…
I am a Modge podge fanatic. I spent about 10 minutes this morning gathering some projects from past years and posted them on my blog. I hope you enjoy.
Marrdy said…
What a cute idea!
How Adorable!!!!

Angelic Accents
Jenny-Jenny said…
Oh mod lodge sweet mod podge, how do I love thee... Those boards are NIIIICE! So going to try it...maybe LAUGH
The How-To Gal said…
Miracle stuff that Mod Podge! Love the cute idea. I wish I hadn't missed this month's Mod Podge mania!
The How-To Gal said…
Thanks for putting Mister Linky back up! Posted my Love of Literature Clock :) Will have something new for this month!
amybluestar said…
Hi there! I love your idea. Please check out my blog:

I think you might appreciate it!
~Emily~ said…
That is so stinkin' cute! Great job!!!
Only Daughter said…
Just found your site. Perfect timing as I start a playroom remodel. Oh the ideas that are flowing right now. I can't wait to get started. I'll be checking in often for insiration.
Brandi said…
I just stumble on your site today and man am I glad I did! Thank you for the great project!
Sheila said…
I'm not sure how to work Mr. Linky:( I'm sorry!
Anyway - I put your link on my blog - and a pic of my project as well!
Thanks for all the inspiration!

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