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What we did instead of Disneyland

So the first week and a half of March was supposed to be spent together as a family in sunny California. We have been planning this vacation for over a year. We had estimated the amount the trip would cost, and planned for Disneyland, Seaworld, Universal Studios, and San Diego Zoo. We were all so excited. We've never been to Disneyland as a family.

Here's what happened during the couple of months preceeding our trip. First our carpet cleaning equipment broke down. We own a carpet cleaning company, and this is our livelyhood. We had a major repair and multiple minor repairs that resulted in a couple thousand dollars price tag.

We still thought we could swing the trip. Then our family car got sick. Another several hundred dollars in repairs.

The best part was the Sunday afternoon that we came home from church to find that both our company vans had been broken into. We had one of our portable cleaning machines stolen, as well as some other small equipment, my husband's stereo, and damage to both vehicles from the break-ins. Our insurance company for our business told us that it would be 3 separate claims, one each for the damage on the vans, and a separate one for the machine. We would need to meet the $500 deductable 3 times! How lame is that? Seriously, if your house gets broken into, or burns down, you don't have to do a separate claim for every item that needs replaced!!!

Anyway, needless the say the bank account was pretty slim. Even if we pulled together the money to make the trip - we would be in trouble down the road. Most of our work is commercial, so we bill our customers and get paid within the next 30 days. Because of the time my husband was unable to work when his equipment was down, and then when he was without one of his machines - we knew that the income for the next couple of months would not be what it had been for the previous months.

Sooooo, with what was left of our Disneyland fund, we decided to go out and do some fun things around the community each day the kids were out of school. We went...

To Nicklecade


To a local pizza place that has all sorts of kids rides - they loved it!

Even though it wasn't Disneyland (It actually SNOWED!) We had such a good time together and made some great memories. We also played laser tag, went to some great restaurants for dinner and breakfast, and did some shopping and crafting together. We're still trying to make it to Disneyland before the end of the year!


Sturgmom said…
So you took a STAYcation. ALl that matters is that y'all had a fabulous time!
Rhonda said…
Wow...sorry to hear about all the financial hardship you just went through! You might want to tell the insurance the 3 $500 deductables are unacceptable! I would!

We too planned our first Disney trip for this summer...It has been put on the back burner because we started the Dave Ramsey plan...however last summer was a blast just doing things like you did...we made a lot of great memories...hoping to have at least a repeat of that this year.

Fun pictures!!!
Aww, hon I'm sorry you didn't get to do what you had planned. It looks like the kids had a ton of fun with the activities you DID get to do, though, and that's the important thing.

I see Rhonda's Disney trip got put off above, too. We were hoping to make it for Spring Break as well, but we'll just be going one town over from where we live for 3 days instead. It'll still be fun PLUS there'll be no long trip with a preschooler.

I hope things turn around and start looking up for you very soon.
Oh, I'm soooo sorry all of that happened to you! What a bummer. But it looks like you still had fun.

And that insurance company should be ashamed. I swear, insurance companies are just evil. They never want to pay for anything. We always seem to be fighting them about something (medical insurance companies too).

shortmama said…
Sounds like you guys still had a great time. And being together as a family is really all that matters anyway!
Shawn said…
WOW you poor thing, when it rains it pours right?

Judging by the huge smiles on those beautiful faces I'm thinking they were thrilled to get to do what they did! Kids don't disappoint nearly as easily as we do.

Enjoy the rest of your Spring Break, it's early huh? Our isn't for another 2 weeks. I guess we wait until all of the vacationers have come and gone, I'm in Florida, 45 minutes from Disney.
Pam said…
Visiting from SITS. What a great way to turn lemons into lemonade.
That Girl said…
I love the pic where 'the baby' has her hands up all dramatically. lol
Glad you guys still had a fun time, what a great idea!
Sare said…
Oh yuck!!! And super lame on the insurance company!! I'm so so glad you guys got to enjoy the vacation anyway!!! your fam is so adorable!!!
Unknown said…
I'm sorry that you had to cancel your trip, but I'm also sure that you did the right thing. You still made some great memories and had fun, that's what it's all about right?
E said…
It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Looks you had one of the hip new "Staycations"!!
Unknown said…
It looks like you guys still had a lot of fun!! I can't help but smile right now to the music!! Yay to the New Kids!!
Amy said…
Looks like everyone had a fun time. I think that is the best part you got some memories and that is all that matters. Disney better watch out because you are going to bring them a lot of fun memories.
You and your family weathered some setbacks but I applaud how you made the best of it, rallied the troops and had fun anyway!
Marrdy said…
Wow, talk about a streak of bad luck! But little trips close to home can be fun too! And the Nicklecade, what is more awsome than that? Oh, yeah, Disneyland. Hope you really do make it by year end!
Sara said…
Was sorry to hear about you Bad Luck, but I am so glad as a family that you could have a lot of Fun!!!
I have an award at my site waiting for you, Congrats! Its the Kreatiev Blogger Award!
I am so sorry about the Disney Land trip--and all the things that kept you from going. It sounds like you made the most of the week though. Those pictures look like so much fun!
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry. What a rough time you've been having! I'm incredibly impressed that you chose to make the best of it. Lemons from lemonade! Inspiring!
It looks like you all had a blast, even if you had some disappointment. :( So sorry! I bet your kids were just happy to have some special time with you. :)
Tanielle said…
What great parents you are...seriously!!! I'm sure the little munchkins had a blast. The pics are adorable!! Love ya!
It looks like you had a wonderful time!!!
RootsAndWingsCo said…
OMG! So awful! It seems like these things always happen all at once.

Looks like you had fun at home anyways. Sometimes I think staycations are just as much fun! It's all about the time you spend with them anyways!

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