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Friend Makin' Mondays and pictures of me!

I just LOVE Friend Makin' Mondays! It's so fun getting to know everyone, and meeting wonderful new bloggy friends! If you want to join the fun go visit Kasey to read the rules and link up!

This week's task is Daydreamin'

If you had $1000 dollars, and a baby sitter for a period of 24 hours what would you do?

Well, my 24 hours would start in the early evening. Hubby and I would head Downtown and have a scrumptious early dinner. Then we would go on a horse drawn carriage ride through the city. Then, depending on the season we would go to one of the city's entertainment offerings. It could be a play, or the ballet. Maybe a concert or an NBA game - I love them all!

We would then check into a nice hotel and order room service dessert, OR if nothing on the room service menu appealed, Hubby would be a dear and go get us some Cheesecake Factory to go! Okay, he'd only get it for me, because he hates cheesecake (I know, I know. Believe me - I would totally have run the other way if I knew this BEFORE we tied the knot!!). He'd have to get something from the hotel.

We'd have the place all to ourselves - the entire night - not something we're used to! We would totally sleep in, because we both love to sleep late, but never get the chance! We'd go to a lovely late breakfast at...hold your breath - Village Inn. Okay not the swankiest place in town but I LOVE their eggs benedict, and Hubby loves the country skillet.

Oh, BTW, bright and early on this morning, there would be a couple of these guys showing up at our house:

I know, this is supposed to be our fantasy, but believe me - it is my ultimate DREAM to have new carpet. Seriously girls, THISis the color of my carpet. I'm sorry to anyone who has carpet this color and actually likes it - but I have hated it since the day we bought the place! There just always seems to be something more important to spend our money on.

Okay, back to us. After breakfast I want to go shoe shopping. Upon hearing this Hubby quickly comes up with a reason that he must depart. So I call one of my many trusty girlfriends. Okay, I only have 2 that actually hang out with me - so maybe I call them both. Thankfully both Kimberlee and Tanielle love shoes as much as I do! We have a blissful afternoon of shoe shopping, and I snag these:
As the day winds down I decide I can't have had all this fun without spreadin' the love, so I make time in my blissful 24 hours to pick up some thoughtful gifts for my 4 kiddos! Then, just before my time is up, I go home to my beautiful new carpet and peacefully empty house (my kids are being babysat AWAY from home - and Hubby is still off doing whatever he did to get out of shopping), and have just the right amount of time left to do some quiet, uninterrupted blogging!!

Pictures of Me!

So everyone has been asking "Why don't you have a picture of yourself on your blog? We want to see what you look like."

Okay, no one has asked me that. I like to pretend you're all really interested though. So here I am:

What's that you say? You think I just photoshopped my chubby face onto Jessica Alba's rockin' body? What. Ever. You're just jealous that they've asked me to be her body double in Into The Blue 2.

Here's a picture of me talking on the phone:

Who am I talking to? Well of course it's my yummy boyfriend - Michael Weatherly.

Don't we make a SWEET couple?

Okay, confession time...who else is waiting to put their own picture on their blog until they've dropped a few pounds?


Absolutely! I've put my photo on my blog before and 2 people (who I haven't seen for years) said they didn't recognize me! That's so sad, isn't it?
Anonymous said…
momma said…
i hear you on the carpet - that might be a consideration of mine, too!

love the pictures!!!
Amy said…
I love how you put your pictures up. You look great. What a nice smile.
Amy said…
I also like your story. I need new carpet because I spilled red wine on it. Yes, my husband got it out but it still looks pretty bad. I would join you for shoe shopping any day.
Sassytimes said…
This is hysterical!!
Rhonda said…
Oh I carpet...ugh! We actually had it in one room in our house and with a home filled had to GO! One small room didn't cost a lot though.

Actually, I would have sent it out the door if I had girls too! It's nice to day dream!

I would love to go to a Cheesecake Factory. We do not have one around where I live! I love a good fluffy strawberry cheesecake.

Have a great day!
Ha ha - you crack me up!!! But I did love your plan. And new carpet is nice too!

Glitter & Bliss said…
Love your pics. I would go to PF Chang's and a movie with my hubby. :)
Anonymous said…
New carpet & hubby bringing you cheesecake!! wow! Now that's too much!

Love the pics of you! Nice to *see* you...even if you do look a lot like Jessica Biel.....
Amanda said…
Loving the pics, esp the one of you on Jessica Albas body. Hilarious, I laughed out loud.
Yum...cheesecake factory!
Tanielle said…
You are awesome... and your good friend here, well I have an amazing body as well!!!! Loved the list. And I like your "happy" carpet!!!
Ashley Hasty said…
I love it! You're hilarious and your day sounds amazing complete with friends and shopping!!
Kasey said…
Love the pictures!!!

and I love the idea of the horse drawn carriage!...I have been trying to get my husband to take me on one of those since we were dating and that was over 7 years ago! Maybe this will be my lucky year! And a NBA game sounds fun too!
This is fantastic! I want carpet guys to show up in my daydream, too! (By the way, just so your hubby feels better, I can't stand cheesecake but absolutely love the cheesecake factory! I thought I was the only one!) Great post (and great pics!!).
Girly Stuff said…
Sounds like a great day! It might be cheaper to do your own pergo floors instead of carpet. It was for us.

Your boyfriend is waaaaay cute!
E said…
Loved the pics of "you", too funny!
Tanielle said…
I gave you an award!!! :D Love ya
I missed you, too! Man, I hate Verizon! They cut off my internet because they thought I ordered FIOS when I didn't- so abnoxious! I didn't have internet for 5 days. I thought I might die. Anyways, keep working on those closets. I'm working on mine! (when I'm not catching up online that is ;-)
heidi said…
Great daydream!

Dude...yer hot.
Jennifer said…
You're one hot mama...
Cute post...I got a chuckle.
Matt & Andrea said…
You make me laugh!! Our last house had pink carpet. AND pink tile. AND periwinkle cabinets in the kitchen. I feel your pain.

Plus, when you're ready to run outside, let me know. I'm in.
Pam said…
Too funny! I am so with you on Village Inn I love the eggs benedict too!
Great photos
Sturgmom said…
I could burn through $1000 in minutes. Definitely wouldn't need 24 hrs. so I'd have to use some of it for a hotel so that I'd have somewhere to spend the rest of my 24 hrs. after the cash is gone.

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