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I can't wait until April 3!

Is it my birthday? Nope.

Anniversary? uh-uh

How 'bout hubby's birthday, or one of the kiddos? Nah.

On April 3 there is NOTHING going on! Isn't that awesome? This past several weeks has been CaRAZY! You see my baby bro is getting married. You might remember my mom and I, with the help of my aunt Darla, and her daughter Stephanie recently threw a bridal shower for the soon to be little sis-in-law. We have a HUGE family, and it was a luncheon.

We had mahogany chicken wings (they're fab. I will post the recipe sometime), sweet and sour meatballs, salads, rolls, desserts and goodies. Oh, and can't forget the Jello! We had lots of baking, making and cooking to do. We divided it up - but it still kept us hoppin'!

I had the idiot idea of trying a new cut out cookie recipe that is chocolate heart cookies, then dipped in white chocolate, then drizzled with semi-sweet chocolate. Why, oh why do I not know how to do anything simple? It took FOREVER! They looked super cute, but I have to say, I wasn't too crazy about the taste of the actual cookie. Oh, well.

I was in charge of coming up with party favors. I was drawing a creative blank! Luckily you crafty ladies chimed in with lots of great ideas! We ended up using this adorable idea from Shortmama. We took plastic spoons and put a couple of Hershey's kisses in the spoon and wrapped them with tulle. We tied them with ribbon and a tag that said "A spoonful of kisses from the soon-to-be Mrs." Isn't that cute? And when I say "we" I mean the other ladies, because since I was preparing for a boutique as well, they didn't trust me to get mine finished! Okay, okay, they were just being thoughtful - but I would have gotten them done!! I would have! Thanks for the perfect idea Shortmama!
I also made a gift for the shower, to go along with the other things we were giving "C" (that's what I'll call her). This took a bit of time, but I'm so pleased with how it turned out. I'll post pictures of it next week for Mod Podge Mania. Make sure to come back on the 31st to see everyone's great projects!

Now, I thought it would be a relief to have it over with (not that I don't LOVE "C", I just meant the pressure to get everything done would be off!) But now here's the itinerary for THIS week! Thursday C is going to be going to the temple for her first time. She has invited hubby and I to go. We wouldn't miss it! Saturday is another shower that her family is throwing, and I am also making a gift that goes to that shower. I'll post a pic of it when I'm finished.

Besides wedding stuff, Ribbon Blossoms has kept me on my toes! We are working to get the Girly Giveaway package ready. The bow-holder was custom, so we needed to make it - it wasn't all ready or anything! Also, I'm finishing up the coasters I'm sending from the Spring Fling giveaway - that's right, I haven't forgotten you ladies!!!

And April 2 is the big day! Yay to J (my bro.) and C! What a day it will be. We will head to the temple in the morning for the marriage. We will then take pictures on the temple grounds, after which we will be heading to Mimi's Cafe for the wedding luncheon. We may have a little bit of down time after this, but then it will be off to the reception center for the festivities! I am so excited - it is going to be such a beautiful day for our family!

Then... then comes April 3. I will sit home and blog ALL. DAY. LONG. Yup. Not gonna do a thing on that day. I may sleep 'til noon! Who knows! All I know is it will be divine!

I'm sorry I don't have any fun pics to post from the shower. My mom took them all, so they're on her camera. But I'll post a bunch of pictures from all the showers and the wedding next week!
Now I'm off to work on the gift for Saturday's shower! Wish me luck!


Unknown said…
the 3rd is the beginning of conference weekend. a perfect time to begin some down time.
Sara said…
Congrats on your brother getting married! That will be so much fun!
Have a great day
shortmama said…
I am so glad that the idea worked for you gals! So cute and simple. Sounds like you will get to enjoy a much deserved break!
Amy said…
That is a neat shower gift. Love it. What a pretty church your brother is getting married in. Happy April 3rd.
Jennifer said…
You're one busy mama!
Shawn said…
OK I'll do a count down for you...

10 more days until Xazmin gets to rest!

You deserve it girl.
Anonymous said…
You can't relax we have another boutique the next week!:-)....just kidding! I think it's two weeks after that! Have a great day you crafty, creative, busy lady!
Anonymous said…
They are getting married on my daughter's birthday!! Yay!!
Anonymous said…
Throwing a shower is A LOT of work. Been there and done that!

Those favors are too cute! Love that idea!
It sounds like the shower was very fun! I love the spoonful of kisses idea - so cute! I can't wait to see pics!

Maridith said…
A day full of rest?? I don't know what that means. So glad the shower went so well. Love the idea of the spoon and kisses. Very creative. Have a good day!

heidi said…
I'm gonna laugh at you NOW because come APril 3rd there will be SOMETHING going on, I'm just sure of it. ;-) Have fun!
That Girl said…
I shall do nothing on April 3rd too....just so you dont feel all alone. Im always up for doing nothing days. They are so far apart these days.
E said…
I hope you get to enjoy every second of April 3rd!!!
Thanks for your answer to my question. I have heard people say that wearing a cross is like wearing a guilletine (sp?)around your neck. I guess it a sad symbol, but also a powerful reminder of Christ's sacrifice for us, that He took my sin up on that cross so that I might be forgiven of all of my sins and live eternally with Him. His death on the cross fully atoned for my sins. It reminds me that by the power of the cross I am saved. Does that make sense?

On another note, I wish I could declare April 3rd do nothing day! My kids have early release from school that day, so I could maybe do nothing in the morning!
Ps How do you pronounce your name? It is so unique--I love original names!
Unknown said…
Enjoy the wedding, and your day off on the 3rd! I hope nothing interferes with your day of rest. and blogging. :)
I love weddings! I love wedding showers, the ceremony, luncheons and receptions. How fun for you! Good luck with all of that and enjoy your down day. Be sure to stay in your jammies all day long too. That way you will be sure not to do anything but blog! (Or take a nap, but that is good too)
Lora said…
Sounds like a perfectly lovely day after all the busy-ness you're in the middle of! I think I got tired just reading it...or maybe I was already tired ;-)

Visiting you from SITS--have a wonderful day!
Suzy said…
Sounds like a great time! Congrats to your brother and his bride-to-be! I tell you, there is just nothing better than a WEDDING!!

ps---when you have some time (giggle giggle because sounds like you're super busy!!), be sure to stop over to my blog and pick up the Mom of the Year Award that I've given you! Yay! You're the Best!
Sturgmom said…
Just reading this makes me tired! Enjoy the wedding and preparations! What a joyous time!
Heidi Boos said…
So glad you enjoyed hosting the shower...I love hosting showers (wedding and baby). Glad you found a simple and cute favor that worked...I think my sister and her hubby did this for their wedding reception. What fun!

Enjoy the break when it comes. But remember to take a few little breaks in the midst of the busy-ness. :)
Jessica said…
Isn't it funny how a wedding can wear EVERYONE out? I was so glad when my sister's was done.
Marrdy said…
Oh, I love weddings. There is nothing better than to sit there in the temple and see a mircle in the works!

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