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Friend Makin' Monday - hubba hubba!

For this week's edition of FMM we are asked: "Who are your top five celebrity crushes? What celebrities make you drool?

You mean I have to narrow it down to just 5?

Okay, here I go!

My number 5 is an oldie but goodie: I've swooned over this guy since I was in middle school- seriously! I will probably still swoon when I'm in my 50's and he's in his 80's!

5. Harrison Ford

Next up: This guy has really got to be one of the most beautiful men who has ever graced the small screen. I seriously think this is about as close as one can get to physical perfection:

4. Shemar Moore

You all know that this guy makes me swoon!

3. Joey McIntyre

Number 2 celebrity crush: Can you say yum? This guy has seriously got the sexiest green eyes I've ever seen!

2. Michael Weatherly

And my number 1 celebrity crush just has somethin' about him that I think is hot! He's just an all american guy with a twinkle in his eye, great physique and a sexy smile! Edward can't hold a candle to this Angel!

1. David Boreanaz

So what celebrities make you swoon? Head over to Kasey's to learn all about FMM! And a big thanks to Andrea for guest hosting this week and for her awesome task. Head over to her place if you want to link up!


Alicia said…
Shemar Moore! Wow. Nice! Very, very Nice!
Tanielle said…
Yep, all beautiful!!! Love that pic of Harrison, and Shemar....YUM!!! I couldn't remember his name during the night, or he would have been on mine!!!!
Jenny said…
I've never heard of #1 or #2, but Harrison Ford was pretty good looking back in the day. I remember Shemar Moore on Y&R. I wish he was still on it.
Alicia @ boylerpf said…
Great pic of Harrison Ford back in the Indy Jones days...yep...he was hot for sure! How cute is Michael Weatherly? Delicious!
Leah said…
Ok, Shemar Moore should have been on my list too! :) Love him on Criminal Minds.

Great list.
Amy said…
I have to do this post during nap time. But your number four will be on my list. Oh he is so hot.
Jen said…
Oh, Angel is handsome, isn't he?! Almost on par with Spike :-) and Michael Weatherly - I loved him on Dark Angel - I am cursed to like shows that get canceled! and Shemar Moore - is he on soaps? Looks familiar...
Grand Pooba said…
I was so in love with Joey too!

But my all time favorite is Brad Pitt, I know it's sort of a cliche now but god he is sexy!
Stephanie said…
I love Harrison Ford!
Ok- I have LOVED Joey since the get-go. One of those crushes left behind in my younger years, so it was so cool to see him on your list- he looks GREAT!!!

Fun Fun Fun!!

Have a great week!

Sturgmom said…
Shemar Moore is the main reason I started watching Criminal Minds in the first place. And if he ever leaves, I may be gone too.

He is one of the best-looking men I have ever laid eyes on. Ever. Ever.
jennykate77 said…
I know you did not just go and compare Edward *swoon* to Angel! LOL. I LOVE me some Joey. He made my list too. Harrison Ford will be hot no matter what age he is! Oh, and Shamar Moore. HELLO! Great list!

Hope you have a marvelous Monday!
Kelli said…
Besides the fact taht it's a good show, Shemar is one of the reasons I watch Criminal Minds!
Amy said…
I got mine up go and check it out.
Melissa said…
Who needs five when Peirce Bronsan is alive and doing oh so very fine.
Amanda said…
Loved Harrison as Indiana Jones. Cannot get more perfect than that!

Have a great day!
Sassafras said…
david boronaz, good pick!

Anonymous said…
Shemar is a divine dream to my eyes!! I also go gaga over Ty from Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition!!
Sheri said…
Harrison Ford IS an oldie, but goodie!! I love this picture of him, too!

Thanks for your list!
Karren said…
Hubba hubba is right! Especially because Shemar is in the list!
Amanda @ Serenity Now said…
Love the Harrison Ford picture!!! I have to respectfully disagree with #1 though. Edward is way hotter than Angel. Granted, I haven't seen that Angel show, but come on! ;)

I am still digging through my pictures for your tag!! I KNOW I've got one of T and his date from the same prom that I have a picture of me!!! I promise I'll post it soon. :)
Sugarplum Garters said…
fabulous list! harrison ford is such a hottie in all his movies!

have a wonderful monday!
shortmama said…
So much hotness in one list!
Cheryl said…
Oooo..Michael and David. Picking just 5 was hard. Good list. :-)
Hi Xazmin!

Good list! Harrison Ford is classic! They are all very easy on the eyes!

Happy FMM!

Joy For Your Journey said…
Very cute guys! I could never get away with posting pictures of hotties on my blog--other than my husband. :-) He would have a fit!
heidi said…
You people and your Harrison Fords. Blech. ;-)

I do like David Boreanaz, tho!
Anonymous said…
Great List! TFS
Shawn said…
My daughter is a huge david Boreanaz fan. I think she's a bigger Bones fan since she wants to be a criminal investigator more than anything!

Joey McIntyre..he'll always be 13 to me>

Great list!
Amanda @ Serenity Now said…
I added my email to my profile. :) Thanks for the tip...didn't even realize that was an option!
kado! said…
I ♥ me some Angelia Jolie & I think Jessica Alba is HOT too...but as for guys...I always thought Clooney was a hottie...your list is good too...I just think women are much more of an art-form for the eyes!!!!! =)
I am seeing many guys that hadn't even crossed my mind as I am going through some of these blogs. Indiana Jones is a definite hottie. And I see you agree with me about David Boreanaz. I never saw Dark Angel or Buffy but he is sooooo awesome in Bones.
Michael Weatherly isn't too bad looking either. He is so cute on NCIS.
Jen said…
Joey was/is my favorite New Kid too. He seems like such a nice guy (and incredibly sexy).
Heidi Boos said…
I didn't play along with this one, but I sure have enjoyed blog hopping for FMM just to see all the "eye candy". ;)
Amber Filkins said…
Isn't that Shemar guy from the Tyler Perry movie, Diary of a Mad Black Woman? Either way, he's hott.

I love that you have Joey McIntyre on your list!
Cassie said…
I had such a hard time narrowing it down to 5 too!
Ryan Ashley Scott said…
Harrison Ford... I'm in total agreement with his #1 status here.
AndreaLeigh said…
I was a huge Buffy fan so I loved that you added David B. He is a sexy thing!

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