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Dear Someone

Dear ex-husband of My Best Friend,

Not that it's any of my business...but how dare you?

How dare you call my best friend, who is pregnant, while she's home alone because her husband is out of town, and drop a bomb shell on her like, "I think the kids should come live with me."?

What's that you say? Oh, you miss them. Well, that's one of the unfortunate side effects of walking out on your family and hooking up with someone else!

Do you even realize that when my Best Friend was devastated and heartbroken because her husband didn't want to work things out, when you were out re-living your youth, her children were the one thing she had that helped her stay anchored and keep it together? They were her life and her reason for being strong.

And now you want to take that away from her too?

I'm sure you don't realize how utterly selfish you are being, because I know you do love your children. However, perhaps if I spell it out for you, you will understand. My Best Friend didnt choose this. You did. And while I'm sorry you miss your children, I don't understand at all how you think it would be okay for my Best Friend to have to miss them so you can feel better. See how this doesn't make any sense?

I thought you'd see it my way. Now, no more of this nonsense, okay?

Ticked off Best Friend who has to keep her mouth shut and not cause trouble, so she has to post it on her blog instead.

Oh, and p.s. My Best Friend's new husband could totally kick your trash! (and I know he wants to!)

I'm linking up to Shortmama's "Dear Someone" linky party! Go here to check it out!

Update: I feel the need to clarify a couple of things: Although I am REALLY ticked off that this guy has the guts to ask for this kind of a sacrifice from my friend, and think it's really selfish, I want to make sure you know that he's not the same guy he was when he left his family. Since then he has done a lot of repenting, apologizing and trying to make up for his choices. He's good to his kids, and is generally very cooperative with my friend...just once in awhile he does something really idiotic like this. I just felt guilty for unintentionally painting an inaccurate picture of the way he is NOW. But, even when you repent of a poor choice, it doesn't mean you still don't have to suffer the consequences!


J.J. said…
Take it to the blog sista!
Seriously...I hope it works out for her and he stopps being a db,mans up and deals with the consequences of his actions.
Rachelle said…
Wow! Someone should kick his butt. I can't believe how stinkin selfish people can be. My Dad left us when we were kids. Not a fun thing to go through. I hope things work out for your friend.
He sounds like a real "winner." What a jerk. Men who walk out on their families should realize that their children probably don't look very favorably on them.
Angie said…
I hope you feel better! I love venting it always makes me feel better...what a jerk. You go girl...your bestie is lucky to have such a great friend looking out for her.
Macey said…
Oh no nonononono, momma bear comes out when that stuff goes on! Momma bear says, "Back off jerk off."
I bet I know who your best friend is...and I KNOW he HAS to have Mr. California or whatever better watch it. :)
shortmama said…
Dont you wish you could just slap the ex husband? Boy that gets me fired up!! He is so wrong on so many levels!! Thanks for joining up!
Tiffany said…
Amen Sista! Tell him what's up!!! Don't you just hate ex's that don't know ANYTHING!!!
Good vent! That is just so wrong!

Anonymous said…
That's exactly what Dear So and So is for!! Good for you for speaking your mind-- even if you had to do it on the "privacy" of your blog. And btw, I totally agree with you!
Unknown said…
wow- I bet that felt good to get that off of your chest. What a good friend you are....

Everyone needs a friend like you! :-) You tell that guy that you have a whole following of bloggers who might just show up at his house...

Great vent!
Koko said…
I was just going to write something and then I saw it on the comment above me in the first line. haha Anyway, good way to vent! Also, good of you to recognize the good in a person too, even when I'm sure it's very hard at times! I hope you've been doing well. We've been so busy that I've been away from the blogging world for awhile. I've missed reading your posts!
Melissa said…
You are a good friend.
Amy said…
Great post. I am glad she has you.
As someone whose ex-husband left her for another woman (while I was pregnant) I have no sympathy for your friend's ex. Who cares if he's repented and turned his life around? Doesn't change the past.
Ass hat.
Marrdy said…
Playing the I want the Kids card is the lowest someone can go. I stayed married for far too long because I didn't want to have my kids have to feel like they were losing either of us. What a selfish pig. Here's an about you think about what would be best for the kids instead of what is best for you. Perhaps you should have thought about missing them when you were out chasing someone you shouldn't!
You are such a great friend! Just the fact that you care this much for your BFF, is saying loads about you.

And that husband is just a jerk. Plain awful jerk.

I hope things would work out for your BFF.

Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest

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