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New Friday Feature!

In 6 weeks from today, July 10th, I will be hopping in (a hopefully feeling better) Tanielle's car and we will be goin' on a road trip to Vegas! We're headin' down to see our boys in concert. If you're new here that would be New Kids On The Block! I'm so excited!

In honor of this momentous occasion, I have decided to do a fun (for me!) new Friday Feature. I stole this idea from my good friend Amanda at Serenity Now. She counted down the weeks to the premier of the awesome t.v. show So You Think You Can Dance by sharing a favorite video from the show each week!

So I'm totally doing that! Each Friday I'm going to share a favorite New Kids video for your viewing pleasure! Just humor me and watch it okay? You can make fun of me in the comments if you want afterward!

For my first video, I want to share the song that brought them all back to us. It was their first single from their new album The Block. I'm going to show a sound check they did, because I actually don't love the official music video. But I love, love, LOVE this song. It's called Summertime. It's about summertime romance, and is a throw back to the summer of '88 when they exploded onto the scene and we all (well most of us) fell in love with them. It takes me back to the summers of my youth when I was SKINNY, carefree and a little crazy (in a good way)! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I had no part in making this video, own no rights and totally just snagged off of YouTube!


Can you hear me screaming all the way from Virginia??! ;) Oh, my Joey!! ;)

I am touched that you liked my countdown video idea. It is only fitting to honor something so wondrous as NKOTB or SYTYCD with a video tribute. ;) ;)

Happy Friday, chick!
Alicia said…
I'm so excited for you! You're going to have SO MUCH FUN at their concert!
Brandy said…
I LOVE NKOTB!! I saw them when I was 15 and would love to go now. I just know you guys will have a great time... jealous!
shortmama said…
Oh my good gravy! OK I was one of their fans back in the day, and I have to say that this song is pretty good and Donnie is pretty dang hot. However watching them dance made me start singing "The Right Stuff" hehehehehe
shortmama said…
Today is living room reveal day! I am going to leave the post up all weekend so everyone has a chance to show us their progress!
six weeks to go?!? how exciting!

my dad surprised me and my mom with tickets to see them in 1991 ~ it was my first concert and SO MUCH FUN! we actually saw them on the freeway on the way to the concert ~ they tried to get their limo close enough to our car to give me a t-shirt, but no luck. :o( it was still exciting though, especially for a ten-year old!

have a wonderful weekend!
aaagh! Ears... bleeding. Sight... dimming. ...must find mute button....

.... That said, I know you guys are going to have a blast. I'm praying Tanielle is feeling better by then and that your road trip is a complete sucess!
Anonymous said…
That is so cool! I would love to see them again! I seen them when I was in highschool.
My favorite song is I'll be loving you forever. Love it!

Have fun and take lots of pictures.
J.J. said…
What a hoot! You can never have too much NKOTB!
I LOVE New Kids! I missed out on going to the show this summer. I'm more than a little bummed about it. But I guess I'll live. Thanks for the video. So much fun!

(Oh, and I'm stopping by from Mormon Blog Stalker. Thanks for letting me visit!)
Koko said… are MUCH younger than me...I think these guys were hot when I started having babies so I missed the hype. It's a fun countdown idea!
Tina said…
How fun.....brings back lots of memories!
jennykate77 said…
I was just thinking about Tanielle and wondering if this wonderful news of her expecting her 5th child would interfer with your summer plans w/ The Boys. I'm glad to know that it appears your still on for your road trip!

I LOVE this video...L-O-V-E this video...and my Joey. He's so cute and HOTT! (I also have this small crush on's a new thing.) I can't wait for my turn with The Boys...July 17th!!! It'll be here before we know it! I get all excited and giddy just thinking about it.

As a side note, my husband thinks I'm totally nuts-o, but he's ok with it. However, he did compare them to Debbie Gibson. He said that me wanting to be a groupie for the NKOTB was like him wanting to hit every Debbie Gibson concert. WHATEVER! I told him that I believe she likes to go by 'Deborah' now and we had a major "discussion" about how he should never dis The Boys again! LOL (he doesn't listen to me)

I totally should have sent this comment in an sorta turned into a mini-novel. sorry.

Hope you had a FABULOUS Friday!!
Anonymous said…
Have fun!

(I love So You Think You Can Dance)
Oh my goodness it brings me back to a carefree teenage life with music by Debbie Gibson, NKOTB, and Tiffany- loved that music.

I am so excited for you and can't wait to see your excitement on the countdown AND to hear all about it afterwards!!

Have a super weekend!

STILLMAGNOLIA said… will post all about the NKOTB concert as soon as you get back for those of us who wish we could go?.....I went to see Gordon Lightfoot(he was big when I was a teen) two years ago...paid 45.00 for my ticket...the man is in his 70's....and dropped lines so bad...we left at intermission. My daughter Kat saw NKOTB...back in
the 80' Auburn, and Nashville,and Atlanta. She was so crazy about them...had every doll...every cassette....even a NKOTB sleeping bag....groans....I am wondering if she is going to see them when they are here.....Have fun my friend.
Heather said…
I like this song too. Thanks so much it's now stuck in my head! LOL

I do hope Tanielle is feeling better by then.
Yay for road trips with best friends to see NKOTB!!!! :)
Shawn said…
I wonder if Kool & the Gang did their choreography? JK!

1988~ The year I graduated high school~ You're such a baby!
Jennifer said…
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
the right stuff...

Yesterday I busted out the NKOTB dance (the one where you kick each leg out to the side) right in the middle of My Gym - packed with a bunch of kids and moms. One of my friends almost peed her pants!

Great Friday idea mama.

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