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Friend Makin' Monday and a Winner!

It's time for Friend Makin' Monday y'all! I'm so glad Kasey started this whole thing up so I could meet so many wonderful new friends!

The adorable Amber is guest-hosting this week and she has asked us to share 5 toys that remind us of our childhood. I have to say, that Amber's list is pretty much what I would have come up with myself! LOVED all those toys! But I'll try to come up with 5 different ones! Well okay, only 4, because we just had the same taste in toys AND boy bands I guess!

1. Barbie. I looooved my peaches and cream barbie...remember when they were always dressed in lovely flowing gowns, instead of the hoochie clothes they wear now?

2. Easy Bake Oven... I used to bake cakes for Johnny, the cute boy in the neighborhood...he never wanted to try one.

3. Rainbow Brite...Sorry Amber, I couldn't leave her off my list, even for the sake of originality.

4. Hula Hoop! I couldn't find a picture of the pink and white peppermint striped one from back in the day anywhere! But remember how it even smelled like peppermint?

5. He Man! My brother had all the he-man guys, and his best friend Justin had a bunch, and they used to sometimes let me play with them! What was up with Teela's outfit, and did anybody else want to be her?

There you have it my friends, my 80's toys blast from the past! Thanks Amber...this was so much fun! Maybe we can get together and play My Little Ponies sometime soon!

If you'd like to join in with FMM, go visit Amber and see what it's all about!

Oh yeah, you want to know who won my 100th post giveaway, don't you? Okay here we go!

The winner is......

Congratulations! I need you to send me your shipping info, as well as your choice of word or name, and color scheme! Thanks to all of you who always support me, and leave me such awesome comments...they truly make my day!


Melissa said…
Wow, a walk down memory lane. Can't forget lite brite! My dad refused to let me have an easybake oven. I asked for one every year for Christmas. My husband bought me one our first year of Christmas. He would get home from work around 1:00 a.m. and find a tiny cake or cookie waiting for him.:)
J.J. said…
I loved my hula hoop. The Easter Bunny brought it to me. :)
Kelli said…
Yes, I do remember when Barbie was fully clothed! Oh how I loved her. I loved my easy bake oven too, the cakes were yummy.
Anonymous said…
The hula hoop was a fabulous childhood reminder. :)
Jan said…
I did this once too. It was fun to try and remember. The hula hoop is a classic. My daughter loves it today. A simple circle has lasted.
What great memories. I loved the easy bake over and barbie and I think I spent way too many hours with the hula hoop. Thanks for the reminders. Hugs, Marty
Krissy said…
I still have my first hoola hoop somewhere! Its quite beat up nowadays but they provided for hours of entertainment!
Mama Nut said…
I remember all of these quite well. Funny that the hula hooping my kids do is the virtual kind on the wii fit! And I loved the easy bake ovens, too! One time we had a lemonade stand at my gramma's house and we sold lemonade and easy bake oven cakes! BTW I'm so glad I won (which I think I might have mentioned to you just a couple times!)
Mrs. J L said…
Rainbow Bright was the best!!! I didn't include because I was trying to come up with some new ones but she was my ultimate favorite! :)
I still hula hoop today! LOVE it!! Great list. Wonder why Johnny didn't want to try the cakes?? LOL!
KK said…
My sisters and the boy down the street loved He-man.....they wouldn't let me play. They said I was too little. Lol.

Love your list!
Jennifer said…
I CANNOT believe I forgot about the Easy Bake Oven! That was a huge favorite. Hula hoop reminded me I also loved Skip-it. And I just thought about the Creepy Crawler maker my little brother's friend had. 80's toys were the best!
Anonymous said…
Congrats to the winner. I had so many barbies it wasn't funny. I loved the easy bake oven -- my daughter even got into and loved it. That is what made her want to start cooking with me.
Small House said…

Liked your poem in the last post. It's my turn to give the next Relief Society Fast Sunday lesson. I'm always looking. I'm a dork and teach the sisters like they are in YW. Makes it easier for me to prepare.
Have a great day.
Good, good list Xazmin! And Peaches and Cream Barbie - beautiful! I know what you're saying about the clothes. The things they make for Barbies now are ridiculous. I loved the flowing ball gowns.

Amber Filkins said…
GREAT list!! I also loved hula hoops, and even He Man!! And I LOVED the peaches & Cream Barbie. I think I even have it somewhere!
Jenny said…
I love that list! As soon as I saw that Barbie picture, I knew it was Peaches N Cream Barbie!

I also loved Rainbow Brite.
Kris said…
Malibu Barbi was my favorite. She and the 3 story Barbi townhouse with the elevator.
I loved the easy bake oven too. No one would eat my cakes either. They were good - they didn't know what they were missing.
Rhonda said…
Great toys! I remember all of those! I didn't play with He-man though...hee hee

Love to hula hoop! I was pretty good then.
Rhonda said…
Great toys! I remember all of those! I didn't play with He-man though...hee hee

Love to hula hoop! I was pretty good then.
Rhonda said…
Great toys! I remember all of those! I didn't play with He-man though...hee hee

Love to hula hoop! I was pretty good then.
OK, I'm not trying to be crass, but why does Teela have a penis? Was she a She-Man?

(Loved my Easy Bake oven and hula hoop too.)
Great list!! I soooo wanted Peaches 'N Cream Barbie, but I never got her. Maybe I'll do this list today as a second post. :)
Vashti said…
I wish I had had an easy bake oven! they didnt sell them in the UK. SO sad!
shortmama said…
The funniest thing is how so many 80s toys are making there way back now!!!
My list was identical to Amber's too, but I tried my hardest to come up with a few originals. Life was good, no?
Awwww....I had the Peaches n' Cream Barbie...she was SOOOOOOO pretty!!! They just don't make um' like the used to huh?

Have a super week!

Rhonda said…
Thanks for the FYI! See I need pick up sticks again. Help me concentrate on things!
Jessica said…
Great post! So much fun to read!
Jessica said…
I loved my easy bake oven!! Such a great toy!
jennykate77 said…
Oh, we would have played so well together!! Why do all Barbies not come in prom/pageant dresses anymore? Peaches and Cream Barbie was one of my favorites too. I used to play He-Man and She-Ra with my cousin daily. Defending Castle Grayskull and the likes of Skelator was so much fun! Oh, and I had an Easy Bake Oven too. I cooked in mine, but I also used it for "experiments" melting crayons and such.

Great list!

Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Peaches n Cream Barbie is the best! Her dress is just so pretty! :o)

Have a fabulous week!
Rachelle said…
How hilarious! I still have my peaches and cream barbie, my girls love playing with her. We had all those toys!
Unknown said…
I was really into the movie Annie, so I saved all my Annie action figures and now my daughter plays with them.
Every Saturday morning I would watch the Smurfs and then go play Barbies in my room all day!
lagirl said…
I was on of those little girls who drug their doll around till they started to fall apart. Guess I was always meant to be a Mom...I also had a small child's "record player" that I loved to spin my records on.
Renee said…
Can you even buy a new barbie now in a gown other than a wedding gown?

Fun list.
AndreaLeigh said…
love your list! i used to have strawberry shortcake sheets and I swear they used to smell like strawberries.
kado! said…
You bakes cakes for Johnny...were they "johnny-cakes" Hahaha! =)

....I ♥ed Rainbow Brite! I had her on my lunchbox....I wish I still had that lunchbox.
momma said…
i'm with you on the "hoochie" clothing on the barbies.

i completely forgot about the easy bake oven!! i loved mine so much, we got one for our little girl.
Maridith said…
I love peaches n' cream Barbie. I so had her and she was my favorite. You could move her sash into all different designs. Wonderful!! Also, I found that exact He man in my box of "childhood toys" I think it is inherent because my son really likes that figurine. Great post!!!
Tanielle said…
Holy smokes what kind of girl did you want to be? What's with that chicks outfit? Or lack there of.

Loved peaches and cream barbie!!! Another one of my favs!!
CailinMarie said…
yay for Rainbow Brite! And glamour girl Barbies
Lins said…
Peaches & Cream Barbie was amazing!! I used to think she was just about the most beautiful thing I had ever seen!

Great memories...thanks for the list!

Lins @
Unknown said…
Congrats to the winner!!
What a trip there in that post. I always wished for an easy bake oven... loved Rainbow Bright and yes, I even played with He-Man too!!
Ah, I loved Barbie so much, although I gave haircuts to all of my Barbies at one point, and my Mom wouldn't buy any more for me, so mine never looked as pretty as the one in your picture! Love the hula hoop -- still play with it every once in a while (now I have the hips to keep it up!).

Molly Anne said…
Yes I do remember all the flowing Barbie gowns! I'm always scared of the toy aisle now.

I LOVED Rainbow Brite. Okay I maybe didn't totally get over it considering I still have a huge poster from the Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer movie. Some things are just too cool to get rid of. ;)

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