It's time for Friend Makin' Monday y'all! I'm so glad Kasey started this whole thing up so I could meet so many wonderful new friends!
The adorable Amber is guest-hosting this week and she has asked us to share 5 toys that remind us of our childhood. I have to say, that Amber's list is pretty much what I would have come up with myself! LOVED all those toys! But I'll try to come up with 5 different ones! Well okay, only 4, because we just had the same taste in toys AND boy bands I guess!

4. Hula Hoop! I couldn't find a picture of the pink and white peppermint striped one from back in the day anywhere! But remember how it even smelled like peppermint?

There you have it my friends, my 80's toys blast from the past! Thanks Amber...this was so much fun! Maybe we can get together and play My Little Ponies sometime soon!
Oh yeah, you want to know who won my 100th post giveaway, don't you? Okay here we go!
The winner is......
Congratulations! I need you to send me your shipping info, as well as your choice of word or name, and color scheme! Thanks to all of you who always support me, and leave me such awesome comments...they truly make my day!
The adorable Amber is guest-hosting this week and she has asked us to share 5 toys that remind us of our childhood. I have to say, that Amber's list is pretty much what I would have come up with myself! LOVED all those toys! But I'll try to come up with 5 different ones! Well okay, only 4, because we just had the same taste in toys AND boy bands I guess!
1. Barbie. I looooved my peaches and cream barbie...remember when they were always dressed in lovely flowing gowns, instead of the hoochie clothes they wear now?

2. Easy Bake Oven... I used to bake cakes for Johnny, the cute boy in the neighborhood...he never wanted to try one.

3. Rainbow Brite...Sorry Amber, I couldn't leave her off my list, even for the sake of originality.

4. Hula Hoop! I couldn't find a picture of the pink and white peppermint striped one from back in the day anywhere! But remember how it even smelled like peppermint?

5. He Man! My brother had all the he-man guys, and his best friend Justin had a bunch, and they used to sometimes let me play with them! What was up with Teela's outfit, and did anybody else want to be her?

There you have it my friends, my 80's toys blast from the past! Thanks Amber...this was so much fun! Maybe we can get together and play My Little Ponies sometime soon!
Oh yeah, you want to know who won my 100th post giveaway, don't you? Okay here we go!
The winner is......
Congratulations! I need you to send me your shipping info, as well as your choice of word or name, and color scheme! Thanks to all of you who always support me, and leave me such awesome comments...they truly make my day!
Love your list!
Liked your poem in the last post. It's my turn to give the next Relief Society Fast Sunday lesson. I'm always looking. I'm a dork and teach the sisters like they are in YW. Makes it easier for me to prepare.
Have a great day.
I also loved Rainbow Brite.
I loved the easy bake oven too. No one would eat my cakes either. They were good - they didn't know what they were missing.
Love to hula hoop! I was pretty good then.
Love to hula hoop! I was pretty good then.
Love to hula hoop! I was pretty good then.
(Loved my Easy Bake oven and hula hoop too.)
Have a super week!
Great list!
Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Have a fabulous week!
Every Saturday morning I would watch the Smurfs and then go play Barbies in my room all day!
Fun list.
....I ♥ed Rainbow Brite! I had her on my lunchbox....I wish I still had that lunchbox.
i completely forgot about the easy bake oven!! i loved mine so much, we got one for our little girl.
Loved peaches and cream barbie!!! Another one of my favs!!
Great memories...thanks for the list!
Lins @
What a trip there in that post. I always wished for an easy bake oven... loved Rainbow Bright and yes, I even played with He-Man too!!
I LOVED Rainbow Brite. Okay I maybe didn't totally get over it considering I still have a huge poster from the Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer movie. Some things are just too cool to get rid of. ;)