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I'm catching the bucket!

Have any of you seen the phrase "the bucket filler" floating around blog land? I have seen it here and there and wasn't quite sure what it was. It's funny because I read Our Life in Perfect Cadence regularly, and was always uplifted by the warm and inspiring posts Cadance made each day. What I didn't realize was that she was filling my bucket!

The bucket filler was started by a blogger named Jan whose blog I just recently discovered and love! It revolves around the idea that we each have invisible buckets. Our buckets are filled when we have positive, uplifting interactions with people. By the things they say, or by their actions. When our buckets are full, we are happy.

We also all have invisible dippers. They can be used to fill the buckets of others, or to dip into and lessen the buckets of others. Unkindness and negetivity empty our buckets and diminish our happiness.

Perhaps many of us don't try to empty each others buckets, but at the same time maybe we find it uncomfortable to make the effort to fill the buckets of others. This tradition is an effort to overcome that difficulty and help us each receive the joy to be found both by having our buckets filled and by filling the buckets of others.

Cadance has tossed the bucket to me! For the entire month of May I will be doing my best to fill your buckets! I don't know if there are any particular rules or protocols for this assignment, so I'll just roll with it! Each day I will share something that I hope will add a little more to each of your buckets. It may be a thought within my post, or it may be a post in itself. Either way I hope that each day you leave my blog feeling uplifted, and that your buckets are each a little fuller!

For my first "bucket filler", I'd like to share a quote from Albert Einstein:

"There are 2 ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle. "

I truly believe I am surrounded by miracles each and every day! Have a wonderful Friday everyone!


shortmama said…
Great quote! I look forward to your bucket fillers! Dont forget to come by my place for the home redo!
Mama Nut said…
What a lovely concept. I just had a reality check. I read your post and looked to my left and guess what I saw. My scriptures. The ultimate bucket filler. I wonder how much my life would change if I spent as much time reading them as I do reading blogs. Hmmmm...something for me to ponder. Loved your quote btw! Miracles are everywhere!
That Girl said…
what a great idea!
Shawn said…
What a great quote! I guess that Albert Einstein guy was pretty smart huh?

For the record, you have been filling my bucket for a while now. I love that it now has a name!


Jen said…
I always enjoy coming here, but I will especially look forward to having you fill my bucket this Merry Month of May - I could use it right now!
Amy Ellen said…
Beautiful quote. I was just sharing with my daughter last night how I thought she was such a miracle, such evidence of something more.
Rhonda said…
Love it! What a great quote. I love God's miracles!

My bucket is getting pretty low. Looking forward to it being filled up!
Anonymous said…
Sounds interesting I have never heard of it. TFS
jennykate77 said…
I haven't heard of this, but I love the idea! We should all be bucket fillers...spread a little love and joy. Each day we have the opportunity to make someone else's day.
Heather said…
What a fantastic idea! Love the quote.
Such a neat idea!! You are such an encouraging person!! :)
That Albert guy was kinda smart.

The only bucket around here is what we call Mom's Stress Bucket. You never know what will be the drop that makes the bucket over-flow. God help you if you're in the vicinity when that happens.

Run away boys! Run away!
What a neat idea!! I look forward to your posts.

I think all of our buckets get filled with daily contact with our bloggy friends too- both in reading uplifting posts and receiving encouraging comments!!

I have always loved your uplifting spirit! Thanks for filling my bucket when I come to visit you!

Jan said…
Great quote. I love the everything is a miracle. This is going to be great.
kado! said…
Beautifully written post & I love the quote....I love seeing the miracles that are right in front of our faces....and knowing there are many not-so-visible ones too! Great way to start off the month! Thanks!
Alicia said…
That's funny, because I'm a part of the blog "The Bucket Filler" at

... what a great concept!
Anonymous said…
I love this award! It's so cute!
This is so cool! I need to start filling up some buckets around me! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
Carol Kennon said…
I've never heard of it, but look forward to all the 'bucket fillers' you will provide.

You're off to a great start with that quote! It's so true.
Unknown said…
you did a great on your first day!

this is a great feature..
i am glad jan kicked that bucket over to candanc!
i think candance did a great job!
Tanielle said…
Great quote!!! I am excited to see what you come up with everyday!!! Awesome idea, glad you are doing it!
AndreaLeigh said…
i think you are PERFECT for this!
Marrdy said…
What a great idea. Love the quote and look forward to more!
Elisa said…
I'm so excited to have found the bucket again! I love them!

(I like your little badge thing you made for the bucket filler!)
Jenny-Jenny said…
This is such a wonderful idea. Love the quote, love A. Einstein. I will come back every day for a dipper full!

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