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"Hair" today, gone tomorrow...

Tomorrow at our school will be the culmination of our annual Pedals for Hope service. Our 9th graders have been studying our state (part of our state's core curriculum) and it's people through the lense of cancer. We have one of the highest skin cancer rates in the nation, and also one of the leading cancer research institutes.

The whole school gets involved in this expedition. For the past several weeks all the grades have been participating in Penny Wars. There is a big jug for each grade that the students fill with as many pennies as they's a competition between the grades. You can increase your grade's chance of winning by donating money bigger than pennies to the other grades' jugs. Whenever any currency bigger than pennies (bills, quarters, nickles, etc.) is put into your jar, that counts against your total! At the end of the "war" all the money is donated to the cancer institute.

The 9th graders are participating in a 3 day bike-tour across the valley. They have been collecting sponsorship donations from local businesses and corporations. All this money goes to the institute as well. Tomorrow at the culmination assembly, the students will present a check for all the money earned to the cancer institute. As part of the assembly students and faculty will also be getting their hair chopped for Locks of Love. The hair donated is made into hair pieces for children who have lost their hair to cancer treatment. Cowgirl and Pixie are so excited to be participating this year. This is a picture of their last day of long locks! Tomorrow they're getting it chopped off! I was planning on participating also, but apparently they won't accept your hair if it has been bleached. I have some highlights that had to be bleached first because my hair's so dark. I'm super bummed that I can't donate!


Last year we raised over $5,400. Not too shabby for a small school (we have less than 500 students, and we are a K-9 school). So far this year the kids have already raised over $6,000.

I'll have some good video and pictures of the assembly come back if you want to see the new "do's"!
I'm so proud of these two!
Someone else doing something wonderful for this cause is my good friend Jenny Kate. Go check out her blogiversary post and see what she's up to!

A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.


kado! said…
I ♥ that idea with the penny wars! I've never heard of that trist on the game! Great idea!

can't wait to see the new hair style! What a great cause!
Rachelle said…
That is so sweet of your girls to donate their hair! I've done it once and my daughter is going to do it soon (they want at least 10 inches donated at a time) and she's so excited! Please post pictures of before and afters so I can show my girl!
Sara said…
Wow, your girls are sweeties! I always wanted to donate my hair, but never got it long enough
shortmama said…
Love this idea! I may have to bring it up to our school for next year, so awesome. Rhiannon and I both donated hair to Locks of Love a couple of years ago, it is such a good feeling.
How exciting!! Such a special thing for your girls to donate their (beautiful!) hair to help others. :)

If you have a chance, I'd love your weigh-in on my Thrifty Thursday post today. :)
Tina said…

Wow....what a wonderful way to teach children about giving back!

The girls hair is beautiful and what a wonderful thing they are doing!! WAY TO GO.....

Is this a private school?
Melissa said…
How great, I love that they are participating at such a young age. I have donated my hair 4 times. I would have donated again a few months ago when I cut of 14 inches, but I was told they reject hair with grey in it.:)
Amy said…
They have such pretty hair. I hope they are not sad to see it go. But it is for a great cause.
J.J. said…
My kiddos' school did the penny war thing and they loved it.

That is awesome...donating their hair....makes me cry how sweet and generous little ones can be.
Jenny-Jenny said…
Awesome, just awesome. Love to see service in action.
onegirliegirl said…
That is just fabulous!!
jennykate77 said…
I think this is AWESOME!! What a great idea w/ the penny war. Love that! Your girls have gorgeous hair and I think it's so sweet that they would be willing to donate it for such a worthy cause! I can't wait to see pics of their new cute short hair. Thank you so much for mentioning me in your blog! That's so cool! You're the best!

I'll totally make sure that you get two prizes. :)

I saw your countdown for Vegas!!!! I booked our hotel room for Dallas earlier this week! I can't wait!!! I'll expect a full account of your trip. :)
What state do you live in?! Yipes. Your girls are sweethearts to want to participate. You must be so proud of them! That's awesome!!!
Mama Nut said…
Beautiful girls. Beautiful hair. Beautiful cause. You guys are so awesome!
Bonnie said…
Beautiful girls! That is such a great idea on Locks of Love. And your school sounds fantastic!
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to see their hair! Wow they have raised alot of money. What a wonderful little school. TFS
Unknown said…
That is so great I can say from my experience that what they are doing really will change a child's life!
Shawn said…
You have every reason to be a proud Mamma!

Way to go girls!
Jenny said…
How awesome! I can't wait to see their "after" pics. They will be so cute!
How wonderful! I love it when kids get involved to make a difference.
Marrdy said…
What a great idea. Our elementary school colected pennies for some new playground equipment many years ago. The kids loved it AND the principal kissed a pig. What could be better?
Heather said…
Wow! What a great group of kiddos that school must be filled with!!

Can't wait to see their hair!
momma said…
what a wonderful cause and terrific kids!!

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