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WWTK Wednesday - and an embarrassing story!

Time for another edition of WWTK hosted by Mamarazzi, Queso, and Crazy Mama.  It's fun - you should totally do it!

Here are the questions and my answers:

{1} What is your most commonly used word or phrase when you are frustrated?

I'm not sure if I have a single most common one.  I have a colorful variety of exclamations (not necessarily curse words though) that I use when I'm mad or frustrated!  I'm trying hard to quit swearing.  I mean, my swearing is mild compared to many, but I'm still trying to quit completely.  It's hard though.

{2} What random question do you usually get from strangers or casual acquaintances?

This is easy - I am always asked how to pronounce my name.  Multiple, multiple times a week.  I addressed that here.  I am then promptly asked where it is from (Armenia), then I am asked if I am Armenian (I'm not).

3} Did you ever correspond by mail with anyone, who? Do you still have the letters?

Why yes I did!  A cute French boy named Jean-Paul.  He came to stay with the family of one of my guy friends, and we hung out a bit.  There was a little bit of attraction there - but he was only here for a short while.  Plus I was only in Middle school.  I think.  I may have been in HS.  Anyway - we corresponded for a short while.  I do not have the letters still, but I wish I did - his English was adorable - and his penmanship was excellent!

{4} Do you dance in public? why or why not?

I HAVE danced in public.  I used to dance in school.  Like, perform and stuff.  But I am pretty sure I was only mediocre at it.  I also used to go dancing back in my single days, and when hubby and I first met.  But it has been a long time since I danced in public, and I also feel like I have gotten really retarded at it in my fat old age.  Here I am, about to pull a MiMi, throw my pride to the wind - have no shame - and share something super humiliating with you!

Back many years ago, before I got mature and stuff, but after I got married and lost my rhythm - Hubby and I went to a fancy schmancy Christmas party for his work.  It was in a swank hotel ballroom, and there was a DJ and dancing and stuff.  So Hubby and I hit the dance floor.  I felt like an idiot.  Like I could TELL that I didn't have any rhythm anymore, and that I was dancing like a spaz.  So after we left the ballroom to check out a cute little shop in the hotel, I went in to use the bathroom.  I finished my business, and on the way out I noticed myself in the large, wide, full length mirror of the bathroom.  I decided to bust a move in front of the mirror to see if I actually looked as spastastic as I felt while dancing.  Yeah - you can see what's coming next. Someone totally walked in on me while I was gettin' down.  By myself.  In a public restroom.  I thought I would die.  You. are. welcome.

{5} What is your favorite kind of chapstick/lip balm?

 I don't use any?  I really don't.  If I'm feeling fancy I wear lipstick and gloss.  But I'm not a lip-balm user.  Oh, except I DO make it a point to occasionally use the awesome DP flavored lip balm MiMi sent me forever ago!  I'm probably going to go through it even faster now that I'm off the sauce.  Need some way to get my DP fix!

Okay - I shared with you, now I want to hear your answers!  If you'd like to share, click the button and link up!!


P.S. - I'm giving something super cool away on Monday!!


Macey said…
Haaaaaaaa! I love that you pulled a MiMi! That's hilarious!
So did you actually look like a spaz or not??
VandyJ said…
Getting caught dancing in the bathroom is better than getting caught with your skirt caught in your panty hose. Not that that has ever append to me.
Crazymamaof6 said…
Awesome story.

I should quit cussing, my kids would be so proud.

See now that 's what i'm talking about, letters from the past. In high school I wrote friends that were missionaries. And a boyfriend at boot camp. It was a good time.

Thanks for linking up and answering my randomness.
Robin said…
hahahahahahahahahahaha No that's never happened to me. I've never been caught doing something odd when I thought I was alone. Like singing to myself... outta tune!
OMG! Your embarrassing story is GREATNESS!!! I will dance in public when the Captain loosens me up. And even then, it's scary.
Mamarazzi said…
LOL @ your embarrassing you so much for sharing!!

i was so glad when you shared how to pronounce your name. i really like saying it. every time i see something you say on facebook i say your name in my head. i do that with everyone but with yours i really have to think about it.

did any of that make sense?

thanks for linking up i love your answers and love when you play along!
Myya said…
You swear?? Gaaasp!

Just tell them to call you X. Problem solved! LOL

You busted it down infront of a mirror & got caught, I am seriously dying of laughter right now!!!

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