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My people are funny.

I'm not talking about Mexicans.  I'm talking about Utahns.  Although a lot of us are Mexicans.  And a lot of us are funny.  Not me, but still, there are a lot of funny people in my state!  Today I thought I'd share with you some funny crap that has come from my people (Utahns, not Mexicans - necessarily).

It's time for the Crash the Super Bowl Doritos ad competition.  Last year 2 finalists came from Utah.  One of them won $1 million.  Now I think the other guys ad was funnier, but the voters spoke.  Tell me what you think:

Winner's Ad:

Pretty funny.  But not as funny as this one, in my opinion:

Bahaha - it STILL makes me laugh!  Guy number 2 has another ad in the top five this year.  I don't think it's nearly as funny - but you can check it out here if you want to decide for yourself.

Also, remember Kid History?  You know, where the kids tell the story and the adults act it out?  They are totally my people too (Utahns, not necessarily Mexicans).  I told you about it here, and promised to share more episodes.  But then I fell of the face of the planet, well Blogland anyway, so here is my favorite episode.  Or at least the one that is tied for first place in my heart:

Pretty funny, eh?  Okay, I've decided I need to share my other favorite - I can't decide between the one above, or this one.  You pick for me.  Which one is better?

See - some funny people here in my state!  Just not me.

Which ad do you think is funnier?

Which Kid History?

If you didn't watch them all, or even any of them - that's okay.  Still leave me a comment and say HI!  Because you know like all bloggers - I love comments!

Are your people funny?

P.S. don't forget to enter my awesome giveaway!


Macey said…
Shut up! You're hilarious and you KNOW it! :)
Those commercial are awesome.
I would do that for Dorito dust.
And...the Kid History KILLS me.
Annsterw said…
Tag: You are it! I have tagged you!!! I hope you choose to play along - I look forward to reading your answers!!!
Boulter trouble said…
That last kid history one is our favorite! It is me. Totally. Even Grace says she can relate to those kids. Love it!
The Doritos commercial is pretty funny. I hadn't seen the Kid History. Hilarious!

I wish I'd been that funny when I lived in Utah.
Vivian said…
I got introduced to the Kid History videos a while back and you are funny! Our people...that explains why I still live in Utah... ;)
I love both of those Doritos commercials, but I do think the second one is funnier.

I love the Kid History video that you posted the first time - months ago. HILARIOUS! Hubby is watching the news right now so I'll have to watch these two later because, of course, I'm too lazy to get up and get my earbuds so I can watch them now. ;)
Mamarazzi said…
my nephews turned me on to Kid History last Summer and they kill freaking funny!!

i live with a very funny Mexican.
Soooo....I clicked on every single video and they all said the same thing: "an error occurred. Please try again later." WTH? Is it because I don't live in Utah?

I'll be back.
Lourie said…
Oh that pug vid kills me. hahaha. And hmmm....which kid history...they are both funny. But I think I liked the second one better. Tofu pancakes. Yum. HA!
Myya said…
The lick the finger Dorito commercial was my favorite last year. I laughed SO HARD! I'm impressed that you Utahians are so funny, not that I didn't think you would be ok maybe I did a little. LOL :)
Brooke said…
FAC-T! Oceanology..

That's always been my favorite Kid History. I love them all of course but that one's the greatest.

And I like the finger licking commercial. WAY FUNNY!

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