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Talk To Us first time!

Update!:  I'm linking up with Amanda at Serenity Now's Weekend Bloggy Reading!

Haha - you thought something dirty when you read my title didn't you?  Admit it.  I know your minds too well.

I just meant that it's the first time I've linked up to TTUT.  Not that I haven't wanted to in the past - just that I'm a ginormous blog slacker.  But it's a new year, right??

Plus, today I have something to brag about.  I want to show you my favorite gift I gave for Christmas this year.  The reason I'm so proud is because I made it myself.  And it involved sewing.  And if you know me at all, you know this:  I. don't. sew.  I HAVE sewn in the past, and I hated it, and I was horrible at it, and I felt like a complete and utter failure.  I don't love that feeling.  And I'm afraid of the sewing machine.  It is sort of like my mortal enemy.

But when I saw THIS on pinterest, I was smitten.  I knew that I wanted to make some for my Monkey.

There are some pretty fancy felt food tutorials that you can purchase online.  But why pay when you can find some really great FREE tutorials all over the place?  I followed several of the links from the above mentioned post, and also found a couple of others that you can find on my Pinterest pinboard if you're interested.

I also could NOT have done this without the support, help and endless patience of my fabulous bestie Tanielle.  She let me use her sewing machine, and was very patient with my sewtardedness, helping me when I messed up, or didn't know how to do something right.  She also came up with some great designs.  See, we didn't really follow the tutorials exactly.  We followed some of them very closely, and some we totally reinvented, and some Tanielle just made up on her own, and I copied.

Anyways - I spent many, many hours, and a few sleepless nights getting these finished, and I have to say that although they are very flawed...I'm still really proud.  And Monkey plays with them constantly.  She loves them.  Onto the pictures!

We've got a plethora of cookies to choose from.

Or how about a burger and fries?


Pizza and Doritos anyone?

And don't forget the most important meal of the day:

But wait, are you trying to be healthier for the new year?  We've got some strawberries and carrots for that!

This sandwich was probably the hardest/most time consuming.  But at least it comes with chips!

I mentioned before how we really cut down on our Christmas budget this year...well this project probably cost around $12, and Monkey got all this food to play with!

This is definitely going to be an ongoing project - I have lots of ideas for more food swirling around in my head!  Now to get over the sewing machine fear, and get my own set up and running!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and that your New Year is starting out wonderfully!

Go check out these hot chicas I'm linking up with.  Love you Shawn and Impulsive!!

Also linking up with:

Weekend Bloggy Reading


Look at your creative juices flowing! I may hate you right now....or maybe I'm just really jealous. How cool! And only $12? How is that even possible? So, you can make Emma some, right? I mean, she doesn't have to have the sandwich since it was the most time consuming.

I love first-timers! *wink, wink* Thanks my love! We appreciate it and love you back! xoxo
Myya said…
Ooohhh my gosh I am UBBBER impressed!!!
Mamarazzi said…
oh my goodness...this is some serious cuteness. so creative and it takes lots of patience and talent. really these are darling!!
Anonymous said…
That is awesome! Totally cute!
Paula@SweetPea said…
So cute and a lot to play with for only $12!
VandyJ said…
That food looks awesome. Good job!
You did AWESOME!!!! See, you *can* sew. Nice job! :)
Wow, I think they look GREAT! What a good job!
Unknown said…
I LOVE IT!!!! They are fantastic!! Good job girlie! Nice to see you blogging again too!

Becca said…
I love them, they are adorable! You did a great job!
Mrs. Match said…
Those are really cute! I would love to learn how to sew.
Macey said…
Omagoodness!!! THOSE ARE FABULOUS!!!
And such teeny pieces and a big project! You did great!
I used a lot of !!! cuz it's true!
Sewtardedness = Awesome.
Shawn said…
Those are adorable!

You my friend have the patience of an elephant and I have the patience of the mouse tormenting it!

Thanks for linking up!
Anonymous said…
Those are amazing! How old is the sweet little one who got these for Christmas?

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