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Giveaway Greatness!!

I'm so excited to share my giveaway greatness with you today!  It's gonna be so good!

I was contacted by and given the opportunity to review their fantastic digital scrapbooking software, My Memories Suite.  AND.....I get to give away this awesome product to one of my lucky readers!!  Pretty sweet, eh?

Let me start out by saying that I used to scrapbook like crazy.  And it took sooooo much time and effort.  The cutting and gluing and journaling and arranging the layout.  I was always proud of my pages, but each one took so LONG to finish!  As my family grew, my scrapbooking efforts dwindled.  Poor Monkey doesn't even have 1 single page in her scrapbook that is finished!  Bring on the mom guilt.

So you can imagine my excitement when I started playing around with MyMemories Suite, and realized that I could scrapbook again and not spend nearly the time I had before, but still end up with beautiful page layouts!  It took me a little bit of exploring and experimenting to get the hang of it - but once I did I was hooked!

The beauty of it is that everything is right there at your fingertips. There are background papers, embellishments, textures, all sorts of fun fonts for journaling, and more!  The suite comes with a good variety of papers and embellishments, as well as the tools to edit the photos you upload. But you aren't limited to what comes with the package (which, as I said is a pretty good variety).  You can also add more options from their website, or from your own collection you may already have on your computer.

You can make your creations as simple or as elaborate as you'd like, with any size pages you'd like.  And the sky's the limit on what you can use the software for:

You could make an album of your children:
12x12 album

Or I thought it would be fun to have a "highlight reel" of all my favorite moments from RSL's 2011 soccer season.

8.5x11 album.  Photo credits here, here, here and here.

What??  Who says my highlights of the season can't all include Chris Wingert in some way?

Maybe I'd like to make an album all about my husband:

Oh wait, that would actually require him allowing me to take pictures of him.  Seriously - he has a complex.  It's super annoying.  I can probably count on my fingers the number of times he's allowed me to take a picture of him since our wedding.

Speaking of.  I've decided to completely re-do our wedding album.  And maybe have it professionally printed and bound into a photo-book.  Yeah, you can totally do that with this software!

You can even include video in your digital scrapbook!  And you can share your pages in so many ways.  You can have a photo book made as I mentioned before, print your pages and put them in your own album, share your album online - so many different options!

Also, you don't have to use the software ONLY for scrapbook layouts.  Saturday I was in a rush to get to a baby shower, and I discovered I had let my gift bag/wrapping paper options dwindle to nothing but Christmas themes and 1 brown craft bag.  Now if I had had more time, I could have printed and cut some great embellishments and decorated the bag all cutesie.  But let's face it, if I had had more time, I would have stopped at the dollar store and picked up a gift bag on my way to the shower.  But I didn't have more time.  So I tied some girly tulle to the bag, and whipped up a quick tag in MyMemories Suite (seriously took me like 2 minutes), and tied it to the bag.


And you may have noticed my new look?  Not ME, I'm talking about the blog!  I've needed a change for a while - and finally got around to changing my look.  And guess what?  I made my new blog banner in MyMemories Suite!

So are you ready to find out how you can enter to win this awesome software for yourself?

Here's what to do.  The first option is mandatory for an entry, the rest are just additional things you can do to increase your chances of winning!  Please leave a separate comment for each thing you do.

1. Go visit, chose a favorite digital paper pack or layout, and come back and tell me what you love! (mandatory for entry)

2. "Like" MyMemories on Facebook or follow them on Twitter or their blog (worth one entry each).

3. Post about this giveaway on your blog, facebook or Twitter (worth one entry each, please include link in your comment).

I would really love if you follow me, but I'm not going to make you follow me to get an entry.  I only want you to follow me if you like my blog and want to come back and read more!

That's a possible total of 7 different entries!

The giveaway will be open for 1 week, ending Monday, Jan 23 at noon (MST).

And if you don't happen to be the lucky winner - I've still got your back!  This code will get you $10 off when you purchase the software, PLUS you will receive a $10 coupon to the store!  A totally awesome deal.

Here's the code: STMMMS392

Good luck and happy scrapping everyone!!


Limefreckle said…
I make a yearbook for my son's class every year, and have been doing it using a scrapbooking program - they are so much fun! Would love to try out this one! I like their "class act" pack -- they have so many to choose from, but these colours really stood out to me.
SariahReed said…
I have always avoided scrapbooking because of the time involved. This looks so easy, though! I love the colors of "Chase the blues away" sweet
SariahReed said…
I "liked" MyMemories on facebook!
SariahReed said…
I just posted the link to your blog on my facebook!
SariahReed said…
Sorry, new to the whole blog thing, those last two unknowns were me :( SReed
kjeffs said…
I looked at them and they all look great I am sure my wife would love them! Thank you Kurt
kjeffs said…
Favorite would be calandar pack she likes to make them with everyone's birthdays etc... On them
Jane said…
I love the mosaic waves papers!! This would be so amazing! I would be able to catch up on all my scrapbooking in no time!
I love this program. They gave it to me to try. You are way better at it than I am. Look at all your creative juices going!!!

I'm loving the new banner! So cute!
Valerie said…
Your layouts look great! And your blog banner turned out awesome too.

They have so many cute kits to chose from. Two that caught my eye were "Whimsical World" and "Chase the Blues Away".
Valerie said…
Liked My Memories on FB...
I need to make more time for scrapbooking! My free time falls between the 2am and 4am mark :/

I like the One Year Older Kit. I'm thinking it would come in handy since we have two birthdays coming up in the next month! :)
Kimberly said…
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Kimberly said…
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Kimberly said…
Liked them on Facebook. :)
Kimberly said…
Following them on Twitter :)
Kimberly said…
I like the "Timeless Traditions papers" but there's so many to choose from how could you possibly choose a favorite.
Kimberly said…
Posted giveaway on FB.
Rachelle said…
I like the Celebration Paper pack! Lots of cool papers!
Helene said…
I love the Christmas to Remember pack! Super cute!

I just started doing Project 365 this year so this would really come in handy!!!
Helene said…
I already like them on FB!
Helene said…
I'm already following your blog!
Brooke said…
Christmas with Mr. Claus is adorable! I think it's my favorite. Possibly because Christmas is still pretty fresh on my mind.
Brooke said…
I 'like' them FB! I really hope I win!
Brooke said…
And now I follow their blog... Ooooh, I really hope I win!
Brooke said…
And now I'm following on Twitter. Go me!
So my favorite pack is "Little Baby Girl" Template -- because that is all I have on my mind right now!
I also "liked" them on Facebook.
Valerie said…
Also following their blog...
Tanielle said…
LOVE the Huntin' man, and the Winter sun packs!!! Awesome giveaway my dear, would love to win!!!!
Tanielle said…
I follow you of course!
Tanielle said…
I liked them on FB!
Tanielle said…
I posted on FB. :)
Tanielle said…
I follow their blog now. Thanks for the chances!!! :)
Lourie said…
I already follow them on Twitter!! Yippee!
Lourie said…
I am now following you. :)
Lourie said…
It's pick a favorite...but the one that stood out right away was the filmstrip layout. Cool!

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