Hola friends! I've got such a treat for you today! Especially if you love toes!
Do feet gross you out? They totally gross my son out, so I love to put my feet on him. Also - my bestie told me once she doesn't love me enough to paint my toe nails for me when I'm pregnant and can't reach. Isn't that just rude? Feet totally don't gross me out. I mean, GROSS feet gross me out. But in general I'm not grossed out if someone happens to have bare feet, and they are near me, or like touching my leg. My son freaks out if a bare foot touches any part of him.
So, MiMi told me about a fun new meme (haha that's funny) called The Nail Files. I thought I'd link up today, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed (or maybe my toes?), that it's okay to link up toenails too. <------- That sounded sorta gross. Like I pictured toe-nail clippings when I said that. Ew.
ANYWAY....I rarely paint my fingernails. It seems to chip so quickly, and then it just looks like trash. But toenails on the other hand....you can dab some touch up over a chipped spot, and top it with a clear top coat, and it looks fine, because nobody sees them up close. You know? So I am rarely without toes painted.
Today I thought I'd show my team spirit faux glitter toes. I love glitter even more than I love nail polish. I have a friend who does professional glitter toes, and does a fabulous job. But that's a luxury that isn't often in my budget.
However, I do have a trick for doing faux glitter toes, that I learned from my friend Jen from Tatertots and Jello. It was so many years ago, when we both were relatively new bloggers, and I don't have a clue how to find the original link. But basically what you do is choose nail polish, and a coordinating glitter color. Make sure it's the really fine craft glitter, not the regular Walmart kind. You can only do a few toes at a time, so the polish doesn't dry before you can add the glitter. Polish your nails, dump the glitter over them, then shake them off. You'll have glitter all over your toes, but it can be brushed off when you're finished. Once the polish and glitter have set for a bit, top it off with a clear top coat. And voila! Super sparkly glittery toes!
This is my favorite thing to do during the summer to show my team spirit when hubby and I head out to a ReAL Salt Lake game. What do ya think?
Also, that is a fake tattoo - I would never get a real one. No offense to my wonderful friends who have a tattoo - but it's not my thing! Except the fake kind. On game day.
And keeping with my tradition (and promise I made to Myya) of posting a new Chris Winger photo every time I mention ReAL Salt Lake, here he is modeling their 2012 away uniform (le sigh...).
You. Are. Welcome.
I'm linking up here!

Do feet gross you out? They totally gross my son out, so I love to put my feet on him. Also - my bestie told me once she doesn't love me enough to paint my toe nails for me when I'm pregnant and can't reach. Isn't that just rude? Feet totally don't gross me out. I mean, GROSS feet gross me out. But in general I'm not grossed out if someone happens to have bare feet, and they are near me, or like touching my leg. My son freaks out if a bare foot touches any part of him.
So, MiMi told me about a fun new meme (haha that's funny) called The Nail Files. I thought I'd link up today, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed (or maybe my toes?), that it's okay to link up toenails too. <------- That sounded sorta gross. Like I pictured toe-nail clippings when I said that. Ew.
ANYWAY....I rarely paint my fingernails. It seems to chip so quickly, and then it just looks like trash. But toenails on the other hand....you can dab some touch up over a chipped spot, and top it with a clear top coat, and it looks fine, because nobody sees them up close. You know? So I am rarely without toes painted.
Today I thought I'd show my team spirit faux glitter toes. I love glitter even more than I love nail polish. I have a friend who does professional glitter toes, and does a fabulous job. But that's a luxury that isn't often in my budget.
However, I do have a trick for doing faux glitter toes, that I learned from my friend Jen from Tatertots and Jello. It was so many years ago, when we both were relatively new bloggers, and I don't have a clue how to find the original link. But basically what you do is choose nail polish, and a coordinating glitter color. Make sure it's the really fine craft glitter, not the regular Walmart kind. You can only do a few toes at a time, so the polish doesn't dry before you can add the glitter. Polish your nails, dump the glitter over them, then shake them off. You'll have glitter all over your toes, but it can be brushed off when you're finished. Once the polish and glitter have set for a bit, top it off with a clear top coat. And voila! Super sparkly glittery toes!
This is my favorite thing to do during the summer to show my team spirit when hubby and I head out to a ReAL Salt Lake game. What do ya think?
Also, that is a fake tattoo - I would never get a real one. No offense to my wonderful friends who have a tattoo - but it's not my thing! Except the fake kind. On game day.
And keeping with my tradition (and promise I made to Myya) of posting a new Chris Winger photo every time I mention ReAL Salt Lake, here he is modeling their 2012 away uniform (le sigh...).
You. Are. Welcome.
I'm linking up here!
I love your team spirit toes!
And I know that's a real tattoo you liar.
I love those glitter toes. And they last forever!!! I get sick of the color long before they need to be redone.
I even have a picture of my grandma with glitter toes. When we had family over for Thanksgiving my sis-in-law and I painted all the female toes in the house! So fun!
But you probably don't need to know all that!
I think you should get a real tat....maybe of a soccer ball? ;-) I bet Hottie McHotterson would be impressed.