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So here's the dealio....

I've been a somewhat inconsistent blogger the past couple of years, and I realize that some of the friends/readers I have now are not the same people who were around when I first started blogging.

Sometimes I start reading a new blog, and they will be talking about kids or family members who I'm not familiar with, but it is apparent that the other regular readers are, because they've been around for awhile.  So I thought it would be a good idea to re-introduce our family to you, you know just in case you've ever read a post and wondered who the heck I was talking about - or maybe you don't care - but I want to talk about my kids today - so this is what you get!

I, of course, am Xazmin.  I'm 35 (yes, I am now closer to 40 than 30!), and I am married to Hubby (39 - way closer to 40 than me!).  We've been married for 16 years, despite what it says in my outdated profile over there.  We own a small carpet cleaning business, and I am a stay at home mom. Hubby is patient, laid-back and hard-working.  I am a little more impatient and "sensitive", I can be hard working when I want to be (but who wants to be?) and could stand to lose quite a few pounds!

We have 4 beautiful children who keep us broke, busy and proud:

Bookworm is 13.  He plays basketball, the violin, and video games.  Although, we're pretty strict about the amount of time spent, and types of games played on that last one.  I'd be more worried about the video games if he wasn't equally addicted to reading.   He's also pretty clever and keeps us laughing with his quick wit.

Cowgirl is 11.  She is quiet and serious at first glance - but upon closer inspection can be quite a smart-mouth.  She is kind and caring though, and always tries to stand up for the underdog.  She plays the piano and is turning out to be quite the little soccer player.  She also LOVES horses and wants to be a real cowgirl.

Pixie will turn 9 next month.  She loves to do her hair and spends lots of time trying different styles.  She cut it off last spring for Locks of Love and it is just starting to get long enough for her to start trying different things with again.  She is smart as a whip, and loves to draw.  And she is quite the good little artist.  She is just about to start piano lessons which she has been dying to do for YEARS it seems!

And the caboose of our family (for now, at least) is Monkey.  She is 5 going on 25.  This girl says the MOST outrageous things.  She's smart like her brother and sisters, but she knows it and is sort of a sass.  She keeps us laughing always, and has a fantastic imagination.  Watching her play when she doesn't know you are watching is pretty stinkin' hilarious.

And she always "poses" when you're trying to take a picture.

So there is my family in a nutshell.  These kids are my pride and joy...but make no mistake - there are moments that I want to strangle them!  Or myself.  They fight, and whine and complain like any typical kids - but overall they are smart, good, funny kids and I am so very blessed to be their mother.  Also, I'm very blessed to have such a great partner in raising them.  I guess you could say I'm a pretty lucky girl overall - and it's good to remind myself of that every once in a while.  Maybe this post was more for me than for you.  Sorry.


Macey said…
I LOVE this post!! It's neat for all of us because your family has changed so much!
Also, you need to do a post where you pronounce your name...LOL
Well, you forgot to include pics of you and hubby so I'm disappointed.

Very interesting names for your kids. Do they have nicknames?

Ok, so did you get to finish Revenge? I did at 12:30am. It was intense!! I can't wait for next week!
Myya said…
What a great family indeed! YOur kids are stinkin adorable & I cannot CANNOT wait to meet you all. YAY!!!
Myya said…
Oh & you better believe I caught that (for now, at least). :)
Emmy said…
You know I have read you for a while but I don't know if I totally knew about all of your kids! You mostly talk about the youngest two. So even though I am an older reader- I loved this! Might have to do the same on my blog
Mamarazzi said…
love this. i feel like i have been reading you for forever but i do not think i could have named each of your kiddos.
Limefreckle said…
I've been very inconsistent with blogging over the years too, but this is the year I commit to get back into it!! Your post was great, nice to see your beautiful family!
Oh, I love this update. I love the pictures of the kids! So good to hear about your babies.

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