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Tackle it Tuesday, baby steps toward organization...

So, I'm about to show you more humiliating photos from inside my home.  Don't you judge me.  When you have 4 kids who loooove to draw,paint, enter science fairs that they bring home certificates from, inspirations contests that they bring home certificates from, bring home papers for rec sports they want to sign up for, coupons they earned for local attractions, report cards they're proud of, etc.  AND you are an unorganized disaster - well your fridge can quickly turn into this.

I know, embarrassing, right?  Also, the top of the fridge becomes a catch-all for crap you know you need, but aren't sure where to put it - instruction manuals, oversized workbooks, craft kits you haven't gotten around to doing with your daughter yet,, mini-propane tanks (???).

I also have this adorable personalized magnet reminder board that Tanielle gave me for Christmas.  It is not quite as bad, but still...

So I had to get this mess taken care of.  I pulled everything down and sorted through it.  I filed some crap, threw away some crap, and selected the "treasures" made by my kids that I'm keeping, and stealthily hid the others in the trash. Then I scrubbed the fridge, especially on the top where it gets that grimy grease-dust.  Does anyone else know what I'm talking about, or does that stuff just appear in my filthy house?

Here's how it looks now (please excuse the late-night editing to disguise personal info):

Now the magnet board contains 2 pieces of time sensitive info, and a cute little "important phone numbers" list that I put together in MyMemories Suite.  I've been meaning to put up that list forever so it will be by the phone when my kids are home without us, or if we take the older kids and hire a babysitter for the younger ones.  I feel much better now that I've finally got it up!

Here's the fridge!

It has my shopping list white board, and this way cute weekly "menu at a glance" sheet inside a sheet protector so I can fill it in with dry-erase marker and change it each week.

I got the printable here.  And while I was on a roll, I printed up some other great organization sheets and have put them together in a handy-dandy binder.  I've filled out the weekly menu plan and am working on filling in the other sheets.  You should click the link above if you want to check out some great organization printables.  I'll keep you posted on how they're working for me!

The first page is a weekly goal sheet that has a spot for weekly goals, and then a section for each day of the week so you can break it down.  at the bottom there is a spot for monthly goals so you can see the big picture.

These next 2 sheets are "The Eat Sheet" for weekly meal planning (left) and a blog planning calendar (right).  There are a bunch of meal planners on the website, but what I liked about this one was that the spots for each day go down the left side, and there is a shopping list section down the right side that lines up with it, so I can easily write down items needed for each meal that I don't have on hand right next to the meal they belong with.  it helps me keep track of what I still need to get for each meal.

The blog calendar has each day of the week down the left side where you can write down what you'll be blogging about.  Then the right side has a spot for "to do's" like take pictures, or finish the project you want to blog about, etc.  Then a section for blog parties you don't wanna miss (like TTUT!), and a section for ideas for next week.  We'll see how it works!

So that's what I tackled this week...please keep your fingers crossed that it works for me!!

Linking up with these ladies:

Seriously Shawn

p.s  the Cursing Crafter/Ribbon Blossoms Amazing Giveaway Mash-up ends tomorrow - so be sure to go enter!


Myya said…
Hey, how did you get a picture of my fridge? LOL

Love that binder you made. I need one. Make me one Mmmm K!
Robin said…
being organized makes my head hurt... and when I put things away... I lose them. FOREVER!
Stacy Uncorked said…
When you're all done organizing your house, can you come help me with mine? It's such a disaster at the moment I don't know where to begin...hmmm...maybe the fridge! :)

The Lorax Fun, Jack Giambalvo Hyundai FAIL, Good Christian Bitches or Belles WINS
That is so funny! Have you seen on pinterest you can scan your kids pictures/artwork and then make a book online with all of their drawings and things?? I think I want to do that, because I don't like clutter...although clutter totally happens..especially in my house!
The fridge looks good. I keep needing to "spring clean" but haven't mustered up the courage to tackle it yet! GOOD FOR YOU!
Cathy Kennedy said…
Howdy! Linking up via TTUT. Wow, what a neat idea with the printable menu reminder. I appreciate the link to get one for myself. This is such a cool idea and it def gives the sense of organization, right? Best of luck in your efforts.
LOOK AT YOU getting all organized! You know that's my thing. I love to organize! Clutter does something with my OCD unless it's behind a closed door that I never enter! HA! I love that binder idea too. I should print some of those out for myself.

I love all your projects that you're completing over there! Text ya tonight! We've got another excited episode to text about! =)
Macey said…
What?! I want you to come do mine now! See, I got overwhelmed with my fridge and TOSSED EVERYTHING. LOL!
And that menu thing is awesome...I'm downloading it right now.
MMS is getting it's money's worth with keep making adorable things and linking them. You rock. I don't.
Oh and a few months ago? When I was cleaning the top of my fridge? The greasy fuzzy stuff? It made me gag. Like I almost barfed. For reals. I had to do 3. UGH.
Emmy said…
Awesome job!! Looks like a great system. Have you heard of power of mom's? I am a huge believer in what they teach now and they have a great system called MOM- Mind over Matter I think it stands for and totally teaches you how to organize everything, including emails. The lady that created the system says it is her goal to clear the counters of America :) They want you to be able to have everything organized and have a place, even ideas for projects, etc. so that you can be there in the moment. If you want to know more, just let me know. I have a button on my blog too you can click to get to it-- sorry not trying to advertise, I just love it and it has changed my life!
Valerie said…
Looks good!
I need to get my butt in gear with the cleaning/organizing/unpacking!

Did you get the email I sent w/ the stuff you won on my giveaway? Just wanna make sure everyone got their stuff.
SupermomToki said…
Wow, I definitely needed this. I am the most unorganized mom on the planet. With these good ideas, I am bound to be able to change that to being more organized. Thanks.
Sheila said…
Looks FLIPPING FABULOUS!!!! Now - I feel like i Need to go do my own! :(
Let me tell you an "organizational" tip I learned (don't remember where) but since you have 4 kids - it would be SUPER helpful to you!!!
First of all - I have a "basket" that I put Coby's papers in DAILY! And keep them all year! At the end of the year - I go through them and only try to keep a few....Here's the cool part....You get an alphabetical accordian file folder....And change the alphabet to "kindergarten-1st grade-2nd grade-etc." And you file the papers you want to keep forever and ever in there! :) (I'm a hoarder of thinks like school papers and the cute little pics they draw!) LOL!

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