I confess...
I am not good at being sick. Spending the last 2 days huddled up on the couch under a blanket (or being sick in the bathroom) has not been my favorite thing. I have too much crap to do!
I confess...
Feeling better as I type this, and wondering how I'm going to face actually doing all the crap I have to do, now that there's no excuse not to do it.
I confess...
If I haven't dropped 5 lbs over the past 2 days, I'm going to be ticked.
I confess...
I think it's hilarious seeing the pins that the teenage girls in my life pin on Pinterest.
I confess...
Sometimes I see a FB status, and I want to leave a really rude comment. But I don't. Because that wouldn't be very Christian of me. I mean, I know it's not Christian of me to even think the rude comment in the first place - but I'm still working on controlling that.
I confess...
I'm sure there are times that people feel this way about my status updates as well.
I confess...
If my son doesn't quit reading over my shoulder, I will likely smack him.
I confess...
My house is a disaster after my being out of commission for 2 days, so I better get some rest so I can fix it when I wake up!
Have something to confess? Why not head over to Mamarazzi's and link up?

I am not good at being sick. Spending the last 2 days huddled up on the couch under a blanket (or being sick in the bathroom) has not been my favorite thing. I have too much crap to do!
I confess...
Feeling better as I type this, and wondering how I'm going to face actually doing all the crap I have to do, now that there's no excuse not to do it.
I confess...
If I haven't dropped 5 lbs over the past 2 days, I'm going to be ticked.
I confess...
I think it's hilarious seeing the pins that the teenage girls in my life pin on Pinterest.
I confess...
Sometimes I see a FB status, and I want to leave a really rude comment. But I don't. Because that wouldn't be very Christian of me. I mean, I know it's not Christian of me to even think the rude comment in the first place - but I'm still working on controlling that.
I confess...
I'm sure there are times that people feel this way about my status updates as well.
I confess...
If my son doesn't quit reading over my shoulder, I will likely smack him.
I confess...
My house is a disaster after my being out of commission for 2 days, so I better get some rest so I can fix it when I wake up!
Have something to confess? Why not head over to Mamarazzi's and link up?

FB is so entertaining. I've never seen any other place that you can go online & be completely annoyed, frustrated, extremely happy or down right pissed all within a few minute span. Ahhhh technology.
The over the shoulder reader UGGGGHHH! My neice does that to me ALL THE TIME.
Night-Nite. :)
Dare I ask what gets pinned on Pinterest- I find teenage girls funny in general.. though refuse to believe I was one only 4 years ago!
Glad you're feeling better!
I genuinely feel the need to disinfect the entire house right now. Hubby has been sick, Bruiser has been sick, Turbo is coughing. I can't get sick, Nick's going out of town.
Glad to hear you are feeling better. What is it about spring that brings the sicks out?
I hate when housework gets crazy and believe me I know after a couple days it gets crazy!! Even after 1 day in my house it gets crazy!
I hate hate it.
You probably dropped more than 5 lbs.
My son read over my shoulder the entire time I was writing my post last night.
My 8 year old likes to read my texts. LOL
It drives me nuts when the kids read over my shoulder.
Some of the things that get pinned on Pinterest period are interesting!! HAHA
Great confessions none the less!
I also have a problem with people's status. I, too, am trying to control it. It is soooo hard to be nice sometimes!
I hate it when the kids read over my shoulder. It makes me CRAZY!!
Sorry you were sick. Don't you know mom's aren't allowed to be sick