I know my post yesterday was super lame (except for the part about my awesome giveaway with MiMi). Today I have something much more blogworthy to post about.
I have a little story to share. It's about 2 very dear friends of mine. They are the kind of people who you look at and spend time with, and what you take away from the friendship is the desire to be a better person. Just because of who they are. Do you know any people like this? If so, you know you are lucky to know them.
Matt and Andrea have had some big trials in their lives, and have handled them with grace and unwavering faith. I'm only going to tell you briefly about one of their trials. It is a trial that I have never known. One that many of us have never known, but that some of you do know.
It is the heartbreak of wanting desperately to expand your family and not being able to, while you watch everyone around you continue to welcome new babies into their families. Matt and Andrea struggled with this trial for 8 years.
Then the joyous day came that they were able to fly to Florida and bring baby Emma home.
And let me tell you, she is seriously one of the cutest, funniest little girls I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
Emma is now 2 years old and still an only child. However, Matt and Andrea recently received word that Emma's biological mother is expecting another baby, and is placing the baby for adoption through a private (read: expensive) adoption agency.
What Matt and Andrea want more than anything right now is to bring Emma's biological sibling home to join their family. And they have committed to do so.
Why am I sharing this with you? Because I want to help them, and I wanted to offer any of you the opportunity to help them as well. No pressure, just putting the opportunity out there.
One of the things they are doing to try and raise money to help pay for this adoption is an online auction. People donate items to be auctioned off, and the proceeds from the items will go into the adoption fund for Matt and Andrea. I'm planning to donate some hairbows and a tutu, and wanted to put out a request for anyone who would like to donate anything to the auction. If you are interested in finding out more, shoot me an email (ribbonblossoms@aol.com) or mention it in the comments, and I will send you all the deets, and you can decide if it's something you'd like to do.
Also, if you don't feel like you have anything to donate for the auction, but would like to check out the auction when it goes live, to see if there are any items you'd like to bid on, let me know and I will make sure you have all the information for that as well.
I'll just end by saying that this little baby will be so lucky to be joining such a wonderful family. Matt and Andrea are 2 of the best people I know. And I'm not just saying that. Hubby and I have often talked about how we would love to pick them to raise our kids if something were to happen to both of us (although that would cause some big controversy in our own families if we ever did something like that!), because they are just such good people. Even my son, who was 11 at the time, and a BOY at that, whispered to me how lucky he thought Emma was to be coming to Matt and Andrea's family when we first learned of her adoption.
So thank you for listening to my story, and wish us fundraising luck!!
Linking up here:
I have a little story to share. It's about 2 very dear friends of mine. They are the kind of people who you look at and spend time with, and what you take away from the friendship is the desire to be a better person. Just because of who they are. Do you know any people like this? If so, you know you are lucky to know them.
Matt and Andrea have had some big trials in their lives, and have handled them with grace and unwavering faith. I'm only going to tell you briefly about one of their trials. It is a trial that I have never known. One that many of us have never known, but that some of you do know.
It is the heartbreak of wanting desperately to expand your family and not being able to, while you watch everyone around you continue to welcome new babies into their families. Matt and Andrea struggled with this trial for 8 years.
Then the joyous day came that they were able to fly to Florida and bring baby Emma home.
And let me tell you, she is seriously one of the cutest, funniest little girls I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
Emma is now 2 years old and still an only child. However, Matt and Andrea recently received word that Emma's biological mother is expecting another baby, and is placing the baby for adoption through a private (read: expensive) adoption agency.
What Matt and Andrea want more than anything right now is to bring Emma's biological sibling home to join their family. And they have committed to do so.
Why am I sharing this with you? Because I want to help them, and I wanted to offer any of you the opportunity to help them as well. No pressure, just putting the opportunity out there.
One of the things they are doing to try and raise money to help pay for this adoption is an online auction. People donate items to be auctioned off, and the proceeds from the items will go into the adoption fund for Matt and Andrea. I'm planning to donate some hairbows and a tutu, and wanted to put out a request for anyone who would like to donate anything to the auction. If you are interested in finding out more, shoot me an email (ribbonblossoms@aol.com) or mention it in the comments, and I will send you all the deets, and you can decide if it's something you'd like to do.
Also, if you don't feel like you have anything to donate for the auction, but would like to check out the auction when it goes live, to see if there are any items you'd like to bid on, let me know and I will make sure you have all the information for that as well.
I'll just end by saying that this little baby will be so lucky to be joining such a wonderful family. Matt and Andrea are 2 of the best people I know. And I'm not just saying that. Hubby and I have often talked about how we would love to pick them to raise our kids if something were to happen to both of us (although that would cause some big controversy in our own families if we ever did something like that!), because they are just such good people. Even my son, who was 11 at the time, and a BOY at that, whispered to me how lucky he thought Emma was to be coming to Matt and Andrea's family when we first learned of her adoption.
So thank you for listening to my story, and wish us fundraising luck!!
Linking up here:

I have a few other things going on but I think I could make a couple.
Your such a great friend!! This is so sweet.
I hope everything works out for them.