Linking up with Mamarazzi today for Friday Confessional. You should try's good for the soul.

I confess...
I've gotten into it online this week. More than a few times even. Not sure what got into me. It started out as defending someone awesome that I love against some completely unwarranted criticism/attacks. And it just snowballed from there. I guess it left me feeling combative - because I was jumpin' into "debates" all over the place!
I confess...
My husband found it somewhat amusing. Does anyone else find it slightly insulting when their husband is "amused" at a time when you are feeling so worked up about something? I do.
I confess...
I'm over it. The being annoyed at my husband part, I mean. Because even though he doesn't get as worked up as me, he still supported me in one of my "causes".
I confess...
I'm a little bummed at the low entries in my fabulously awesome giveaway mash-up with MiMi. Because we rock. So you should enter. Or at least spread the word to help us get popular and crap. Mmmkay??
I confess...
Yes the above confession was a shameless and pathetic plea for attention to our giveaway. So?
I confess...
I've been seriously conflicted every time I see this: #KONY2012. I've spent ridiculous amounts of time (seriously wasted the entire day yesterday) reading supporting and opposing viewpoints, watching videos, and second-guessing everything I read. But I am glad to say that as of this post, I am at peace with my decision not to support this campaign. If you care to know why, leave me a comment and I'll email you my thoughts. I may do a blog post about it, but then again I may not.
I confess...
I have been feeling blah the past week. I'm not sure why exactly, but I've learned that the times I am feeling low are usually the times I'm thinking more about myself, than focusing on serving others, and being grateful for my blessings. So I'm making a big effort to redirect my focus, and see if I can pull myself out of this funk. I've already been working on it a little, and feel more than a little better.
I confess...
That one thing that is seriously cheering me up (that is completely shallow, and unimportant in the big scheme of things) is that the Major League Soccer season officially starts tomorrow! First Kick for my RSL Boys is at 8:30 tomorrow night in L.A. And it will be a family TV night for sure!
Keeping my fingers crossed that this boy will be able to play - it was still questionable last time I heard.
I confess...
Confessions are sorta fun - even if you aren't Catholic. So you should do it. That's all.

I've gotten into it online this week. More than a few times even. Not sure what got into me. It started out as defending someone awesome that I love against some completely unwarranted criticism/attacks. And it just snowballed from there. I guess it left me feeling combative - because I was jumpin' into "debates" all over the place!
I confess...
My husband found it somewhat amusing. Does anyone else find it slightly insulting when their husband is "amused" at a time when you are feeling so worked up about something? I do.
I confess...
I'm over it. The being annoyed at my husband part, I mean. Because even though he doesn't get as worked up as me, he still supported me in one of my "causes".
I confess...
I'm a little bummed at the low entries in my fabulously awesome giveaway mash-up with MiMi. Because we rock. So you should enter. Or at least spread the word to help us get popular and crap. Mmmkay??
I confess...
Yes the above confession was a shameless and pathetic plea for attention to our giveaway. So?
I confess...
I've been seriously conflicted every time I see this: #KONY2012. I've spent ridiculous amounts of time (seriously wasted the entire day yesterday) reading supporting and opposing viewpoints, watching videos, and second-guessing everything I read. But I am glad to say that as of this post, I am at peace with my decision not to support this campaign. If you care to know why, leave me a comment and I'll email you my thoughts. I may do a blog post about it, but then again I may not.
I confess...
I have been feeling blah the past week. I'm not sure why exactly, but I've learned that the times I am feeling low are usually the times I'm thinking more about myself, than focusing on serving others, and being grateful for my blessings. So I'm making a big effort to redirect my focus, and see if I can pull myself out of this funk. I've already been working on it a little, and feel more than a little better.
I confess...
That one thing that is seriously cheering me up (that is completely shallow, and unimportant in the big scheme of things) is that the Major League Soccer season officially starts tomorrow! First Kick for my RSL Boys is at 8:30 tomorrow night in L.A. And it will be a family TV night for sure!
Keeping my fingers crossed that this boy will be able to play - it was still questionable last time I heard.
Chris Wingert courtesy of a cleat to the face. Credit
For a way grosser picture, before the stitches click here.
I confess...
Confessions are sorta fun - even if you aren't Catholic. So you should do it. That's all.
i spent a lot of time reading both sides too...and i am still a little confused but feel good about my choice not to support it.
i also hear ya on the funk. i have decided the same thing, service, make someone smile...i am hoping it will work for both of us!
i am sorry that your giveaway isn't getting more attention. i will add a little linky love to my Happy list this week...or before. PLEASE remind me.
thanks for confessing and linking up with me!
Hope you manage to 'de-funk' soon- take care!
I would do you linky party giveaway but feel since I'm just starting to get back into blogging it wouldn't be fair :-)
PS: tried to click the link for your opinions and it wouldn't open..I am curious! lol
You are passionate! You must be like my know the one obsessed with politics and debates?? :) It's good to be passionate though.
I like you find that when I am giving more service I'm feeling better! Also when I'm praying and reading my scriptures..that always helps! :)
Have a great weekend and I am super excited for your guys giveaway!
I'd enter, but have absolutely no little girls to give the fabulous stuff to.
I'm hoping our trip out of town will get me out of my funk. I hate cabin fever.
I entered the giveaway but I hope I don't win - does that sound bad?? I only have boys....maybe that is why the turnout is low? I tweeted about it for you though!!
I missed the giveaway announcement! I'm going to go enter right now!!!
So. I've only seen the side 'for' Kony2012. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.
I definitely entered your give away, and am super excited about it! I am shocked at the low entries. BUT happy because it gives me a better chance ;)
I would LOVE to hear your view on the Kony 2012. My side is that I don't have the money to donate, so I just shared the video. If that's all I can do, then fine.
Hopefully you work your way out of your funk!
What a cute giveaway! I'll go check it out in a few minutes. I'm blogging from my phone right now.
I'm not into politics right now. I know you love Mitt but I'm not loving anyone right now. I'm totally depressed that Obama could very well win again.
Dude! His face is MESSED UP! Too bad. He's pretty.
You are awesome for coming to my rescue. And I think it's a little funny that we both are being combative online this week.
Which reminds me that I need to go to Huff post and see your stuff and leave a nice lil comment.
Kony...I was telling CJ about it last night and he thought I was teasing him cuz I was giving him the reasons I don't support it...and he thought I sounded a lot like him and his political leanings these days so he thought I was making fun of him.
I'm sorry you've had bloggy drama this week. Totally TOTALLY unwarranted which makes even me the total non confrontational one a bit miffed. Grrr!
Oh & I amm totally with you on being annoyed when my hubs is amused or heck mine downright makes fun of me when I am worked up about something he thinks isn't worth getting worked up over.