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Mod Podge Mania is Here!!

Well, summer is winding down. Are you sad? Or are you excited like me? I love summer, but now is about the time I'm ready for the season to change. I LOVE fall, I love the smell, and the colors, and the cooler temperatures. Most of all I love the anticipation of the upcoming Holiday Season.

I'm itchin' to start decorating for 'bout you? I'm especially excited to "Halloween-ify" my home!

So for this month's Mod Podge Project, I decided to do a Halloween version of the Mod Podge blocks you may have seen in our very first edition of Mod Podge Mania.

I found this adorable Halloween paper at Michaels, and I'm so pleased with how they turned out!

I love how the little skeletons seem to be peeking out between the letters!
All I did was spray paint some 2x4 scraps, then Mod Podge my paper on. Using Mod Podge on the wood to adhere the paper, then another couple of coats over the top.

When the Mod Podge dried, I distressed the edges on the sander. I also took a tip from my way more talented than me friend Tanielle, and rubbed some brown paint on the roughed up edges.

I spray painted and slightly distressed the wooden letters, then glued them on! Finish off with a couple of coats of clear acrylic spray and tie on some coordinating tulle.

This is such a simple, fool-proof project and they turn out so cute every time!

Now let's see what you've got! Please remember to link back to my blog in your post so that everyone will know where to come see everyone's projects! You may link up an old post or a new one. But if you link up an old one, it would be helpful if you just put a little blurb as a new entry on your blog linking back to your older post so your regular readers will know where to come check out more ideas! Does that make sense?

I can't wait to see what you've all come up with this month!


Heidi Boos said…
Oh, goodie! I'm first. LOVE the "BOO" project, and the addition of the purple tulle. I definitely am ready for the fall season and all its festivities and I really want to get ahead of the game and do some fun projects for Halloween/Fall time. Thanks for hosting!!
shortmama said…
That is so dang cute!! This year I am so inspired to decorate my house for fall, which I have never done before! I decorate some on Thanksgiving day and of course for Christmas, but I really want to decorate for the fall season this year. I wont decorate for Halloween simply because in our town the kids actually trick or treat down the main road through town instead of going door to door, so we never have trick or treaters. Its kinda stinky but at the same time the girls definitely get a filled bucket and then some!
Eek!! Xazmin, that is such a cute project!!!! Where will you display the letters???
Tanielle said…
They turned out adorable!!!! Make me some now please, and thanks!!!:-) I Love mod podge, thanks to you!!
Amy said…
I want to try this. You are so talented. I did not get a chance to make anything. Oops. Have a great day.
kimert said…
how stinkin' cute!!! love it. thanks for sharing. :) i may just have to break out my creative side this fall!
Jenny-Jenny said…
Super cute! You Rock!
Momofgirls said…
Love them!!!! I can't wait to try this one!
Macey said…
Cayute! :) Love it. I'm love Fall too, it's my favorite season!
Darling! (As usual!)
I don't have aything for this one. :( Next one I will!
Katie said…
FYI I added a bit of a blurb about this on Tip Junkie's NING in the Get Your Craft On group that I belong to. With so many talented ladies over there, I thought if someone didn't know about it they might like to!
Unknown said…
I really love this Xazmin!! Will u let me post it on my blog???
I love this...can I post it on my blog???? I think you are so talented.
Unknown said…
i guess i am headed over to the craft store!..i have to make these!
so adorable...makes me want to decorate for halloween!
Christie said…
Soo cute!! I love the distressed edges.
Christie said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
So good! You always make the neatest stuff!!

Sturgmom said…
I'm totally stealing your idea! LOVE those blocks!

And I linked up!
Rachelle said…
That is so darling! So cute! I'm slowly discovering how great mod podge is. Maybe I'll get myself in gear and have something ready for the next mod podge mania!
Small House said…
This turned out SO cute! I LOVE tulle. I use it all the time. I always keeps it's shape.

I'm enjoying looking at what everyone did.
Have a great day.
Melissa said…
I am so late. It was the first day of school for my little Kindergartener. He is my first in the school system and the day did not go as planned. Anyhoo, I love your boo baby. Thanks for getting this Mod Podge crazieness together for us all to enjoy.
These turned out so cute! I love making these blocks for all the holidays.The tulle is the perfect cute!

Thanks for letting me know about
modge podge mania so that I could linkup. I'm off to check out everyone's cool projects.

Maridith said…
That is so cute!! Great job! Crazy that Halloween is 2 months away!! No I am not ready for summer to be over but I do like the thought of having a routine again! Maybe I will be able to join you next month in Mod Podge Mania!!
I posted your post on my blog today. I gave a link back to you, included the pictures, and I am still so impressed with these little blocks. I can't wait to do some modge podging. You have inspired me yet again!
Jenny said…
I just remembered that I actually did a Mod Podge project! I will have to link up!
kado! said…
those turned out GREAT! i love them! I wish I was as creative as you!
Wow, this is wonderful! Last year I M.Podged the letters FALL...but I love your idea via another blogger to rub the brown on the edges. What a great idea! I love this. Hey you have a great blog, I enjoyed looking at it. I love M. Podge and have several projects done with it that I am very pleased with! Have a great day. I'll be back for another visit!
Natalie said…
I got my package and I LOVED IT!!! I seriously LOVED it!!

Thank you so much - K loved her bows and WC loved his chalk! Cookies were DEMOLISHED!!

Thank you so much for a great swap gift!!
dang cute! Ok totally get it crafty!
Rhonda said…
That is just to cute. I love to scrapbook and never thought of doing that with papers.I will have to try that one.
Ridiculously darling!!! I love the contrast between the paper and the lettering! so cute!

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