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Guess what I'm watching?

Well, my absolutely adorable friend Amanda was thinking of me last week. She came across a treasure at the Salvation Army, and plucked it up for me!

I got it in the mail today....isn't it so cute all wrapped up?

Can you guess what's inside? ... Tada!!!

Hubby and I popped it in. We are dying. These guys really can sing, but oh the HAIR and the CLOTHES! We are having a blast (from the past!).
So I told Amanda maybe I'll learn a routine from the video and record it for her!
How much will y'all pay me if I record myself dancin' to NKOTB and post it on my blog?
Just wonderin'.
Thanks totally made me smile today!


Tina said…
How fun and what a blast from the past that is...

Thanks for sharing and what a great friend to think of you like that.


Anonymous said…
That was so sweet of her!!
kimert said…
How sweet!! I am so jealous! I totally loved that video back in the 80s/90s when I was just a young gal. ;) I was soooo in love with Jordan and totally got all jealous when he was on the video walking/talking/whatev with some other chic with huge bangs. Harumph!

Enjoy your video!!!
Amy said…
how fun. I use to make up dances to that when I was young.
Macey said…
Oh my goodness, that's so nice of her!
We used to make up dance moves that went with the was PATHETIC.
Katie said…
Oh wow, wonder where that came from! Come to think of it I used to have one of those too:) I also used to have the very first VHS video tape they made. I am pretty sure my mom threw them away. Hope you sang way loud while breaking out the moves!
Oh my goodness, that does bring back memories, doesn't it??? That is just hysterical!
shortmama said…
Oh oh ohhh oh Oh....oh oh oh oh. Youve got the right
Yes, hair... clothes... bad.
Glad you such a happy surprise today!
Emmy said…
Do it, do it! So would love to see that.
What a fun and thoughtful gift. Don't you just love getting pretty presents. Really is a blast from the past, but oh so fun. Hugs, Marty
Unknown said…
omg I had that video so funny!
Haaa - that is funny! What a treat!

Mama Nut said…
I'll be looking forward to that video {wink wink}! What a fun surprise in the mail!
Squeal!! :) So glad you liked it! THANK YOU for not showing the other side of the paper...I am a HORRIBLE wrapper.

I am anxiously awaiting the premiere of your video. :)

Glad it made you laugh....
kado! said…
is that VHS???? How you just need to find a player to play it right!!!
Unknown said…
I would pay to see you bust a move to NKOTB! Funny thing is, I had that video about 20 years ago!!

Christina said…
That is just too funny. Oh, how I loved New Kids on the Block. That is so embarrassing, but so true. A little trip down memory lane for sure.
Unknown said…
What a great gift! :)

I sent you an email but not sure if you recieved it or not. I am your Birthday SWAP partner (well, I am buying for you!) I was hoping to get the names of your children, I have a gift idea and if I can get it done with all four of your kids names I am going to try, it may not work, but it might. My email is: or you can just check out my blog and send me a message there. Look forward to getting to know you! Michelle :)
onegirliegirl said…
Oh Wow!! Will we ever see you again? Or will this just take over your life completely?

I have an award for you :)

xoxo ~Lisa
HOw fun is that. BTW....I need your snail mail...I have a prize for you I found too....can't wait to send it to you.
jennykate77 said…
SA-WEEET! I just found that exact thing while cleaning out some of my old stuff at my mom and dad's old house last week! Ah, good memories...good times. I love the boys! :)

Hope you're having a great day today!

P.S. I tagged you in a post on my blog today. :)
Sturgmom said…
I totally owned that tape way back when! I probably wore it out from watching it so much!

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