Well, my absolutely adorable friend Amanda was thinking of me last week. She came across a treasure at the Salvation Army, and plucked it up for me!
I got it in the mail today....isn't it so cute all wrapped up?
Hubby and I popped it in. We are dying. These guys really can sing, but oh the HAIR and the CLOTHES! We are having a blast (from the past!).
I got it in the mail today....isn't it so cute all wrapped up?
So I told Amanda maybe I'll learn a routine from the video and record it for her!
How much will y'all pay me if I record myself dancin' to NKOTB and post it on my blog?
Just wonderin'.
Thanks Amanda...you totally made me smile today!
Thanks for sharing and what a great friend to think of you like that.
Enjoy your video!!!
We used to make up dance moves that went with the songs...it was PATHETIC.
Glad you such a happy surprise today!
I am anxiously awaiting the premiere of your video. :)
Glad it made you laugh....
I sent you an email but not sure if you recieved it or not. I am your Birthday SWAP partner (well, I am buying for you!) I was hoping to get the names of your children, I have a gift idea and if I can get it done with all four of your kids names I am going to try, it may not work, but it might. My email is: jackson_ml@hotmail.com or you can just check out my blog and send me a message there. Look forward to getting to know you! Michelle :)
I have an award for you :)
xoxo ~Lisa
Hope you're having a great day today!
P.S. I tagged you in a post on my blog today. :)