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Okay, okay. I know Halloween is still more than 2 months away. But is anybody else so over summer? I mean...the kids are going back to school...but it's still so freakin' HOT! Doesn't the thought of the beautiful changing colors, cool Autumn nights and all the fun "togetherness" the fall and winter holidays bring just make you excited for the changing season?

No? Well how about this...the thought of all the last minute cramming to get Halloween costumes made again this year just puts you in a BAD mood, and you're planning ahead to avoid repeating this scenario AGAIN this year!?

I really am excited for the seasons changing, and once again I am vowing to plan ahead so I can be more prepared, and REALLY enjoy the holidays. I bet Vivienne NEVER stresses during the holidays because she's so ridiculously organized and prepared! I wan to be Vivienne this year!

So I've been trying to decide what to do for the kids' costumes this year. Heres what we had goin' on last year: You can click on any of the pictures to enlarge them.

Bookworm's was the only costume I didn't make. We knew we wanted to do a skeleton zombie, and I had it all planned out in my head. But we found this costume on for 5 bucks and I knew I couldn't make it for that little, and the hours of work it would save me was worth 5 dollars alone! So I only take credit for the face painting. It came with a mask, but we don't really like masks, so I decided I could paint a skeleton face if I really put my mind to it!

Cowgirl...of course was a cowgirl! She already had the boots and cowgirl shirt and jeans..and the hat was from her cowgirl birthday party, so all I had to make was the chaps and vest...I so cheated and used hot glue instead of a needle and thread! She still loved it though! We also found some adorable silver spurs at our local CAL Ranch store, and the stick horse was borrowed from Tanielle's Lexlee!

This brings me to my youngest girls. They both wore Ribbon Blossoms creations. Here's our Baby Devil, I added the embellished turtle neck, leggins, and the wrist cuffs. The costume also comes with a little devil's just can't see it in the pic. She got tons of compliments!

Pixie was a pumkin, or as she called it a Pumkin Princess. This costume was definitely the most elaborate and time consuming...I would only make this one for a special order...but it absolutely got the most attention, and she just loved it!

Here's the view from the back. What you can't see is the tons of gold glitter that made her sparkle from head to toe! Did you guys know I love glitter? Just wonderin'.

So I need some inspiration. Any great ideas for making a Medusa costume? That's what Pixie wants to be this year. Bookworm is still deciding if he wants to dress up or not, Cowgirl wants to be a clown, and Monkey is wearing the scarecrow costume I made for Bookworm when he was about her was also worn by Cowgirl at this age! It's been put to good use!

Ribbon Blossoms is now taking orders for tutu halloween costumes! We currently have our tutu witch, tutu devil, and tutu kitty listed, but if you have something else in mind...let us know and we'll be glad to design something for you!

Here a few pictures of our girls modeling the kitty and witch costumes...both the infant/toddler size and the girls size.


Keep checking back, because we're gearing up for a fabulous Ribbon Blossoms giveaway!
Happy Halloween! Oh, wait. It's still August.


Macey said…
No, we get excited for fall around this time too! I don't like the going back to school crap, the the changing leaves and stuff is awesome!
Those pictures make me wish I had a girl to beautify with a tutu! So cute!!!
No way, you like glitter?? I never would've guessed. Glitter Girl.
shortmama said…
Wow what super creative costumes!! I always start thinking about Halloween costumes now too because it takes Rhiannon forever to decide what she wants. Im not crafty enough to make them so I usually find something on ebay! I am loving the costumes for your store. I am going to have to talk to Rhiannon in the morning and see if she has any ideas on what she wants to be and see if it is something you guys have or could do!
Jenny said…
I have been thinking about Halloween as well. I usually start making or at least planning our costumes in August.

I love the little tutu sets!

I have an award for you here:
Emmy said…
Cute costumes, and honestly I have not even started thinking about it. :)
Since 2005, Grant has been Buzz Lightyear. Each. Year. Since.
Who knows what will happen. It's the hardest trying to figure out what Hubs and I are going to be for Halloween. (Maybe I'll go as Vivienne too...)
Jodee said…
I am so with you! I look forward to each and every season. I am ready for cooler weather.

I just ordered my daughter's Halloween costume from E-Bay. I can't wait to get it this week!

I love these pictures -- the costumes are fabulous!
Sare said…
I had a friend be medusa once - she did pipe cleaners in her hair, and then elmer's glued googly eyes onto the ends. she said they just popped right off and then the glue washed out pretty well!! i think she braided her hair all over then put the pipe cleaners was awesome!!

By the way - did you know I freaking LOVE Halloween?!?! I love that you are already thinking about it too!!! YEAH!!!
Sturgmom said…
Those costumes are super cute! I'm trying to convince my children that they really do want to coordinate costumes this year, but they each seem to have minds of their own. ;)
Rachelle said…
We're ready for fall to be here too. And we too, are already trying to get costumes ready for Halloween. But, then again, I'm already buying Christmas presents too. I'm weird, I know.
icandy... said…
Oh, that little pumpkin princess is just adorable~ I love the pic of the back of the costume... it's so puffy and frilly!!!!
I'm soooo over this heat, too! Although, where did our summertime go? :( Back to school....
Thank you so much for popping by my place! It's great to "meet" you!
Christina :)
Christie said…
It's good to know I'm not crazy for already stressing out about halloween costumes. Love the costumes you have done in the past. My son is only 4, so I still get to have a big influence on what he is going to be...but I just don't have any ideas yet.
Unknown said…
Oh you are so prepared!! LOVE the Pumpkin costume!! So good!

My kiddos want to be Star Wars characters this year with the baby as Yoda and our sht zu as an Ewok. No fro-fro girly costumes for me!!

Amy said…
They are so cute. I will have to stop by..
kado! said…
OH..I love the baby Devil one...that is so cute!
WOW WOW WOW!!! Those costumes are amazing!! So elaborate. I love the little devil, and the pumpkin princess is just beautiful. :) I love that you used stuff you had on hand for Cowgirl!
Anonymous said…
I completely agree about the whole being "over summer" and was just thinking last night about how excited I am about Halloween! Costumes were great!!
Shawn said…
Honey is "too old" for costumes and Peanut wants to be an Indian Princess. Easy enough!

Love the tutu's!
Wow. You are certainly on the ball! Here in AZ we don't really have seasons--just pleasant and very hot--so I never can remember if I am supposed to be making Halloween costumes or Easter baskets. And when fall comes and your leave turn colors--just know I will be very jealous!
Dumb Mom said…
I can't say I'm excited for fall to arrive (just means winter is coming and I hate cold weather), but we have been talking a lot about Hallowee costumes. It's so hard to plan ahead for the dudes, though b/c they seem to change their minds weekly. Last week #2 wanted to be Iron Man, and this week he wants to be Peter Pan. But, if I want to make the costumes this year then we better get started!

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