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I've been a bad friend...

I keep getting lovely awards from fabulous bloggy friends, and I am SOOOOO bad at posting them and passing them on. So to begin, I am offering a heartfelt apology to anyone whom I may have offended by not posting about an award you gave me!

It's not because I don't love you and I'm not flattered! 'Cause I really am! I can't believe all the amazing ladies I have met and made friends with through this world of blogging! It's because I'm lazy. That's all. I'm not promising to be better, because I know I'll probably still be just as flaky about doing this, but today I do have 2 awards to blog about.

First my hilarious and adorable fellow Blockhead JennyKate gave me the Honest Scrap award. I'm supposed to list 10 honest things about myself! So, here goes, please don't leave me!

1 - I often feel like I'm not as good of an example as I should be, to my family, or to my friends.
2 - Although I am very involved in Education now, I didn't take school seriously at all when I was young. I spent the majority of my time skipping class, and barely graduated by the skin of my teeth.
3 - I'm a control freak, and very bossy.
4 - I love to cook, but am the messiest cook on the planet, and sometimes my husband tells me I'm grounded from cooking because of the mess I make.
5- My closest friends (IRL and bloggy) are all organized clean freaks, and I couldn't be more unorganized, or a worse house-keeper!
6-Even though I put on a good front, I was so upset about having to sell my Vegas NKOTB tickets that I couldn't listen to my CD afterward. I barely started listening again this week. I still feel left out about missing the show.
7-It really bothers me how much something so silly has really bothered me!
8-I just read over this list and realized that it makes me sound like a real loser.
9-I don't believe in man-made Global Warming. So sorry I didn't send out Earth Day cards to y'all.
10-I think socialized healthcare is a really bad idea.

Wow. Hope I still have some followers left in the morning!

Next up, another kindred spirit, the wonderful, thrifty, SYTYCD-lovin' Amanda gave me the Fancy Pants Award. For "dedicated bloggers who love to blog, and encourage friendships through blogging."

I'm supposed to tell you all why I love Blogging. It's all of you. I didn't have a lot of close girlfriends growing up. I didn't like the catty, competative insincerity that accompanied most girls. Boys were much simpler and easier to be friends with for me. Not that I didn't have girlfriends, but I didn't feel like I needed that association as much. Silly me.

Through my blog I've met and grown to love some amazing ladies! I value the comraderie I have found and truly enjoy the connections I've developed with women who are so similar to, and at the same time very different from me. I cherish the friendships I've made and love taking a peek into your lives, and learning from you and relating to your struggles with you, and I love the encouragement I receive when I'm having a tough time. It's truly remarkable

Wow, I'm getting super mushy. I better stop now. As for passing on the awards...I know I'm supposed to, but aside from being too lazy to choose and link up to a specified amount of bloggers, I really just hate choosing.

I hate trying to single out specific people, when there are so many blogs that I read and enjoy. And that's the truth. And the lazy thing too. So if you know me, if we follow each other, if I comment on your blog, these awards are for you!

Also...just a reminder ...Mod Podge Mania is nearly upon us again! Please come back on the 31st to link up your projects, and get some great inspiration from others!


Tanielle said…
In all seriousness...I think you are a great example, in many ways, fun and serious alike! I love ya, and congrats on the awards!!!:-)
Not a bad friend at all! I think I sat on mine for like a week before I gave it out. ;)

I personally liked your list. ;)
Small House said…
My goodness, I am so behind on reading post's. I totally agree with global warming and socialized health care, and Donny Osmond. I'm glad he's going to be on Dancing with the Stars! Makes it fun to watch when people I know and like are on there.

Congrats on all your awards.
Have a good day.
shortmama said…
I could have written these same things about myself...except maybe the NKOTB thing LOL. But if it were Eric Clapton I would be right there with you!
Jacob said…
Hey at least you did not have to sell the NKOTB tickets that you got for your birthday in 1990.
Macey said…
You're so funny cuz you're not a bad friend at all! : )
You're funny. I don't believe in mad made global warming either. I think that's supposed to make me a bad person or something.
Macey said…
crap, that was supposed to be man made not mad made. Duh.
Jill said…
Ok....... you were a bit hard on yourself and not only didn't you lose followers you gained one..
ME! Hope to see you at my place soon!

Shawn said…
Congrats! Dontcha just love awards! I do!

Listen, we all have our strengths who cares if you're not a top notch house keeper you excel in so many other areas!

I've been meaning to ask you for the last year, how do you pronounce your name? I really need to know, it's driving me crazy!
Emmy said…
I completely agree with you about the whole global warming thing, or lack there of.
Did you know that cows give off more green house gases than cars? :)
RootsAndWingsCo said…
I love your list. Sometimes I think that people put too much of a perfect front on. I wanna know the people that have real lifes that aren't always pretty;)

Oh and it is fun to hear what you think you are like.

Anjeanette of the R&W girls
Congrats! You are a great bloggy friend. My Hubs would agree with you on #9. I leave the room now if a story comes on the TV about it... I just cannot listen to him go off on it anymore.
So there! (sticking tongue out) Scroll to the bottom of today's post. ;) There's more where that came from. ;)
Jenny-Jenny said…
Fun to hear your thoughts about yourself.
Sturgmom said…
Can't wait for Mod Podge mania! I have a project!!!!!
Heidi Boos said…
Congrats on the awards. You've been a great blogging buddy through and through no matter if there are weeks or months that pass sometime. You do what you gotta do and it can't always be on a daily basis to check in. Loved hearing about your honesty and reasons that you blog.

I have a few last minute things for my Mod Podge project, but other than that...I'm ready for Monday!!
jennykate77 said…
Gosh, I just love you!! I think you're a fantastic example to all of those around you. Really! I share your saddness in missing the boys on tour this time, but we WILL get another chance! We must! We won't miss it next time...we'll make it happen! I listened to them for a bit this morning on my drive to work, and as always thought of you. :)

Hope you're having a great week so far!♥
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