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Girls' Day Out!

Well...I think I'm back. Sorta. My husband rigged up 2 computers and so far, so good with being able to post pictures, and view videos, and open attachments and stuff. I'll use it this way for as long as I have to, as long as I can get my blogging fix!

Last Friday I enjoyed a funtastic girls' day out! It was me, my girls, my mom, my sister-in-law, and my sweet cousin who's staying with my parents while she goes to school here.

We went mall-hopping, and started out downtown at the Gateway, a fabulous outdoor mall that has all the best stores, and great landscaping and outdoor attractions as well.

Here's Monkey showin' off the bling she immediately found on walking into the first store.

Here's the girls modeling the latest in headwear fashion.

I turned my back for 2 seconds, and Monkey had herself decked out in these jewels. Should I be worried?

Now time to model the fabulous eye-wear. First up...Monkey.

She needed more than 1 take.

Doesn't Cowgirl just look like a smarty-pants?

Cousin "J". She likes how she looks in glasses so much, she purposely tried to fail her vision test. Seriously.

Okay now this REALLY scares me. Does anyone else see Paris Hilton in this picture? I already have nightmars of Pixie as a teenager. Oy.

Next we headed over to South Towne. I convinced everyone that YES we COULD fit all 7 of us into the little photo booth they have at the entrance. Only my dear SIL had any faith, but we convinced them...and VOILA!
This picture is the mom is just this little pair of spectacles peeking out between Monkey, Cowgirl, and cousin J.

I love this video, the cute guy at Aeropastale started playing with Monkey...
I saved the best for last. My mom is gonna kill me, but I couldn't resist. So my cousin is learning anatomy in Massage school (get your minds out of the gutter, it's legit!) and they have to work on each other (under sheets) anyways, they're supposed to wear thongs, so they can work on the glutes. J is mortified, because she's a good little Mormon girl, and is super modest, and is just from small town Idaho, and wears sensible, good girl panties!

Anyway, we totally put her on the spot at the mall, and started helping her pick out some thongs that were somewhat innocent looking (as innocent as a thong can look anyway!) when she showed my mom what she picked out, my mom decided to model one...on her head!
Sorry mom, but you should have known when you let me take a picture it would end up on the internet!

I'm so glad to be able to make a post again, and will be by to visit you all! Love ya!


Jenny said…
LOL! Your Mom is so funny. Your cousin does look adorable in glasses. LOL about her trying to fail her vision test.

Your kids are adorable and it looks like everyone had an awesome time!
Macey said…
Ahahahahaaa! Your mom is beautiful! I especially like those panties on her head, that is SO something I would do. And your cousin trying to fail the vision test so she could have glasses? That sounds like me too!
See, I KNEW we were related. I just knew it! :)
Your babies are so cute shopping!
shortmama said…
What a super cute group of girls! Your mom is hilarious!
Jodee said…
What a fabulous "girls" day! Your Mom is a hoot! Those pictures are hilarious!
Dumb Mom said…
Wish I had some little ladies to share days like this with. But, at least this guarantees me plenty of GNOs w/BFF when the dudes are older! No one is gonna want to go see chic flicks or shop for swimsuits with me so I'll be on my own. Thanks for stopping by the blog, come back soon:)
Unknown said…
What a fun, carefree day with the girls! Looks like so much fun!! Can I come along next time??

Anonymous said…
Aw man. The pics aren't showing up for me. I'll have to try from my computer once I'm home.
I can't believe she has to wear a thong! Haha!
kado! said…
those are cute pics! What fun...and seriously I didn't know that anyone really did NOT wear thongs just does not make sense to me.....the lines are SO tacky! I think it is only appropriate to wear big-panties after you just give birth....or unless they are really sexy and match your bra!
Amy said…
What a fun time all of you had. I love the thong. That was so funny...
Emmy said…
Now that is a fun day of shopping! Your poor mom :)
Haley said…
What a FUN day of shopping! I love the thong on your beautiful Mom's head! I especially love the shot of it from the back of her head. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Isn't that the way you're supposed to wear them...? Have I been doing it wrong all this time?

Cute video and fun pix!
Missy said…
Don't you just love a good girl's day out?!! I sure do! It looks like you guys were having fun and probably a lot of laughs!
Monkey is absolutely precious. How can you not just kiss those cheeks all day?! :)

I love a girls' day out with my girlfriends, but sometimes a girls' day with the girls in my family is the best! :)
Hilarious! Your girls know how to accessorize! WOW!
Small House said…
How FUN!!! And yes....I think your mom is going to kill you!!! She's a cute lady, and looks like a great sport.
Have a good day.
jennykate77 said…
LOVE it!! Looks like all 7 of you girls had a fabulous time! The pic of the thongs on your mom's head is killing me! LOL! Too flippin' funny! Great pics of the girls. They're so adorable!!

We need to chat soon! I miss you! Hope you have a marvelous Monday!! :)
Anonymous said…
Wow...I thought I was the only one who ever got caught wearing a thong on my head. (Seriously!) Fortunately, mine pic is not posted on the internet. LOL
Heather said…
Your Mom sounds like a Hoot! Looks like a wonderful girls shopping trip!!

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