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Reality Check

So fess up. How many of you watch reality T.V.? You can be honest...there's no judgement here!

I honestly haven't watched The Bachelor or Survivor for years. I do, however have a weakness for reality talent competitions. There's nothing like watching talented people to make you feel inadequate!

Until last year, I watched American Idol faithfully to the end. I even went to American Idols Live twice! Once the year Carrie Underwood won, and again the year David Cook won (had to see David Archuleta...he's our hometown hero!). I missed this past season.

I'm also a HUGE fan of So You Think You Can Dance. It amazes me what these dancers are able to accomplish. I have tickets to go see them on tour in November! I'm so excited!

I've never really gotten hooked on Dancing With The Stars. I know it's a huge sensation, and I've watched a few episodes here and there and followed for awhile when my boy Joey was in the first season, but it never really sucked me in.

Until this year, that is! Wanna know why I'm gonna watch? Promise you won't laugh? It's because THIS guy is part of this season's cast:

I love Donny Osmond! I can't help myself...I just do! I think he's adorable. He's just a good, moral, kind family guy, who is fun to listen to and has a fantastic smile! I just love him!

So I'll be watching this season, and rootin' for him. I think he'll do well! Doesn't he look cute in this picture?

So I will NOT admit that I have watched The Hills. I won't. You can't make me. But has anyone seen this? I'm not trying to be mean and hateful like most people are about Heidi Montag Pratt. I actually feel sad for her. I think she's probably a good person that got caught up in celebrity, and a bad relationship, and she honestly does not realize that the public does NOT take her seriously. But this just makes me really sad. Honestly, if you loved someone, would you let them do this? And what do you think the backup dancers, who can ACTUALLY dance are thinking?

I'm seriously not trying to be mean. I don't understand why the people around her, who supposedly care about her would let her make a public fool of herself like this. So sad.

Anyway...what reality TV do you enjoy?

And, to leave you with something more pleasant to remember, here's another favorite SYTYCD video! This is Jeanette and Brandon (he took 2nd place, but was my personal favorite!) This is the burglar routine choreographed by the dancing phenomenon Wade Robson. If you don't know about my obsession with Wade, go here. Enjoy!


Rachelle said…
I so love watching "So You Think You Can Dance"! Those people are so amazingly talented! That and it makes ballroom dance look cool (took that in college). I also enjoy "Dancing with the Stars"... it makes me think I could totally get back into dancing if I had time.

I just have to say, you have to coolest obsessions!
shortmama said…
I used to watch American Idols but havent in years..I just got burned out on reality TV I think. I watch things like Deadliest Catch or Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel. Thats as reality as I get!
I liked this post!!! I have a weakness for "competition" reality TV, but I don't like trashy stuff.

I didn't know DO would be on DWTS this season. Very cool! He looks good in the photo. I always watch that show, but fast-forward through a lot of it.

No words for Heidi Montag. words.

Yay for the Brandon and Jeanette video. I have a whole line-up to post. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. ;)

Fun post!!
Amy said…
I have watched Dancing with the Stars since it has started. Along with The Hills, Big Brother, and many more. I love those shows.
Unknown said…
I love the competition shows too! SYTYCD is one of my favorites! I really like Wade too! He is amazing!
I am a Bravo junkie. Top Chef, Project Runway, Flipping Out....

That Heidi Montag video was excruciatingly painful to watch (and hear.) I only know of the Hills what I see on The Soup. It looks insipid.

That burglar dance is jaw-dropping. I may have to watch that show sometime...
J.J. said…
I love me some Donny!!!!!!!

WO is pretty awesome, too :)
Macey said…
The burglar dance was AMAZING. The Heidi Montag thing? I think the people around her are there for the money and that's it. Kinda like Anna Nicole Smith.
Lynn said…
I watch SYTYCD and DWTS and American Idol.
When I first started watching Idol, I only watched the try-outs.
Funniest show in town!
My granddaughter and i were watching the night(What was his name?) sang She Bang.

Our heads snapped toward each other with our mouths open and our eyebrows high, then we both fell on each other laughing and screaming for everyone in the house to come see!

Now I watch every second of it.
I watch America's got Talent near the end of the competition, but I don't care for magicians that much. so.

You work up that dance, and we'll all love it!!!
Anonymous said…
I absolutely LOVE SYTYCD! And all reality tv.
Anonymous said…
Hi, just a random blog wanderer. I was cringing/laughing at the Heidi Montag thing. I think sometimes people who are famous for doing nothing (reality TV stars come to mind) have a --ahem, skewed view of how awesome they are. They honestly believe that they can do things when it's painfully clear that they can't.

May I bring your attention to Paris Hilton's failed attempt at a singing career. Eeeesh.
I know - what is it about the Osmonds that is so fascinating? I watched DWTS that season that Marie was on it. And I was rooting for her even though she wasn't the best dancer there. I am excited to see how Donny does!

Unknown said…
I am a reality show JUNKIE!! Survivor, Amazing Race, AI, and SYTYCD are what I watch...I guess it's not that bad.

Oh how I loved Jeanette!!! She is such a good dancer. Thanks for the video...gets me excited for the concert in 2 months!!!!!!!'

Melissa said…
I don't get how the audience is supposed to put the dollars in Heidi's waist band with the stripper stage so wide. I didn't know strippers had back up dancers. Interesting. Wait... you say she's not a stripper... she was performing a song... what song?
Alicia said…
I'm not into the reality dramas, but I do love the talent shows! SYTYCD is my FAVORITES and I'm so excited there are two seasons this year!! Such AMAZING talent on that show!!
Hi! I found your blog today, and I'm so excited to see your projects! Yes, I agree that reality TV has its moments. I won't admit that I watch some. My husband hates it. I also feel bad for Heidi. How awful was her dancing? I wonder if she looked at that later and thought, "Why didn't anyone tell me that I can't dance?." Does she even know how to sing? She was obviously lip-syncing. I know... I'm being mean. See ya later! Oh yeah, you can check out my blog too! so need to come to VA for a burger. ;)
Emily said…
That was one of my very, very, very favorite routines this year on SYTYCD. I LOVE Wade!!!
Heidi Boos said…
So, You Think You Can Dance....WAY UP THERE on the list for me. Can't get enough and I can't wait for the premiere in a couple of weeks.

Wow. {*shaking my head*} is all I can say about Heidi's performance. Is that really the best the Miss Universe pageant could get?

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