If you're in a good mood, you probably shouldn't read this, because I'm not. Here's how I feel today.
Our new (to us) car broke down. My husband is having a hard time working on with his arm in a cast. Last night our carpet cleaning equipment broke down. Our prayers for an abundance of work have been answered, but now we have no machine, and our friend who has been working for us until Hubby's arm heals is having his new baby arrive on Monday, so he's not available next week! So basically we have all this work that needs to get done, and aren't really sure how we're going to do it! GRRR!
Also I know some of you lovely ladies LOVE Glenn Beck, so just to share the misery, THIS should make you really mad.
Okay. I'm done.
Be back with a smile later today, or tomorrow.

Also I know some of you lovely ladies LOVE Glenn Beck, so just to share the misery, THIS should make you really mad.
Okay. I'm done.
Be back with a smile later today, or tomorrow.
I sell my houses and all my crafts on etsy...my shoppe link is on my blog. I'm going to add your blog to my favorites so I can visit lots!
Now, you've got my blood boiling with that Glenn Beck thing. What the heck is up with those companies? He isn't doing anything wrong! I love Glenn Beck. He makes perfect sense!
You know what is annoying is now everything has to be about race. I don't care what color Obama is, I don't like his policies! He is ruining our country!
PS. So sorry about your car and the equipment. That just plain stinks. :(
....and I am a conservative too..but Glen Beack is not my cup-of-tea...and I don't like GEICO commercials either! ;)
Deep breath!