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All About A Monkey

My baby is growing up! I really can't stand it! This past couple of weeks she just seems so...BIG!

I have learned a few new Monkey-isms this week:

For example when she was eating her apple the other day, she was dinking around as usual and dropped her apple. Miraculously, Cowgirl swooped in and caught it right before it hit the floor.

Monkey's respons? "Oh. My. Almost. GOSH!

I guess it's almost gosh because it didn't actually hit the floor.

Later that day she was using the bathroom. She had a little bit of diarrhea. She looks down into the toilet while she's still sitting on it and says "Now my butt is a disaster." We couldn't stop laughing!

She also taught me how to count in Spanish a couple of weeks ago:

You always thought 4 was "cuatro" and 6 was "seis", right? Nope, it's "nacho" and "space-o". Duh.

Yesterday the kids were watching a movie...I had my back to them because I was blogging working on the computer. All of a sudden I hear Cowgirl exclaim "Oh my gosh...look at Monkey!"
I turned around to this:

Yes, she is laying on the floor, hugging the giant Costco size peanut butter jar...

and eating it with a spatula! ...In her underwear!
Remember I told you she refuses to put her pants back on after using the bathroom?

She was laying on the floor when I went outside to check on my husband one night while he was working on the car. I came back in to this sight...I guess she's comfy! My brother told me to draw a chalk outline around her.

One of her favorite Movies is The Aristocats...if you haven't seen it, it's pretty cute. Anyway please see the clip below for her favorite part, then check out her rendition after that! On the movie clip, you can skip to about 0:33, and you can stop at 1:27...that's the part she does - she really gets into it at the end!!

She definitely keeps us entertained. Oh, and please disregard the bangs that are still growing in after this adventure.


Amber Filkins said…
Oh my gosh, she is such a riot!! Love it.
Tanielle said…
She makes me laugh so hard!!! Love that girl, and she likes it when I come over, so that makes me happy!! Everyone knows nacho is 4 in spanish...duh!:-)
She is SO cute!! Natalie heard her singing and came over to watch. She wanted to watch "dat little girl" sing again. ;) Thanks for posting the movie clip. We have that one on VHS, but she refuses to watch it...why, I don't know, b/c she loves cats. The cat on the piano may have changed her mind. :)

I totally learned some new Spanish today. She could be my cross-country tutor. What does she charge?
Emmy said…
So cute!! I guess she likes peanut butter :)
Kids really do say the funniest things.
What a fun little girl! How great that you are taking time to treasure those moments.
Ha! She is adorable, Xazmin! I love the death-grip on the peanut butter ;)
Hi, just had to leave a comment for you because of your wonderful blog ! I've really enjoyed reading your interesting and creative posts, and you have fabulous pictures as well. Best wishes and thank you for sharing them all ....
Katie Lane said…
I love this post :)
Amy said…
She is so cute...
Macey said…
Oh my ALMOST gosh! How CUTE is she?! I love how she closes her eyes and really gets into it in the end! : )
Heidi Boos said…
OK, she is a doll!! I love the videos and the one counting in Spanish is priceless...what a great memory to have around. I agree with our babies growing up too quickly!!
Jenny said…
So cute. I love the last video!
onegirliegirl said…
OMG!! She is about the cutest thing...EVAH!!

Is she singing "veggie-o's"? Cause it's cracking me up.

I don't know why you think it's so funny that she's lying on the couch eating PB from the jar in her undies. I do it all the time!! Lucky for you, I just haven't posted my picture.

xoxo ~Lisa
Lynn said…
Oh, poor me. I have no entertaining babies any more!
Can I borrow that little cutie-pie of yours!?
You know how sometimes people can laugh and it is sort of a snort that makes them cough? Yeah. Thanks for that.

She is hysterical! Love the peanut butter pix! Love the spread eagle asleep on the floor photo and love love love the nacho and space-o.

However, the very best part (IMHO) was her Scales and Arpeggios rendition, complete with imaginary paws playing imaginary keys and eyes closed at just the right moments.
Love her!
(If we ever got Monkey and Grant in the same room it would be truh-ble!!!)
Cute blog! This is so gross but I totally want to hug a jar of peanut butter like she did! This pregnancy has made me do weird things, one being eating spoonfulls of peanut butter :)
Unknown said…
Oh my goodness- she is precious! Love the nacho for #4!!!!!

kado! said…
those are such cute Monkey-isms! I love the PB picture...comfort food at any age!!! ;)

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