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She just wants to be like her big sisters.

Remember a couple weeks back when I told you about Cowgirl and Pixie donating their hair for Locks of Love? I didn't tell the whole story, because I didn't want to steal their thunder. I'm sure you can see where this is going.

The whole morning Monkey kept telling me she was going to get her hair cut too. I told her that her hair wasn't long enough, so she would have to wait until she was bigger. She kept talking about it any way.

Later that afternoon after the kids got home the girls were telling me all about how everyone loved their new hair cuts.

That evening, I noticed something odd-looking when Monkey followed me into the bathroom, and I was shoo-ing her out so I could have some privacy.

I looked a little closer.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I demanded.

"I dist getted my hair cut" she said matter-of-factly.

"SHOW ME WHERE!" I practically screeched. She led me by the hand into the kitchen.

"here" she said, pointing under the table.

Sure 'nuff, a pair of scissors, and whisps of blond hair were laying on the floor.

She also cut some hair from her pig tail, but it's not as noticeable. This is her "if I do a silly smile, I won't get in trouble" face.


I don't know what to say! That's in a tough spot to camouflage. ;) But with that sweet face, you can't be mad at her. I just went to make sure our scissors are out of reach....gulp!
Sturgmom said…
OH NO!!! Right in the FRONT! I hope it grows back quickly (but seriously- how can you get mad at that face?)!
E said…
too stinkin' funny! My son just did that same thing at school not to long ago...the sad thing is he is 9, lol! I love the last picture!
shortmama said…
I cannot help but laugh at that one! and she is just so darn cute!
looks like the perfect spot for a headband!
Shawn said…
I'm covering my mouth trying not to laugh at you! Well not at you at the situation and that cheesy little grin!

I did hair for some time,do you know how many fix jobs I had to do?

It will grow Mamma!
Jennifer said…
I guess it was going to happen one day or another, right? LOL
Mama Nut said…
Oh no! She a determined little thing, isn't she? Well, at least it's hat season, right? She's a doll!
Melissa said…
I would laugh at you, but my finger nail polish in the hair darling just cut her hair for the fifth time a couple of days ago. I am so glad for the summer so that we can grow it out, again.
Anonymous said…
Her little heart was so in the right place. It will grow back before you know it. Between the ages of 2 and three PC cut her hair three times and shaved off half of her eyebrow.

I had to laugh so I wouldn't cry. :)
Oh no no no!!! Xazmin! :0 I am cracking up! The hair will grow, of course, but I am laughing the most at "I dist getted my hair cut."
Priceless!!! We must make sure that Grant and Monkey never meet each other. Ever.
Sassytimes said…
LOL...what do you do about that?!?!
Anonymous said…
OMG I'm so sorry -- but you have to admit you can't get mad at that face.
oh goodness. well, at least it will grow! and you have a hilarious story to tell her future husband!
Ohhhhh, I've soooo been there! When Makenna was 2 she cut her hair twice in one week. The first cut wasn't too bad, but the second was right in front and to the scalp. Agghhhhhh! She came into the room and said "Hair all over me!" Sure enough, there was hair all over her. I cried.
Alicia said…
I think every kid goes through that. How cute that she just wanted to be like her big sisters! That's a good chuckle. It does NOT reflect on your parenting skills... ;) Good you got pictures! I think it would be fun to see what my hair looked like after I had cut myself as a child!
What a sweet little girl with a big, big heart. Give her a hug for me. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Small House said…
OH NO...a mother's nightmare. Funny how, what is a nightmare can be SO CUTE!!!!! It will grow back. Nothing grows out slower then a bad haircut, but it will grow back.

I used to tell my kids (still do) when they did something dorky, "It's a good thing you're cute."
Have a great day.
Oh my goodness!!! I bet you were shocked! I was just reading your post!!

When I was 5 I did the same thing and everyone asked my mom if I was a boy :((((

Maridith said…
Been there done that!! The shrill in my scream scared the mess out of my daughter. I couldn't believe it. Ours happened about the same time last year. And seemed to take FOREVER to grow out. This silver lining is she didn't cut her scalp!!! And she is cute because neither you or I could pull off this look!!!
Jen said…
Oh, so precious! at least it's summer time and there aren't any big picture-taking occasions coming?? Maybe? :-)
Rhonda said…
Oh my goodness! My son did that too a couple of years ago!

Oh the face and what she said...glad you got'll laugh someday!...Someday!
Wow, sort of reminds me of when I was a "test" subject for an exam at a hair college. I ended up in tears and looked a little like your daughter...

Thanks for stopping by our blog!
Oh goodness. Andrew has done this only to his clothes. She is still adorable! Love her wrinkled nose.
Jenny said…
LOL! Right in the front too! What a sweet face though.

I have been told that I went behind the couch and cut my hair when I was about 2.
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahaha!!!!!!! PRICELESS!
jennykate77 said…
Uh OH! I think all kids try this at one point or another...especially girls! I remember cutting my bangs right before my 2nd grade pictures, then I tried to play it off by putting a head band on and pushing all my bangs mom didn't fall for that one.

She's too cute!!! How could you get onto a face like that?! :)
Marrdy said…
I have lived this before. My daughter would do this a couple of times a year until she was myabe 5 or 6. She's a doll even with butchered hair!
kado! said…
OHHHH!!!!!! I have never had to go thru that trama...yet...having boys helps...I'm sure!

....and I missed you while I was gone! Fun to catch up on your happenings!
Heather said…
That's one reason I love boys. You can just buzz their hair and you'll never know the difference!

Her face is priceless!!
Unknown said…
My little sister did that once while I was babysitting her. UGH!!! You're daughter looks cute even with her new do.

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