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Extreme Makeover: Me Edition!

Well. Here we are again! Time for an update on my progress, and an answer to Amber's question. If you aren't familiar with EM:ME, head on over to Amber's to check it out. It's a great way to stay motivated, and offer encouragement to other ladies who are also trying to make themselves over!

I've had a pretty good week. I made good food choices and exercised almost every day. I did miss Saturday (boy my every day in the month of May was a bust, eh?).

However...I have mastered 3.4 mph! Remember I wanted to increase my walking speed to 3.4 and had such a hard time. I could do a 3.8 mph jog, but the 3.4 mph walk was too awkward and tired my legs out too fast. Well I'm pleased to announce that I have built up to walking 3.3 mph for the 1st 10 minutes, then 3.4 mph for the next 40 minutes, then a 4 mph jog for the last 10. Totaling a little over 3.5 miles each day!

I am down another 1.6 lbs. I wish I could have bumped it up to a 2 lb loss. Oh well!

This week I'd like to move up to 3.4 miles for the whole walking time, and increase my jogging time to 15 minutes. Wish me luck!

I didn't start my ab work outs yet. There is an awesome routine that I used to do and I want to start again. My brother has the copy of the different exercises, so I need to get it from him so I can start doing them!

Other goals: continue my water intake, and making good food choices. Also get back to eating lots more green salad...I've kind of slacked on that recently.

This week's question:

What's your favorite beauty secret?

This is a hard one for me. I don't really have any "secrets". Although I consider myself a fairly girly girl, I don't spend a ton of time on "beauty". I wear very little makeup. A little eye makeup and mascara and some lipgloss is "made up" for me. The only times I've ever worn foundation were the day of my bridal pictures, and on my wedding day...then I had my make up "done" so I probably wouldn't even know the best way to put it on!

I will gladly share my favorite mascara: I like the Maybelline Colossal volum' express. Its the one with the collagen and it is fab! If you remember way back for one of Kasey's Friend Makin' Mondays, I talked about how I still wanted to try the L'Oreal Double Extend beauty tubes mascara. Well it went on sale and I bought it. I still prefer the Maybelline. I couldn't tell if the beauty tubes actually added any length. I already have long eyelashes, so I use mascara for curl and volume. But when I washed it off...I had eyelashes come out! Both times I used it! And the volume was definitely no comparison to the volume I get from the Maybelline. So the Maybelline is still my fave!

Some other advice I can share is...wear your hair pulled back. This makes your face look thinner. I have chubby cheeks...even when I'm thin, so I like to pull all my hair, or at least the sides of my hair up and it is really slenderizing for my face.

Also...I know when we're overweight, and some of us are a lot overweight (me!) we tend to want to wear big, baggy clothes. This doesn't really "hide" us like we're thinking. It just makes us look bigger and frumpier. So buy clothes that fit. And especially buy the shirts that have the more "tailored" side seems. Not tight fitting, but not baggy. It really does make you appear thinner. It's much more flattering.

So...that's all I've got! I'm sure many of you will have far more valuable "beauty secrets" than this, but I am who I am!

Have an awesome, healthy week, and I'm off to see how everyone else is doing!


Oh soooo important to wear clothes that fit. Too tight highlights the plump parts and too big STILL highlights the plump parts.

I'm proud of you for getting the upper hand on your 3.4 mph battle. Good job!
Connie said…
Great job with your exercising and losing 1.6 pounds! It is almost 2!

I just started using the Stiletto Mascara and it is great!

Have a wonderful week!
Good tips, Xazmin!!! :)

My tip is that I wear a sunscreen on my face. Every day! I found a lightweight Clinique one that has a slight tint to it. I put it on after I wash my face and put cleanser on in the a.m. It's VERY light and doesn't break me out, as I have very sensitive skin. I wear the Spf 40. I am hoping that this will keep me from looking like my great-aunt Vera when I am 60. ;)
J.J. said…
yea for being down 1.6!!!!!! That is awesome.

The tailored fitting shirts is a good one. :)
Mama Nut said…
You met your 3.4 mph goal! Good for you. Thanks for the mascara tip. I've been needing a new one and always wonder what other people like. Ditto to your don't wear baggy clothes tip. SO not flattering!
Congrats on your weight loss and reaching your 3.4 mph goal! That's awesome!

Good luck with your goals for the week! You can do it! :o)
Yeah for making your goal of 3.4 mph!!! Any goal completed is a good one!

Great tips, especially about the baggy clothes. Such an easy and natural thing to want to do...big baggy clothes to cover up when actually it makes you look bigger.

Good luck with your future goals!
shortmama said…
Great job, you are well on your way to being successful!

Good simple tips too, I like it!
Melissa said…
Three cheers for Xazmin Hooray! Hooray Hooray. Yes a little cheesy. At least it's fat free cheese. Congratulations on the weight loss.

I think your clothing tip is even true with Maternity wear. With my first two I was always asked if I was having twins. With my third I wore regular sized T-Shirts and was always told how skinny I looked.
Chrissy Thomas said…
Great advice about wearing clothes that fit!! I agree 100%.

Congrats on the 1.6 lbs lost too! That is awesome!

Have a great day!
Sara said…
Congrats on losing weight. next time it will be 2, less is still good!!

I agree on your clothes that fit, looks os much better than the frumpy clothes!

Have a great day
Jenny said…
You are doing awesome! 1.6 in one week is major!

Everyday, I tell myself I'm going to exercise, but I only go 3 times a week for about 40 minutes each time. Better than nothing, I guess.
Great tips and hooray for weight loss! I'm wishing I had a treadmill, though I have no idea where I'd put it.
jennykate77 said…
Your tip about buying clothes that fit is SOOOO true! My old Weight Watchers leader also used to tell us that big baggy clothes give our brains wrong there's still room, go ahead and eat a cookie! LOL. However, if you're wearing clothes that fit, it's like a mental reminder that you don't want to feel too full and you don't want your pants leaving large ridges in your tummy due to an extra slice of pizza or a big fat piece of cake. Sounds crazy, but it's true.

You're doing great! All these EMME posts have really been good motivation for me. I should join in, but I've been such a blogger slacker lately I haven't. I lost 7 pounds last month. I've really been trying hard, but it's taking FOREVER!

Hope you're having a great week!!
Shawn said…
Slow and steady is the best way to lose. W2G!
Suzy said…
Congrats on your success and mastering a 3.4 mph rocks! Exercise is the key to weightloss and even more so for maintaining the weightloss.

Eeks! I haven't any beauty secrets to pass along --- well, maybe just get plenty of sleep, drink plenty of water, and eat lots of fruits and veggies. Blah blah blah, blah blah blah! Such boring advice.....
Jenny-Jenny said…
Way to go Xazmin! You inspire me!
Good tips Xazmin! I wear my hair back most of the time. It feels so much neater and it's easy!

Good job on the weight loss. You are on fire!

Anonymous said…
Oh my clothes have to fit or it will drive me crazy. Congrats on the weight lost keep up the good work. I plan on getting my tread mill before the end of the year.
onegirliegirl said…
WooHoo Xazmin!! Double prizes! YOu got your 3.4 walking and a really good weight loss for the week!!

I'm so happy for you! You are doing awesome!

xoxo ~Lisa
Woo-hoo! I'm so impressed with all of your accomplishments. (jogging for 15 minutes makes me want to cry). Congratulations!
Kenlie said…
I completely agree that regardless of size we should wear clothes that fit properly. It's better to be overweight and well groomed than to be overweight and frumpy. hehe

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