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Adventures in Monkey Land

My girl is one precocious Monkey! She's always doing something that I think "I have to blog about that!" I realize that you see/hear more about her than my 3 other children combined.

Let me make it clear that I DO love all of my children, and take LOTS of pictures of all of them. However my Monkey seems to be the one who provides me with the most interesting blogging material!

A couple of weeks ago there was a community carnival held at our school, hosted by a local community church. They invited our student body and their families. They had rented a whole bunch of the inflatible bouncy contraptions and had them all over the lawn.

I steered Monkey over to one of the smaller bouncy houses "do you want to jump?"

"No, I want to SLIDE!" she says pointing at a slide so huge I almost can't see the top!

I tried to talk her out of it...picturing her getting to the top and freaking out when she looked down. Then I'd be stuck climbing up the dang bouncy ladder that my kids could barely make it up, my big ole butt wavin' in the air while everyone looked on, pointing as I struggled up to retrieve my terrified child.

She insisted...refused to go on any of the other dozen fun-looking contraptions. Cowgirl took her up and they got to the top. Monkey didn't even hesitate...and away they went!

Later on Kimberlee (cousin, and dear friend who I invited to come along with her brood) and I were chatting and trying to keep a 360 degree eye on all 7 of our children, when I realized I couldn't find Monkey. She was just holding my hand, until I let go to put my sunglasses on. Slightly panicked we started looking around.

Oh, there she is, halfway up the ladder to the gargantuan slide...BY HERSELF! The "ride attendant" (aka 14 year old church kid volunteering to help man the rides), looked up at her, then back at me helplessly as if to say "she's really little for this slide, but I wasn't sure if I should stop her or not".

She made it all the way up and down she came! The girl is petrified if a fly gets in our house, but she's on a bouncy slide as tall as Mount Everest with no qualms whatsoever!

I realized in viewing this back that I probably should have shown some concern as to whether she was hurt or not (as the ride attendant did) before busting up laughing at her face plant. And yes I realize how unattractive and frightning my cackle/laugh was.

A few days ago she was rummaging through my drawers (which happen to be off limits to my kids!), and decided to pull out, and model this number, which hasn't seen the light of day in I don't know how long! I totally wish I could fit into it!

Should I be worried about this girl? One thing's for darn would be a lot more boring without her!


shortmama said…
Man she was flying down that slide! Looks like she loved it though!
Unknown said…
She was cruising! I would have been totally freaking out.

Thanks for stopping by and for the prayers for my hubs!
Oh - she's so cute! And brave too! I realized that I have been doing the same thing with my blog. I have tons of pictures of my youngest and not that many of my older ones. But they change so fast when they are small, don't you think?

Tina said…
How cute...she is really brave!
Oh so cute!!! I had to laugh about the lingerie modeling. I certainly have some that my girls could wear to play in b/c they sure don't fit me anymore either. ;)
HAHAHAHA! This entire post just made me smile {and giggle some too}. First off, lovin' the "butt wavin' in the air", LOL! And what a cutie pie! She was just zoomin' down that slide.
Melissa said…
I have a couple of those kids. Tell them to go to bed and they "I'm scared mommy!" Take them to the Giant water side and they are Indiana Jones.

My girls love to wear any silky.
Anonymous said…
She's such a brave little cutie!!
Jenny said…
Too funny! I've been on a similar slide before. It is almost impossible to climb to the top of that thing!
jennykate77 said…
Holy moley! Too funny. Monkey is ADORABLE!! I love the slide video and the ensemble. So so cute!

I tagged you on my blog today. :)

Hope you're having a great day!
kado! said…
How funny! is funny how kids can have NO Fear when it comes to some things! That slide clip was cute!

yea....when I was folding laundry the other 3 year old took my underwear and wanted to pack it in his "tool-box" that he carries around....I had to make sure to get those back...I could only imagine being somewhere in public when he opens his tool-box and my thong was in there!! how funny and embarrassing that would be!!!
Macey said…
That makes me want to slide too! That looked like so much fun! :)
I love your cackle by the way. Mine would've had a snort in it somewhere.
Gotta love her determination!! That will come in handy as she grows up ya know!!

Of course she is adorable - she is my granddaughter! And pertaining to you blog of a couple of days ago, it's okay for you to have true confession, but I don't think you should drag your mother into it. Yelling is an inherited trait - ask my mom.
Sher said…
How funny!
She is so stinkin adorable!
Funny, I call my kids Monkey, too.
I love her larger-than-life personality! Don't you just wish you could get a sneak peek of her 10 years from now?!

Nice nightie, by the way! :-)
Les said…
Oh my gosh! That is one of the funniest things I've seen in ages!
Emmy said…
Awesome post! Looks like she had some fun :)
My two year old definitely gets more love on my blog, she will just sit still for more pictures for me than my son.

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