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I can't believe I'm doing this....

No, seriously. Words cannot describe how much I don't want to do this. But for the love of a few awesome chicks, and also my need to not feel left out, or like a wuss....I am succumbing to the pressure.

I'm joining in with the monthly Vlog hosted by Mamarazzi and Shawn.


I've always known I hated my voice. Ever since the very first time I heard it play back on an answering machine message. But now I also get to see that not only do I have a super annoying voice, but I also do weird things with my mouth while I'm talking. And also make weird smacking noises before starting a sentence. Oy.

All I have to say is certain people better NEVER miss another blog post of mine again, and the comments should be filled with lots of kissing up.

This month's theme is accents or dialect. We have a few instructions, including saying the flollowing list of words:

Aunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught, Antenna, Rootbeer, Ambulance, Museum, Milk, Orange, Apricot

So here goes nothin':

Now that I've completely humiliated myself, why don't you head on over and check out some more Vlogs? Head here or here to check it out.

Oh, and p.s. Shawn - this word wasn't on the list, but it's barbed-wire. :)


Heidi Boos said…
Awesome VLOG!! Really it was! That looked way too easy for you...I'm thinking we'll be seeing (and hearing) more of you! ;)

P.S. You're adorable...don't let yourself tell you any differently!
Jacquie said…
I hate my voice too! But I did this as well. I love hearing how other people sound though, you are adorable! Sometimes I call the remote the "thingy-ma-jig" with random pointing in the general direction of the television.
Stacey said…
Great job! I have no idea what it's called when it's raining while the sun is shining either??? I will putting my vlog up tomorrow. It will be my first time, too.
shortmama said…
Im glad Im not the only one who didnt get the rain question! I dont think you make weird faces or sound bad AT ALL! We are way too critical of ourselves!
You are so cute! I love your voice! {But I hate mine too so I completely understand!} You have an accent! I like it. It suits you.

You call the remote the POWER? Bwhahahahahahaha! Love that!

Good job! You grew some girlballs! And who is bullying you? Give me names and I'll take care of them. *wink, wink*
Wow! You made this look easy ~ thanks for sharing!
Miss Angie said…
You are adorable! Also, I was just as scared!!!!!! It was crazy!
Mamarazzi said…
i watched this in my reader when you posted it last week (you are super rad for posting on time by the way). i love your pigtails. i am 40 now and i can still rock some pigtails!!

thanks for sticking this back up on your blog...makes me happy!

i kinda hate my house i get not wanting to show a favorite room.
Shawn said…
I haven't watched your video yet, before I do I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you for doing this and that I love you!

Off to watch and listen.

Oh, and for the record I smack before and after each sentence!
Mrs. Match said…
I was peer pressured too! You did great. I was so nervous I had to have my sippy cup of wine with me the whole time.

You have a fine voice. We say all our words the same. California got to you too didn't it? I had to forgo my pop saying ways too.
Shawn said…
I did not bully you!

I think you're precious and I see no extra chins!

I think we sound the accent for either one of us. Oh, wait we do say apricot differently.

Ladies & Gentlemen, you're so official!

I love "the power" how true is that?!!?

Thanks for playing, I know you were nervous but you did fabulous! were supposed to add that to your list so I could learn how to say it properly!
I make a smacking sound too, except that i didn't really hear yours. You look adorable in your pig tails! I love your voice and I am even more jealous that MiMi got to meet you. :(

I love that you call the remote The Power. So true.
Unknown said…
The POWER??? Love it!!!

How sweet that you automatically thought of "Ladies & Gentlemen"...mine was "Hi Y'all!!"

So FUN to hear your voice!!!!!

Macey said…
I didn't notice a smacking sound...?!
I love you the most!!!
And you do your grocery shopping at Macey's!!!!
Amy said…
You're so pretty!! You presented yourself really well on camera, it was fun to hear how you say everything. I have never heard of june bug before, how interesting :)
Amy said…
I like your voice. But I hate my own, so I guess we are all our own worst critics.

You did great and you look awesome!
Myya said…
You don't like your voice??? I mean I hate mine too so I understand but seriously you have a really nice voice! YOu sound so professional actually. I do the smacking thing before my sentences too. & I love love LOOOVE your hair so cute. And your earrings... you totally look put together, I am super jealous that you look so put together. You are seriously really adorable!
Unknown said…
I love your Vlog! I like hearing your voice! And, I love that you had at least heard it called a Pill Bug. I thought I was the only one!

I'm checking everyone's vlogs while I'm waiting for mine to load, so watch for mine! You're awesome and thanks for being so brave!
Alicia said…
You are so freaking cute!
Oh my goodness, Xazmin, you are beautiful! I ♥ LOVE ♥ Vlogs {not my own, I've never done one}, but others are so fun to watch. This one was GREAT!
Kate said…
I enjoyed watching. You have a nice voice and shouldn't be self conscious at all!

The power cracked me up!! Who usually gets the power? I hope you. :)
Jenn said…
I love the pigtails! You did great! :) You looked really relaxed! haha, love 'the power.' My husband would love that!
Sami said…
I love you, Xazmin! You're so good to play along, so that we can all feel like we're finally playing with the cool kids...
jennykate77 said…
You're like a professional vlogger! Seriously! I love your're so adorable! I love you. Wish we could sit on the couch and chit chat.

We say a lot of the same words! I thought there might be some differences, but not really.

P.S. Your pigtails are SO cute!
Unknown said…
Ahh, you're too cute! I love your voice. Nothing wrong with it.
This has been super fun going around. I did mine late, so yeah. Thanks for doing it! Too cute!
A couple of years ago I read a post of yours about SYTYCD. You got me hooked. For some reason I never wandered back to your blog. Here I am now. Following!

I *think* that was you. Wouldn't that be a little awkward if it wasn't? Haha!

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