It's that time of week again! Time to link up with the ever-fabulous Mamarazzi and share some happy!
Having nice enough weather that we could take Monkey to the park this week definitely brought some happy.

Having this girl all to myself while the other kids are at school has made this a very happy year. This week we've had lots of time vegging on the couch while we recover from the Portland Plague together.

I'm happy to have my other 3 children involved in things that enrich their lives, and help them develop their talents. Currently we have Cowgirl and Pixie starting spring soccer. Cowgirl is excelling at her piano lessons, and Pixie is getting ready to start. Bookworm is continuing to develop his talent with the violin. He has a big state-wide Junior Concerto/Solo Federation that he is performing in next Saturday. He will be judged, and is very nervous! He also was selected to be on the graphic design team that is designing the T-shirts for our school's Pedal's for Hope bike-riders this year.
My hot pink glitter toes make me happy. Can't wait to be able to wear footwear that shows them off all the time!

Being surrounded by beautiful mountains makes me all kinds of happy. I love that I can look in pretty much any direction and be greeted with a sight like this:

What makes you happy? Head on over to Mama's and link up!

Love you glitter toes. Hope you continue to have good weather so that you can show them off!
And I love the hot pink glittery toe nails.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Nothing beats freshly painted toes and those Mountains are just gorgeous! I couldn't handle the cold that goes with them though.
I'm happy that we're all getting well again!
Your kids are freakin' talented. I don't have mine signed up for anything!
That speaks more to MY laziness than their lack of talent. LOL
Your children are very talented, enjoy them
Thanks for sharing
I can't wait till I get down to one kid at home. Wait, who am I kidding. I can't wait until ALL my kids are in school!
Warm weather is a blast! We've had it too and have loved playing outside! Bring it on spring! I'm waiting for you!!
Pink glitter toes make me happy too! Can you come paint mine? Kthanks.
YOUR mountains are aaahhhhhMAZING!
Glad you're starting to feel better! I can't wait until next year when it'll be just Boo and I at home. I don't even remember what it's like to have only one kid at home...
What'll I do with myself?