I confess:

I stayed up last night watching Ion Television's late night movie. It was Superman.
Despite the very dated looking special effects - I still really loved it.
And I still really love Christopher Reeve.
I confess:
I am sitting here on the computer refreshing the Ticketmaster page every 5 minutes so I can be first in line when Taylor Swift tickets go on sale.
I think Taylor Swift is a mediocre singer. But I think she is a great songwriter, and a good role-model.
I don't have the money for concert tickets right now. But she is coming to town 2 days before Cowgirl's birthday.
I confess:
It snowed again last night, and I am marginally depressed. I have absolutely no motivation to get anything done around my house that needs doing.
I confess:
I have eaten like crap since returning from Portland. I just can't seem to get back with the program.
I confess:
I am not nearly as outraged as the rest of the country by last nights AI results.
Pia has a beautiful voice. But she bores me.
I confess:
I am furious that I still cannot change the font/size/color of the text in my posts.
When I do, it LOOKS like it is changed while I'm composing the post. But once I hit "publish" it reverts back to this same size and color. Can ANYONE help me figure out how to fix this?
I confess:
I haven't really done any great blog posts this week, but I'm still going to link up a post to Amanda's Weekend Bloggy Reading. Because I want to gain another entry into this giveaway.
Pretty selfish of me, eh?
That's all for today - but if you have some confessions of your own, click the button and go link up!

I like Taylor Swift and that's something coming from a non-country listener.
Someone else was having trouble with their font and colors. Just blame blogger.
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend~
My home is in need of some cleaning, but I think I'll be outside enjoying the only warm sunny day we'll have for the next week. Rain, rain, go away! And stay away! LOL!
On the other hand good luck with the tickets..it's possible! I just bought Selena Gomez tickets for my daughter and I last Friday the minute they came on sale doing the same thing refreshing the Ticketmaster page...we got row 13 on the floor. Can't complain!! ;)
Pia went home?! I can't believe it! I'm not outraged at all, she bored the crap outta me!
HAHAHA. I'm a jerk, but she'll do fine on her own.
What else...oh, Taylor Swift. Ugh. But I can see why you want the tix.
I added a giveaway on TnT to my post for entries cuz I wanna win movie tix. Does that mean I suck?
I don't know about the font/size/color thing...I mean if it looks changed when you do it I don't know why it doesn't stay that way.
I'm bored. Are you? I hate the weather. Although the sun is shining right now!
Snow here too. :( Bleh!
Totally agree about AI. The talent is great this year...I think this week's performance was fantastic!!!
Have a great weekend!
Taylor Swift... I kinda like her. I am not a country girl but I do like her... and Carrie Underwood.
You are gonna be a happy happy Cowgirl!
Pia was ok. Didn't love her didn't hate her. She will definitely do ok, she can SANG. Maybe JLo with take her under her wing. She seemed to LOOOVE her.
I have the same issues with my font sometimes. IT SUCKS! Not sure what to do to fix it though??? I am tyring to figure out how to download new fonts & add them into my HTML... not that I have any idea what they heck I would be doing but I am going to give it a shot.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who wasn't completely torn up about Pia's dismissal from AI. I'm with ya. She has an amazing voice, but she's boring!
Taylor Swift cannot sing, well she's 100% better than me but that's still not saying much, but she is a very talented young lady who I think is a fabulous entertainer and a great roll model. I hope you get your tickets!
Blogger is being a jerk lately. Perhaps it has its period.