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check and check, and Dear Someone's

Babysitter? Check.

Claret and Cobalt hair flares? Check.

Appropriate team apparel? Check.

Tickets to the biggest soccer match in the history of not only the state of Utah, but the entire US league? Check and CHECK!!!

I know this means little to most of you...but I am so freaking excited I can't even stand it! I don't think I've been this excited for an event since NKOTB reunited and Tanielle and I went to their concert! It is seriously going to be the BEST date night ever!

Tonight my boys take on Monterrey, Mexico in the Final leg of the CONCACAF (Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football) Champions league tournament. It is history in the making. RSL is representing the entire league tonight. No U.S. team has ever made it this far, and if we take the trophy tonight, we will be the first U.S. team EVER to play in the FIFA Club World Cup.

Updated: This video seriously gave me chills.

In conclusion I would like to pen (keyboard) a few open letters.

Dear Utah Weather,

For the first time this year, I welcome your cruel sense of humor. Yesterday I took great satisfaction in the fact that Club Monterrey flew in from the Mexican heat to be greeted by snow, sleet, and rain. And that they had their training day in 35 degree weather. That was wet. And cold. I wouldn't even mind sitting in cold wet weather tonight, if it means I get to watch them have to play against our boys who are conditioned to play in such weather. It would be great fun.


Dear Thomas,

Thank you so much for hooking hubby and I up with tickets to tonight's match, when they weren't on sale to the public, and only you season ticket holders had access to purchasing them. I've seen the $20 seats (which you purchased for us and charged us $20 for) listed online for up to $250 each. We really appreciate it!


Dear Mexicans who live in Utah, U.S.A.,who have lived here for years, taken advantage of the wonderful opportunities and better life our country and our state have to offer, yet are still coming to the match tonight and cheering for Mexico,

You. Piss. Me. Off.

Mexican American who has her loyalties in the right place.

Dear RSL boys (especially CW),

Can't wait to see you tonight and watch you kick some Monterrey butt!

Love Always,
Your biggest fan.


Macey said…
I'm jealous of your hair flair.
The mexican american letter cracks me up!!! LOL
I'm excited for you cuz I know how excited you are!!
Shawn said…
My girls are getting feathers in their hair this weekend, so very trendy!

I love your passion for your sport and team! And those letters, especially "Dear Mexicans who"...are priceless!
Unknown said…
Have fun tonight! And go RSL!!
Bwahahaa...your letter to Mexican Americans made me laugh so hard. At you're honest with them, right?! :)
Alicia said…
I am so going to be glued to my TV tonight. GO RSL!!!!!!!!
shortmama said…
I cant even tell you how much I love the Dear Mexicans letter! Seriously LOVE
Emmy said…
Good luck to your team tonight! And the snow is pretty funny in this case. Loved all your lettersand glad your loyalties are in the right place
Love your hair flair....and your post it was cute!
Myya said…
Your hair flair is awesome, I want me some of those!!!

YAY, I hope that you had the BESTEST time evvvah!!! Can't wait to hear ALL ABOUT IT!!! :)
Your Mexican? Cool! I think I was meant to be Mexican because I love Mexican food so much. I'm Scottish. I don't think they eat anything good. HA!

I think your love of soccer is great. I love football, you love soccer. I love cinnamon rolls and pancakes and you don't like either. Oh well. I love ya anyway!
Mamarazzi said…
hair flair = awesome!

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