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10 things to smile about

I know I'm a little late to the party - but I really miss blogging!  So I'm squeezin' in a post before it's time to pick the kiddos up from school!

I'm linking up with 2 parties today - check the buttons at the bottom.

Ten things to smile about:

1 - One more week until school is out for summer!  It has been a loooooong year!  I'm excited for that first morning of NOT setting the alarm!  Also, really excited to spend some fun time with my kiddos.  The school year is so hectic, and it will be nice to relax a little!

2 - Freedom.  I am so grateful for the privilege of living in this country.  And humbled by the great sacrifice of those who gave all to defend my freedoms.  We spent part of our day yesterday attending a Memorial Day tribute put on by our city.  There were touching words spoken, beautiful songs performed, the reading of the names of those from our state who have given the ultimate sacrifice since last Memorial day, along with a 21 gun salute.  It is so very important to me that I teach my children what this day is all about.  That it isn't about a day off school or work, or BBQ's and camping, or getting extra stuff done around the house..  It's not even just about putting flowers on graves.  I want them to feel that reverence and gratitude for those who have laid down their lives so that they and I are able to live the privileged life that we enjoy.

3 - My spunky little Monkey is graduating from pre-school tonight.  She is my baby and it is hard for me to accept that she is going to go to REAL school next year!  Sniffle, sniffle.  But seeing her grow and be excited to start school brings a smile to my face!

4 - Cowgirl's celebration of learning is tomorrow night.  They have been studying the American Revolution.  They wrote and submitted scripts for a play about the Revolution, and Cowgirl's was the one chosen to be performed!  Can't wait to see it!

5 - Pixie's celebration of learning is Thursday night!  They have been studying the Navajo.  They are presenting a Navajo museum, and have been creating artifacts to display.  Super excited to see their work!

6 - Bookworm was elected to the Student Council.  I'm trying REALLY hard to smile about this one!  I am proud of him.  But he is already doing SO MUCH...I'm afraid he's gonna get burned out.  And I KNOW I am!

7 - Sunshine.  It was pretty gloomy and cold the past several days, but the weather has turned beautiful, sunny and warm and I just want to go play outside!

8 - Celebrating the joy of wonderful news for good friends.  I have a couple of friends who have recently received happy news pertaining to their families, and I LOVE that they are so happy!

9 - Bookworm and his friends hanging out over the weekend.  Watching them and listening to them, and giving them a hard time really made me smile.

10 - And the biggest thing to smile about at the moment is that in less than 3 weeks, I will be hanging out in REAL life with Amanda (shortmama - no longer blogging), Myya, and Macey!  I love these girls, and cannot wait to have them and their fun families in our home, creating awesome summer memories.  I get giddy when I think about it.  And an ADDED bonus to their visit, is that we will be spending a day with Sami, Evelyn and their families.  It's going to SO be a day to remember!

Sorry this is really long with no pictures - but I am too lazy to find some to post because it's almost time to go!

Linking up here:


Vivian said…
I am so excited for the kids to be off, too. However, with this track system we are on, I think the fun and the sleeping in won't last :(
I really like all your 10 things. I should work on a list like that every day and maybe I wouldn't complain about my day so much (ha!)
Emmy said…
How awesome that you get to hang out with all those ladies! That will be so fun.
And good for you for teaching your kids the real meaning of Memorial Day.

And what do you mean late- it is still Tuesday and not even dinner time yet- you are totally on time!

We are already in summer break and yes, the easy mornings are wonderful

Thank you so much for linking up
Rebecca said…
great list and congrats to bookworm we have 8 days left of school and three of those are only half days
Your list makes me smile! I love number 2. Well said.

Does #8 include me? I bet it does. You're a good friend like that. xoxo

I'll be so jealous of the meet up. I want frequent texts with blackmail pictures. ok?

Thanks for linking up with us! We love you!
SupermomToki said…
So much in life to smile about. Right now, I'm all for not setting the alarm clock. Hoorraayyy!!!
It was delightful to hear from you. Sounds like you have a busy life going on right now....have fun with the girls.
Hey girl, I was just thinking about you! Hope you are doing OK! :)

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