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Dollar Tree Rocks!

Don't ya just love the dollar store? We just got back from a little family excursion (minus husband). The kids each got to take one of their dollars and pick something out. This is like the best thing ever, because we don't let them spend their money very often...we make 'em save it!

Cowgirl was super excited, because she has been looking for a hula hoop ALL. SUMMER. LONG! They are always sold out whenever we are at any store that carries them. Anyway...we go down the first aisle at the DT and whadayaknow? There's a whole big box of hula hoops in various colors and sizes! She keeps telling everyone it was a miracle from Heaven!

Pixie found a lovely (not) bright orange hair piece connected to a headband. It even has long sparkly strands of tinsel throughout! She looks well...there are no words.

Monkey picked a fabulous pair of plastic glass slippers, with a huge beautiful bow and jewel in the middle. She put them on imediately upon walking into our house!

Bookworm spent his dollar on....wait for it... a freakin' package of Red Vines! Yes, I'm serious.

But enough about them. What you really want to know is what I found, right? I thought so.

Look at all these goodies I found for the projects I have in mind for Heidi's Monthly Craft Challenge, and also my Fall giveaway.

I've decided to put together a bundle of fall themed items, hand made. By me. For you. How does that sound? I'll be revealing the package and announcing my giveaway when I link up my project to Heidi's party on October 1, so make sure to stop by and see what's in store!

Look at these! I nearly squealed out loud when I saw these beauties ...a 10 pack. They're HUGE, and delicately thin, and gorgeous! I'm not sure exactly how I'll use them, but I have some ideas a churnin'!

How about you? Do you love the Dollar Tree? What treasures have you found there?


Rachelle said…
Oooh! I love Dollar Tree, my husband cringes every time I say that name out loud. Can't wait to see what you make! And those leaves look awesome!

P.S. You are so sweet to come by my blog and leave cute comments! Thanks!
Amy said…
I have to go and check out what mine my have. I want to do some fun stuff.
Shawn said…
I would love a day pass inside your creative head!

The only thing I like about our Dollar Tree is leaving! It's nasty!
Jenny said…
LOL about Shawn's comment! That's how I remember those stores, however I went to one not too long ago and found some great school stuff. It wasn't gross at all. Hopefully, they've made some improvements over the years!
shortmama said…
Im so jealous! There arent any Dollar Trees nearby but I am gonna have to see where the closest one is that I can pop into next time Im in the city.

Love the fall/Halloween look, I almost didnt know what blog I was on!
Emily said…
LOVE the Dollar store!!! Can't wait to see what you make!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Tiffany said…
The dollar store, ROCKS!!! I can never go in there and NOT spend money, but I can't wait to see what you make!!!
Katie Lane said…
I never go to the dollar store. It's always so packed you can't walk. But congrats on your finds :)
Tiffany said…
Thanks for the comments, and thanks for keeping me in your prayers concerning my lap band! It's a HUGE decision that we've thought long and hard on. After much discussion and prayer, our Heavenly Father has given us the answer and we know that this is the right path for me! You are way to SWEET!!! I just love you blog by the way!
J'adore The Dollar Tree!!! I find the best stuff there. :) I need to go and see if they have any pumpkins, and I LOVE the pretty leaves you got.
Can't wait to see what creative fall things you come up with! Sounds like your trip to the DT was very, very successful! (Any video of the hula-hooper to post??!!)
Emmy said…
The dollar tree is the best! We always go there before long road trips and I buy several little presents that I will give out during the trip.
Did you know they have batteries there? Sometimes they will have an 8 pack of AA's!! Now that is a deal.
Macey said…
Love love love the Dollar Tree!
I have found so many goodies there!
We used to decorate our desks at work and I got all my stuff for the holidays at DT! I once got this fall leaf garlant, it's so cool, I still have it!
Or this one time I got all these stickers and stuff like scrapbooking paper and everything and this one time...well, I should stop. But, seriously, this one time I got these air fresherner thingies and they smell SO good.
And the boys LOVE getting to spend a dollar on whatever they want! Sometimes they have good books for a buck too! And everytime I go there I call my mom and tell her what I got and I always say, "and it was only a buck!" like she doesn't know the DT is only a buck. Duh.
Jenny-Jenny said…
I LOVE trips like that! The kids have the adventure and challenge of figuring out how to spend their dollar and you get to have an outing for less than $10.
Macey said…
Okay, comments need spell check. I got GARLAND and air FRESHENERS.
Hey I like your new background. I was lost for a minute. I am so used to seeing the other. I too like the dollar store sometimes. They do have some cool treasures once in awhile. I am excited to see what you make. How do I enter to win the giveaway? I would love to win something made by you!
Melissa Miller said…
Thanks for your sweet visit today my friend! You're always welcome!
Everything is going great here and I hope for you all as well.

You are found some good buys! I need to stop by our Dollar Tree soon.

Have a wonderful Labor Day.
~Melissa :)
Koko said…
I love going to the dollar store and finding treasures. There's a place called "Honk", I think, that even has 77 cent Tuesdays in Provo. haha I recommend it to guys for dates when they're asking me for advice on something to and fun...give eachother a couple of bucks and then get something for the other person. My sister even did this with her husband and it was HILARIOUS!
Christie said…
I LOVE Dollar Tree and your blog. =) I have "splashed" it with an award if you want to check the details from my post:
Nice loot! As far as the DT goes, I fit in with the kids. Still not sure what I'd have spent my dollar on, but you can bet it would have been one of the things those fabulous kids picked out. Sparkles and hoops and candy, oh my!
I LOVE DOLLAR TREE......Just blog hopping tonight and enjoyed your blog.
Hope you will stop by and visit my new Christmas blog. There is a great giveaway this week.
Unknown said…
I went to Dollar Tree today for the first time. It was absolutely amazing! Spent $15 and got the best stuff - a lot to revamp using the Podge :D
April said…
I HEART Dollar Tree (seriously), I go there once a week and always spend at least a couple dollars. I have only been blogging about a month or so and I have already blogged about the Dollar Tree a few times. I like all the stuff you came up with...I adore crafty people!!!

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