Avoiding the housework and linking up!

This week's questions come from Mamarazzi - and here we go!
{1} What is for dinner tonight (bonus for sharing the recipe)?
I'm thinking tacos. Recipe? It's sorta top secret, but for you guys, I'll share:
{2} Share something you are currently looking forward to.
I am SOOOOO looking forward to the beginning of the 2012 Major League Soccer season. More particularly the beginning of ReAL Salt Lake's 2012 season. It starts on March 10, and the season HOME opener which I am going to with my awesome husband is March 17th! Cannot WAIT!!
Isn't Chris Wingert so much hotter than David Beckham, Myya?
{3} What are your thoughts on re-gifting?
Ummm, I'm not going to say I haven't done it before. Is that so tacky?
{4} How often do you rearrange your furniture?
Very rarely. I have a TV mounted on one wall and a fireplace on another. It sort of limits my options for doing too much rearranging. Boo. :(
Pixie made this miniature snowman with the little bit of snow we got for the first snow of the season.
And there you have it. If you'd like to play along head on over to one of the WWTK hosts: Mamarazzi, Queso, and Crazymama.

I know, I know. I'm so good to y'all.
{5} Share a picture from your cellphone or camera.
thanks for sharing your top secret taco recipe :P
and no, it is not tacky. pass along to someone who will love it.
thanks for linking up my friend!
I've never been into soccer, but seeing that photo just might change my mind. Hmmm...
Very cute snowman. Our snow here has not been the kind that will stick together well enough to make a snowman.
Cute snowman!!
We re-gifted once. But it was a super nice present. Doesn't that count? We got an expensive juicer from a friend as a wedding present and we never even opened it because we're so not "juicer" type people. So I gave it to another friend at her wedding shower. She loved it. Or maybe she didn't...who knows. Maybe she re-gifted it.
Yes Xaz MUCH hotter! Ahhh how I love you for always thinking of me when you post HOTTT pics of your boyfriend :)
I never rearrange either. Booo!
LOOOOVE the snowman. So stinkin cute!
I'm not much into soccer, but baseball's coming soon and I can't wait for that!
I like hot athletes. Is that tacky?
I've regifted before but only if I think that the person will like it. I've received gifts that go straight to the trash. I know! I'm horrible!
I've lived in this house for 3 years and the furniture has NEVER moved. HA!